skwishigrem · 8 months
You guys want to play a game? REBLOG and put in the tags why you follow this person
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skwishigrem · 9 months
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Respectfully, Temple is judging you
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skwishigrem · 9 months
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Sleepy Camilla to ring in the new year
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skwishigrem · 9 months
from now on, whenever you see an art style you wish you had, instead of going "oh I WISH I could, I want ALL the art styles and yet I am CONFINED to only ONE, and anyway I am not GOOD enough to do that one!!!", repeat after me: "ooh, I wanna try that later."
like, yes, yearning feels Passionate and Artistic and Emotionally Intense, and by going "I could never do that" you leave the art you love with a kind of Legendary Mystique--as if you are a child watching a magic trick.
but you can also switch your brain to "how did they do that" mode instead and play around with anything you want. you can learn the trick for yourself. and it may seem less dazzling afterwards, but that's the price you pay to make your own magic.
in short, basically, you can do whatever you want forever.
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skwishigrem · 10 months
vampire fussing and worriedly being like Did I take too much? while covered in your blood. absolutely sauced. and you get to just be on the verge of passing out smiling like Yeah👍 probably but it is so fine. cannot feel my fingers by the way
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skwishigrem · 10 months
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Kit, my PF2e rogue. I joke with the GM about his ~*mysterious past*~ lending to a darker sort of personality, but then he acts like a total happy-go-lucky dummy in actuality.
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(strongbad voice) "ya gotta have blue hair!"
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Quell, one of the party members, understands Aklo-- which happens to be the language that the tattoo on Kit's back is written in. Any time she catches a peek, she gets bits and pieces of what it says, but she's otherwise too timid to ask to see it full-on. It's fun.
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skwishigrem · 10 months
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Dominika, The Butcher
a vampire lord
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skwishigrem · 10 months
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Solstice, Twiggy, & Grave are mine. Candy belongs to a friend.
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skwishigrem · 1 year
I've been thinking about webcomics and content creating, and the differences therein.
The way I understand ~content creating~... it's generally done in a mode of performance for your audience. At the end of the day, I feel like the artist's art is a means to an end. There's nothing wrong with that-- it's awesome to get by on the thing you love-- but it can be draining.
Reason I goob about it is because the thought process has been changing how i handle drawing The Cherub House. I've been continually drawing episodes over time, in the background, until I'm mentally ready to start posting again. And I think, once I do, I might not have a set post schedule... and more of a "I'll post as I complete" sort of thing, to minimize stress on me, and maximize fun. I'm not 100% decided yet...
In the meantime, here are some rough sketches from the current episode I'm working on. Can you even read them? Sometimes I wonder if just because my brain can translate my roughs, if they're legible to anyone else, haha
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skwishigrem · 1 year
Another sketch, this one of Mia and Morgan. They would absolutely be gossip buddies.
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skwishigrem · 1 year
Been trying to pull myself out of this art block with some Cherub House character design refreshes. Here are a couple sketches, if you're interested.
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skwishigrem · 1 year
I rescaped the 5gal and got a few new plants!
Also, introducing...
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Caius! He stood out to me right away with his brilliant blues!
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Right away, he got around to exploring! Welcome home, Caius!
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skwishigrem · 1 year
“humans don’t do anything for free” somewhere out there there is a guy who spent days if not weeks of his life cataloguing every stupid thing you can do on stardew valley so that you can minmax the fuck out of growing potatoes on a pixel grid for quite literally no reason but that it might help someone else
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skwishigrem · 1 year
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I was thinking Jacky could have some sneaker bush fibers sewn into her usual blue poncho to hide her scent, but that's a conversation for another day. Her hair is making her neck look too long in that bottom one but I'm going to bed haha
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skwishigrem · 1 year
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goat to goat communication
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skwishigrem · 1 year
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mountain spirit
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skwishigrem · 1 year
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