skinnywannabebae · 5 years
So I’ve kind of come around to the realization that my mom has a really bad relationship with food too. She’s constantly dieting, doing juice cleanses etc. she watches My 600 Pound Life for “motivation” so literally now anytime she offers me food I just say something like oh I don’t need the carbs I’ll do a protein shake later and she not only accepts the answer she tells me I’m doing a good job at being healthy. No wonder I am the way I am.
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
i want to be dainty, i want to be fragile, i want to be delicate
i want my thighs to look like they shouldn't be able to hold me up; i want my wrists to seem snappable; i want to still feel my ribs when i sit down; i want the chains of necklaces to pool in my collarbones; i want to see every single bone in my hands and feet when i sit cross-legged or hold a pen; i want my shoulder blades to jut out with my every gesture.
i want to be dainty, i want to be delicate, i want to be fragile.
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
yesssss fuckkkk
yessssss i lost 3lbs over nighttttt
IM 17 LBS DOWN IN A WEEEK. since i was in binge fast cycle for like a 1 month
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
How to lose weight quickly
(Foolproof and works every time)
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
💫🎄rEBloG If You WANnA lOSe 15 lbs by ChRiStmas 🤪💫
Seriously reblog if you’ve been losing the same couple pounds the past months because you’re stuck in a fasting-restricting-binge-purge cycle.
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
r e b l o g (i f)
food consumes every thought
you feel heavy and just. so fucking disgusting.
you want to feel the hunger
gaining weight is one of your biggest fears
you want to be that friend who’s perfect
you just want it all to melt off right now.
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
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vlada @ antonio berardi ss07
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
*loses 5 pounds* I barely see any change
*gains 1 pound* wow I look fatter than ever
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
What people think an eating disorder is:
~going straight into fasting for 3 days
~gets up from the table to go purge without anyone noticing or hearing
~runs at night without parents knowing
~it only takes a week for you to get skinny
~you are not tired
~you don’t eat at all
~you exercise for 1 hour a day
~grades stay high
-take your vitamins sweet pea
-parents don’t ask you to eat
-cute outfits
-goes to inpatient and comes out cured
-eats 1 grape a day
~paints nails and smiles
~friends love and support you
~goes out and eats a piece of celery and nobody cares
What an eating disorder really is like
~looking in the mirror and saying you are going fast but never do
~waiting till everyone is away/asleep or you are in the shower to purge
~leaving bags of vomit under your bed
~running in place whenever you can
~staying up late looking at thinspo and crying wish you looked like that
~fasting for 24 hours then BINGING ON 4,000 calories
~grades fall
~everything is secrets secrets secrets
~getting high
~melatonin 24/7
~green tea Diet Coke water
~you sometime spend all of your time exercising and exercising and then gain a pound
~punching your stomach,pinching your thighs, and biting you arms in the the mirror because you are fat
~binge binge binge purge
~purge purge binge
~black tea green tea mint tea
~“sorry cant make it to dinner”
~binges late at night
~weird fucking cravings
~either takes 1000 showers a day or takes one once a week
~HUGE sweatshirts
~goes to inpatient and then goes back because you still don’t know how to eat
~purges 1 grape
~baggy clothes
~paints nails over and over because you don’t want to eat and the smell is disgusting
~biting off your nails
~freaking out over 200 calories but then eats over 1000
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
weight loss spell !!
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like to charge, reblog to cast
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
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okay yes
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
All I want is to be dangerously underweight without losing my hair, friends or sanity! Is that too much to ask?
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
so fucking weird how this all works
one moment i’ll think “fuck this I’m starving for the rest of my life. This is shit. Everybody is shit. Life’s shit. Fuck everybody and everything”
the next I’ll think that I probably should eat more fruity pebbles 
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
Feeling really sick right now. I had very low energy when exercising and I almost cried cause I have never felt so weak and tired from exercising before. I burned off all the calories I had tho. I’m at -4 calories. I was so close to quitting and just calling it a day but I’m glad I was able to push threw and burn them off.
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skinnywannabebae · 5 years
Reblog if
- You’re not the perfect ana/mia/ed sufferer
- You’re a healthy weight
- You’re overweight
- You’re underweight and still not satisfied
- You don’t have flawless skin
- You procrastinate relentlessly
- You fast all day only to fuck up and eat dinner and lunch in ten minutes flat
- You probably don’t drink enough water
- You don’t like tea
- You don’t get enough sleep
- You know deep down that even when you reach your GW you’re still going to want to stop existing
Everyone on this site is so perfect
I’m sick of feeling alone
And I bet I’m not the only one
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