skylarvc · 6 years
slice of tranquility || kannika & yeongsik
Kannika’s work room in the Veil’s headquarters was a sterile white cubby that looked and felt so much like an actual hospital room that it tended to make people a little uneasy. The assassin that she was patching up currently seemed to think so, at least, judging by the harsh furrow of their brows as they glanced around the room, avoiding her eyes as she patched them up. And she really did try to make the room seem less imposing, even resorting to some aroma therapy, the defuser tucked into the corner of the room expelling a mist of calming essential oils. If nothing else, the kind smile etched into her features as she worked would usually calm her members down enough that she could patch them up without a hitch. 
Her current patient’s wound wasn’t entirely too bad--- the side of their thigh had barely even been grazed by the bullet--- but it was better to be safe and get the wound cleaned and covered immediately rather than deal with the consequences later on. And so, with one final tuck of the bandage, Kannika offered her well wishes and sent them off, barely having time to pull off her blood covered rubber gloves and begin to clean her tools before she felt the presence of someone else enter the room, a figure hovering in the doorway. Though, a tiny smile tugged at the edges of her lips as she glanced over her shoulder, only to find a familiar face. 
“Yeongsik!” she greeted, all too happy to find that he’d ventured his way into her work space uninjured for once. “What are you doing here? No assignments at the moment?”
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skylarvc · 6 years
The Veil’s medic had been kind and patient enough to answer Haejin’s questions, so he had figured it was time to actually learn something practical from the woman. Other than a handful of medicines (and an excessive knowledge of poisons), the genie knew next to nothing about how one went about fixing a broken body. In return, the medic had been curious in his own knowledge, so they decided on an exchange of knowledge and information. And so Kannika had agreed to meet Haejin in The Veil headquarters and so he patiently waited.
Along with him, Haejin had brought his large toolbox of tools and materials, along with a bag of other random materials. String, pliers, bolts and nuts, a small blow torch, springs, all sorts of pieces were strewn out on the table. While he waited, Haejin pulled out his latest project to work on as he waited. A seemingly normal gun made to project tiny poison capsule darts was now held up before the genie’s eyes. His current goal was to extend the shooting distance of the gun without compromising the state of the darts. Too much force and the darts would break open prematurely.
“Maybe adding air propulsion? It might buffer the impact of the firing pin…” he mumbled to himself while carefully beginning the process of dismantling the gun so he could reanalyze the components. He was absorbed with this when Kannika joined him and seemed startled when he finally noticed her.
“Oh! Hi. Thanks for coming Kannika.”
Kannika’s evening class was running late, hindering her from doing much else with her time--- and normally she’d be more understanding, except for the fact that she’d made plans with Haejin, and for once she found herself genuinely excited to spend time with another person. The professor’s closing statements fell on deaf ears as she subtly packed her things below her desk, mind wandering to images of all the awe inducing gadgets she’d seen spread across the weapons tech’s work bench lately, piquing her interest now more than ever--- and could you blame her? Kannika was a scholar, a woman of knowledge, and so it was only natural that when she found something that she didn’t understand, she’d want to learn more about it.
The moment her professor signaled the end of the class period, the banshee had bolted from her seat and beat the rest of the students out the door, not bothering to stop by her dorm to drop off her things and instead making her way to the Veil HQ in record speed. She was breathing heavily by the time she made her way into the aforementioned building, dropping her backpack off by the door to her own workroom, but catching sight of her friend’s face in deep focus, she forced herself to quiet down, taking light footsteps as she inched closer, looking over his shoulder at all of the parts spread across his desk.
An amused smile spread across her lips as Haejin appeared to be startled by her presence, though her eyes held an apologetic glint. “No problem. Better late than never, yeah?” she offered as a form of apology before turning her attention back toward the work desk. “What’cha workin’ on?”
{ Meeting of Minds || Haejin&Kannika }
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skylarvc · 6 years
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[PREVIEW] 180520  ✦ Incheon Fansign
cr: sweet jackpot
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skylarvc · 6 years
all in good faith || kannika & jisung
The campus library was always so eerie this time of night, empty except for the few unlucky souls cramming for an exam, silent except for the sounds of books sliding into place on shelves as the night staff began reshelving the returns, and that was exactly how Kannika liked it. Her paranoia seemed to settle in these types of settings, allowing her to research freely without constantly looking over her shoulder in fear of catching someone seeing something that they shouldn’t. And she knew it didn’t mean as much here, to be caught with any ties to the supernatural, as it did back in her hometown, but she could never be too careful.
She’d almost forgotten that she’d invited Jisung to join her tonight until a body plopped into the chair next to hers, nearly causing her a heart attack as she jumped slightly, hands working quickly to trap her handwritten notes into the book in front of her, though all fright escaped her as she came face to face with her friend’s familiar smile. “Fuck, Jisungie,” she whined pathetically, drawing out the last syllable of his name. “Why’d you have to sneak up on me like that, huh?”
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skylarvc · 6 years
New world, new culture, new language. 
How Raul finds himself in different parts of the world always seems to be because something from every city he’s lived in calls out. Agdoeg was no different, however the call from there was nothing soft, it was like scream, An unknown source that told him this city was going to be the hardest he’d live in. But Raul wasn’t the type to run from danger or the unknown. Not anymore. He was not a young new witch anymore. He’s lived for 2 whole centuries, he’s learned a lot in his long life. 
The wise witch takes a look around the first floor of his new home. A mystical shop, covered in plants, crystals, jars and vials, a little of everything to turn a curious eye. The second floor was his own apartment, a place to sleep and watch over his new temple his abode. With a stoic face Raul was reading through one of the oldest books he owns. The first known dictionary of herbs and plants. This book was something special he carried with him every where he went, first bought when he was 16 years old. 
He was open for business and opened to learn his reason for being here. 
As Kannika stepped into the unfamiliar shop, she couldn’t help but feel a bit stupid, and there were so many reasons for that. One, she had no idea what almost anything that caught her eye was, what it was used for, how to utilize it--- and that bothered her. She was so used to being the expert, the most knowledgeable person in the room, never felt the need to ask for help or clarification. But part of that small feeling, she knew, was an ingrained prejudice that had been thrust upon her from such a young age--- anything mystical and otherworldly and unknown was bad, dangerous, something to distance yourself from. And of course that mindset came from years of abuse, from humans using that logic against her, assuming her something unnatural and unpredictable. She was still trying her best to unlearn these things, to surround herself in only positivity and support. 
And so that was how Kannika found herself here, now, in a seemingly new little herb shop somewhere farther into the city than she’d usually travel for supplies. She tended to stick to traditional medical practices and manufactured drugs, but now as she had a need to broaden her horizon and fill her knowledge with treatments for so many different species, something a little more... out there was exactly what she needed. And this shop had that potential for her, that much she was certain.
Wandering her way around a shelf stocked with glass jars filled with various plants, movement caught the corner of her eye and she realized that she’d made it to the front of the shop, a desk occupying the space before her. “Excuse me?” she called out after taking a deep breath, psyching herself up to do so. “I was wondering if you could direct me to the best herbs for healing purposes?”
New Home - self para
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