skyfullofclarke · 7 years
Clarke waved at Aden as she walked into the office, shifting the bags in her hands until she found the one she'd labeled with an 'A'. It hadn't been that long that she'd felt comfortable enough to visit Lexa so freely, but eventually it had seemed silly to worry so much. Costia, at least, was welcome here, and it wasn't that strange for her to come in for lunch meetings about art, or whatever they could make up as an excuse. And in that time, it made sense to make... acquaintances, at least, with Lexa's assistant.
"I got a few cookies for you. I hope there's at least one of your favorites in there."
"Cookies?" Aden took the small bag and peeked in with a small smile. "What did I do to deserve these?"
"What would I do without your smiling face, Aden?" Clarke gave the boy (who still seemed way too young to have such a busy and important job) a small wink, then motioned towards the hall. "Is she available?"
"Yes. She had a small meeting, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind you going in as they finish up." Aden plucked a chocolate chip cookie out of the bag and waved her off as he took a bite. "Mmm... I'll let her know you're on your way."
Clarke chuckled softly at how excited he seemed about the treats and thanked him before heading towards Lexa's office. She adjusted her bags, then knocked gently before opening the door and keeping her professional demeanor. There had been other office workers here before, and she knew better than to be anything other than Costia in public.
"Ms. Woods?" Clarke said softly, then peeked her head in. Clarke didn't immediately see them, so she took a step in further, then suddenly paused.
That was not some random office worker here with Lexa. Clarke's eyes widened briefly, body tensing up, before she drew on the practice she'd had with Lexa to remain as much as she could in her Costia persona despite all evidence to the contrary.
"Oh, I'm... sorry." Clarke swallowed and hoped she sounded polite and not nervous. "Your assistant said you'd be finishing up. I can wait."
This wasn’t happening. And by this, Lexa meant the conversation between her and her half-sister. The prying, overcurious minx who had happened to notice way too much to Lexa’s liking, forcing her sister to build up frustration that she attempted to hide behind a cold stare.
“Don’t blame the boy, he has a brain, Lexa.”  Anya’s voice seemed way calmer than Lexa’s shaky one.
Lexa pursed her lips tightly and clenched her fist. Deep breaths, she reminded herself and relaxed the tense muscles before forcing herself to look at Anya properly.
“Look, I don’t know what kind of rumors you’re trying to perpetuate here, but you are taking Aden’s words out of context and assigning a new meaning to them. You’re spending too much time with that girl.” She didn’t know Raven that well, but the stories from both Clarke and Anya were enough for her to deduct that she was a bad influence on both. Lexa couldn’t wait to hear the theory she’d invent after hearing that Clarke had been visiting her office quite frequently, often spotting a bag filled with lunch or other meal of some sorts.
Anya merely snickered in response.
“That girl has a name, she’s not Voldemort.”
“Vold… what?” Lexa rose her eyebrow curiously, her fuming anger momentarily forgotten.
“Oh right, I forgot you were raised a bunch of decades ago.” Anya face palmed and walked towards her, placing both of her arms on Lexa’s shoulders, just to have her flinch uncomfortably under the touch.
“Lexa,” she mocked the defensive tone, her hold tightening ever so slightly. “You’re my sister and you need to understand that I don’t mean to do you any harm. I’m not out there to get you. I just want to support you before you turn into one of those fancy documents you spend whole days filling out. “
Lexa sighed, felling her sister’s grip lessen, almost as if she were trying to urge her to …hug? Perhaps. They were never really that physical with one another.
“I’m fine,” she said quietly. And in all truth she was. Sure, she wasn’t ready to tell anyone about Costia-slash-Clarke, but that didn’t mean she had been miserable this whole time.
“Ms Woods, you have a guest coming up in a moment,” Aden’s voice rang through intercom loudly. Lexa’s eyes widened comically. Anya could only smirk, already suspecting who would be joining their lovely conversation soon enough.
“Still sticking with that theory, sis?”
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
[ Clarke smiled a little and shook her head as Lexa turned away from her. She talked like she was middle-aged, not around the same age as her. Somehow, though, Lexa made it work. ]
I'll be sure to ask if I have any questions, then.
[ Clarke gave Lexa a small smile. Hearing her say it was a blessing made her appreciate being here all the more. Not everyone felt like that. Lexa was definitely living up to everything Clarke had fangirled she’d be. ]
I don’t think you’ll be stopping anytime soon anyway. I was just curious.
But of course, I’m always open to sharing my experiences with people who have yet to have the opportunities I’ve experienced in the past.
[ She agreed and reached for the door knob to pull the door back into the room they’ve been at the beginning. ]
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
[ Clarke gave Lexa a small smile. Hearing her say it was a blessing made her appreciate being here all the more. Not everyone felt like that. Lexa was definitely living up to everything Clarke had fangirled she'd be. ]
I don't think you'll be stopping anytime soon anyway. I was just curious.
[ Clarke furrowed her brow, trying to consider that. She walked with Lexa but was quiet for a bit. ]
Do you not want it to feel like a real job? What would you do if you didn’t act?
It is a real job. It just feels like… a blessing, I suppose. 
[ Lexa wondered for a moment. What would she do? ]
Honestly? I have no idea. I’ve been working for this most of my life. 
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
[ Clarke furrowed her brow, trying to consider that. She walked with Lexa but was quiet for a bit. ]
Do you not want it to feel like a real job? What would you do if you didn't act?
[ Clarke fiddled with the zipper on her jacket. ]
It’s hard to believe that it never feels real.
Maybe it will, one day. I don’t think I’d want to still be an actress once it does. 
[ Lexa shrugged lightly and began walking once again. ]
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
[ Clarke fiddled with the zipper on her jacket. ]
It's hard to believe that it never feels real.
You’ve… made it. I mean, you have people asking you to be in their productions now, don’t you? You don’t have to audition.
[ Clarke shrugged, trying for a disarming smile. She wasn’t trying to offend Lexa. ]
I would think that… it’s obvious to everyone that you deserve to be here.
[ Lexa shook her head, a small smile on her lips. ]
It doesn’t work quite like that. Yes, I did get an offer in this production and didn’t have to work through the whole process you’ve been through, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be thankful for the opportunity and take it for granted. 
Once you do, it’s no longer important. 
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
You've... made it. I mean, you have people asking you to be in their productions now, don't you? You don't have to audition.
[ Clarke shrugged, trying for a disarming smile. She wasn't trying to offend Lexa. ]
I would think that... it's obvious to everyone that you deserve to be here.
Really? You?
[ Clarke blinked and looked Lexa in surprise. ]
But you’re… you.
I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to imply here.
[ Lexa stated in a confused tone as she stopped midway to look at Clarke. ]
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
Really? You?
[ Clarke blinked and looked Lexa in surprise. ]
But you're... you.
[ Clarke looked down and smiled. ]
Yeah. I mean, I know that. I worked my ass off to get ready for the audition, and I’m going to keep working my ass off. It still just doesn’t feel real to me. You know?
That part never really changes. Which is a good thing, because if it did, you’d stop appreciating the chances you’re given.
[ Lexa agreed softly before taking a sip of her coffee.]
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
Indra’s amazing. I’ve always admired her work. 
[ Lexa nodded along, Her lips curling fondly at the thought of their producer. ]
You got here, because you deserve it. At least from what I could see so far. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, as long as you work hard and have talent to back it up. 
[ Clarke looked down and smiled. ]
Yeah. I mean, I know that. I worked my ass off to get ready for the audition, and I’m going to keep working my ass off. It still just doesn’t feel real to me. You know?
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
You’d be surprised. I, however found this project to be possibly a chance to show off that I am capable of playing in more action filled productions. 
[ Lexa nodded to herself, completely ignoring the part of her that was craving to represent a character that was at least that bit closer to herself. ]
[ Clarke bit the inside of her cheek, nodding slowly. There would be a lot of action involved. That reminded her of how much Gabrielle changed over the years.
Guess she'd have to get used to working out. The horror. ]
Yeah, plus the fact that Xena was a fairly high profile show with a built-in fanbase. I don't think it could possibly be a bad decision. Especially as an Indra production.
[ Clarke blinked, shaking her head and being reminded of her good fortune again. She laughed softly. ]
Fuck, how did I get here?
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
My manager wouldn't be putting me through hell for accepting this role if they weren’t going to do that. 
[ Lexa scoffed. A moment later her eyes widened as the realization what she had said hit her. ]
I mean, he’s a bit of an old homophobe not a fan of ‘ruining my reputation’. 
[ Clarke furrowed her brows, then looked at Lexa curiously. ]
Your manager thinks that Xena would ruin your reputation? I didn’t know there were still people so close-minded in the industry.
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
It would’ve taken away their chances at getting season two if that were the case. 
[ Lexa explained, tilting her head for a moment and wondering out loud. ]
Maybe they’ll change more than we expect. After all this is a huge opportunity and they know they won’t get us cancelled for the subtext. It’ll give people hope and make them feel normal. 
[ Clarke bit her lip. ]
They are going to move past subtext this time, aren't they? I guess I never really got any official notice of that, but I'm not sure how they could get away with rebooting Xena without it.
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
No, not really. I’ve only gotten as much of the script as you have. Considering the promotional point of view and our network, it shouldn’t take long though. It’s pretty clear they want to show what the original show couldn’t in those times. Even if their relationship was rather slow burn. 
[ Come to think of it, Xena didn’t put that much focus on romance in comparison to other shows. ]
[ Clarke bit her lip, not sure what she was feeling. It certainly wasn’t disappointment. ]
They didn’t really show the intentional subtext until after the first season, did they?
[ Definitely not disappointment. ]
I mean, it shouldn’t be the focus or anything, I was just curious. Girl power is still girl power.
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
You’re very kind to say that. 
[ Lexa looked at her for a moment, studying her. Would it be hard to act as if Clarke was her soulmate? She wasn’t that hard to look at and there was this warmth emitting from her, she made Lexa comfortable enough at least for now. Lexa nodded to herself. ]
We’ll make it work as well as it can. 
[ Clarke shrugged, then tried not to blush at the look Lexa was giving her. She took another sip of her coffee.
No fan-girling, Clarke. Stop that. ]
Do you have any idea when they’re going to start deviating from the original series?
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
Gabrielle helped her understand people better. She made her… human, for the lack of better word. Like you’ve said, they were clearly meant to meet one way or another. 
[ Lexa went silent for a moment. Could they really? ]
It’ll be a challenge.
[ Clarke nodded to herself, then looked over and gave Lexa a grin. ]
I think we have it in us. It won’t be hard to seem excited to meet you, at least.
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
Better from people’s perspective. But yet, ultimately it would be someone with more money. 
[ As she began walking Lexa let herself think about the answer for a moment. There were too many possible paths waiting for her. ]
Who knows? I can only assume her fling with the idea of being a heroine could’ve ended without someone to guide her through the right choices. 
[ Clarke considered that. ]
Do you think she would have relapsed? Because it was easier?
[ She paused. ]
They really did save each other, didn’t they? I hope we can do that justice.
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
Now that just found her a better buyer.  But yes, I meant more in her future adventures.
[ Lexa teased and took a step towards the door. ]
How about we take a walk before another hour of sitting a the table? 
[ Clarke gave Lexa an amused brow raise. ]
Not a better buyer, just a richer one. 
[ Clarke sipped at her coffee and nodded. ]
Yeah, that sounds good. Hey, what do you think Xena would have done if she hadn’t met Gabrielle?
[ She didn’t even realize she was drifting into fan territory. Who talked about possible alternate paths before the first episode had even been filmed? ]
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skyfullofclarke · 8 years
Which is a still by itself, though I believe that her good looks had to do with her survival as well. 
[ Lexa rose her eyebrow in question once she noticed Clarke’s expression. ]
[ Clarke laughed softly. ]
You know, when they met, she was on her way to being a slave, so I’m not sure if her looks were a good or bad thing.
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