skylersh · 6 years
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(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) … (͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
Creí que mi Tableta había muerto pero.. bueh’ aun no. (?)
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skylersh · 6 years
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North likes leading ridiculous steps just to see if her boyfriend will follow them. You can’t change my mind.
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skylersh · 6 years
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PLAYING Detroit Become Human, Markus RK200 and North WR400 1/?
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skylersh · 6 years
Why do people hate North and her relationship with Markus so much?
The common complaints I see are that she’s bitchy, pessimistic, and is quick to violence but…
The chick was brought up as a sex slave and had to resort to murder to escape; said escape only left her the option to wait until she rots. You think most people with that kind of background would be a ray of sunshine? Most people can’t articulate their past abuse in any degree, so North being upset when asked about that in the first conversation is a pretty normal reaction not one that deserved hate.
I do get that her constant urging to attack can be annoying to people in the pacifist route, but you gotta remember that all the main Jericho androids represent one mindset towards humans and repeat their beliefs over and over. Her’s is just more revenge oriented because that gives you the option to choose the revolution. (So it’s really more repetitive writing at fault, her dialogue could have been made more flexible).
Now I’d be lying if I say the development of North and Markus’ relationship could have been more fleshed out, but you gotta consider that the desperation of their situation could easily make someone fall in love quickly. They fought side by side, Markus gave hope to everyone, especially her, and they did that android touch thing.
Markus converts androids to being part of his cause in literally seconds, regardless if they were being treated well or not. He even converts dozens at a time without even touching them.
But a three minute personal conversation followed by holding hands with Markus is too rushed? farfetched?
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skylersh · 6 years
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We talk like machines With moving parts and electric dreams Don’t know what it means But we’ll transform and rip our seams
          ⤷ We Talk Like Machines, Savoir Adore
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skylersh · 6 years
I don't think it can get anything more pathetic than this for ss
This was supposed to be a fanon joke
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Studio Pierrot made it canon. Sasuke’s back, but he doesn’t spend time at home…except for the occasional late night booty call. 
I mean, maybe this is what Sakura is into. Being ignored all day, then getting “attention” at night. It’s the ultimate tsundere kink. But really, I expected a little more from “all I want is family” Sasuke.
…At least Sasuke taught Sarada the fireball jutsu.
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skylersh · 6 years
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As a Sasuhina shipper I think they make a good married couple.  
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skylersh · 6 years
“Your mother just said to wait.”
a.k.a. Perfect for their official first interaction. 
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skylersh · 6 years
Where did Hinata go??
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skylersh · 6 years
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skylersh · 6 years
I cannot believe that this account https://antihisokarollin.tumblr.com/ was banned only after committing months of abuse , bullying , hate speech , homophobia ,suicide baiting ...who know how many victims they had...seriously what is wrong with tumblr ? why it took so long?
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skylersh · 6 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! 😄💜
So… I’m back! XD Whoa, have been a long time no post something here! I almost forget how write here 😢 But, that’s gonna change now. It’s been a lot of inconveniences with requests and those stuffs, but now I’m so full of energy that I did some of them and really liked the results XD
I really needed do something for my OTP, so… Here! 💜
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skylersh · 6 years
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skylersh · 6 years
haha I love your sarcasm ...this is exactly how ss shipers behave majority of them
Sasuke: *Breaths* 
SS shipper: Did you SEE that? DID YOU? He inhaled O2 AND exhaled CO2 at an approximately normal rate around s a k u r a which indicates that his mood was NOT necessarily negatively elevated, as would be demonstrated by an increased rate of respiration, and so he is most likely not angered by her presence which means he’s LITERALLY in love with her ohmygod sasusaku is GOALS when will i find the sasuke to my sakura
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skylersh · 6 years
This is great lol
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skylersh · 6 years
I think its good that sadosaku shippers are showing their true colors to Naruto animators and how annoying they are ...hopefully SekiBeing will get the word out to Kishimoto ,Ikemoto and pierrot so that they will finally make ss divorce forever because of how pesky ,immature and disrespectful ss shippers are ...although this is not surprising ...they have always been the most harassing , bullying , psychopathic fandom in Naruto ...show me who you ship so that I can show you who you are (in this case I'm talking about sakura , they are exactly like their self insert)
this artist drew the naruhina fanart in his own spare time because he likes it and he enjoys it ...how rude and completely disrespectful is to annoy and pester  somebody to draw something that he is not even a fan of just so that you could get your daily jerk off to it 
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skylersh · 6 years
they are like pest cockroaches i swear that's how they manipulated many talented artists to do fanarts for free in their favor 
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@mythicalheartbeat @unpopular-ship-queen the video wasn’t out for 2 minutes before SS stans started swarming this man’s IG
I might add more later and I’ll be watching his Twitter because I’m sure this is just the beginning.
Thanks @commanderkurama for the heads up
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