skinnyana0110-blog · 4 years
I'm really happy with myself today, I've been having really bad hunger pain all day and I've been so tired and drowsy to the point where I almost fainted twice. Still I managed to stop myself from binging and only had 1 meal which was a little higher in calories than usual (around 700 cals) but I felt like i needed it otherwise i would've collapsed. I went for a 5k walk, did 1.5 hours of dancing and been doing a few different exercises throughout the day. I lost 2lbs since yesterday so that gave me so much motivation. I'm so proud of myself!
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skinnyana0110-blog · 4 years
I'm so fucking hungry. Why am I like this? 😭😭 16 more hours to go
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skinnyana0110-blog · 4 years
Ok so I'm super fucking proud of myself today. For dinner my mother cooked a few foods that I usually binge on so I was petrified to have it, especially because today I have been a lot more hungry than usual so i wasn't sure if i could control myself but I did! I managed to eat as little as possible without my parents noticing and I stopped myself from eating loads and loads like I usually would with those foods. I still feel like I had a few more calories than I would've liked but not to the point where I would've been taken out of a calorie deficit. I can easily make up for it by cutting my calories a little less tomorrow and adding in another workout but I feel like this is a really big achievement for me. I might finally reach my GW without completely derailing myself through binging. Whoop whoop!
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