skinnytight · 6 years
“Eat pretty. Small sizes. A few bits. Many successes. Stay silent. Get skinny. Be damaged. But it’s worth it.”
— Fat to skinny (via hopingthin)
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skinnytight · 6 years
Don’t fucking tell me it’s a coincidence that the more weight I lose
The more compliments I get
The cuter clothes I wear
The happier I am
The more friends I have
The more guys look at me
The clearer skin I have
The nicer my sister is to me.
Or maybe life is just better when you’re t h i n
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skinnytight · 6 years
everyone: one slice of pizza won’t make you fat just like one salad won’t make you skinny.
ed community: wrong though, both make you fat.
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skinnytight · 6 years
When I started losing weight I could easily eat 1700 calories with no problem
I found out 1500 was recommended for weightloss, so that became my intake
There was a time when I was proud to eat 1000 calories and now I’m ashamed if I eat even 900
500 calories used to be too low for me now it’s a cheat day.
100 calories seemed normal for a snack now it’s a days worth of food.
I wonder how long until I hit 50, how long until 20 is a binge, how long until 0 is too much.
If 1500 is a binge then what is healthy?
Calories are no longer a measure of energy from food, they are a measure of my worth and if today has been a “good” day.
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skinnytight · 6 years
she was so thin here
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skinnytight · 6 years
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Water reminder~ stay safe 💙
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skinnytight · 6 years
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skinnytight · 6 years
You literally cannot gain weight eating 1200 calories pass it on
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skinnytight · 6 years
i think the scariest thing is that i physically can’t eat like a normal person. I’m either eating way too much or way too little. There is no “normal” anymore.
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skinnytight · 6 years
me every single day of my life
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me when I see the psychiatrist
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skinnytight · 6 years
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like/reblog if you save
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skinnytight · 6 years
nothing and I mean NOTHING makes me as happy as weight loss
and that means that I AM THE ONLY ONE who can make myself truly happy. Not depending on others is a great thing 
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skinnytight · 6 years
yall i just bought my prom dress and its in a medium!! i used to be a large!!
i really wanted small but i knew realistically i wouldnt get there in time bc of my stupid binging and failures
but medium is still good. the dress doesnt expose my legs so no one has to see my fatty thighs lmao
i just gotta work on my collarbones and my arms
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skinnytight · 6 years
Reblog to save a Muslim
As you probably know, Punish A Muslim day is coming up on the third of April. Any Muslim who lives in England is in danger so please stay home. Don’t send your children to school. DON’T GO OUT on the 3rd of April. My non Muslim friends, please reblog this, one of your followers could benefit from it.
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skinnytight · 6 years
Reblog to lose 10lbs by May 1st ❣
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skinnytight · 6 years
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To all uterus owners. Do you see that little part popping up? That’s never gonna go away. It’s your uterus. It’s an organ. Unless you remove it you’re never gonna not have that bump. So when you’re restricting or when you’re exercising don’t try to get it to go away. Stay safe!
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skinnytight · 6 years
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Don’t give up on your goals, I believe in you. 💕
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