skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Heartfire, 5th, 4E 201---
I have just completed the Goldenglow job. Bryn said I needed to burn down some of the hives, I thought a torch would be too visible so I bought a flame spell from the Court Wizard here.
I have never quite grasped magic and I couldn't actually cast the spell, but luckily I managed to start the fires with the tiny flames protruding from my fingertips.
I cleared out the safe and on the plus side I only had to kill one guard. I'll return to the Guild for my reward and then head off to the Imperial camp in the Rift.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Heartfire, 4th, 4E 201---
I've been ordered to go to Riften to help take the hold for the Empire. Before I set off me and Inigo visited the Bards College. He sung some songs and he was the happiest I have seen him in a while. We talked some more about his past and the more he speaks about it, the more my heart breaks for him.
I arrived at Riften this morning by carriage, I think I will do that infiltration job for the Thieves Guild before I go and get my orders from Legate Rikka.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Heartfire, 3rd, 4E 201---
On my return we were immediately sent to the Stormcloak fort in the Pale. I learnt from the battle of Whiterun that position is everything so I quickly climbed the fort tower and took out the rebels from my vantage point.
The Pale is ours! To celebrate the victory I have bought a new dress and a necklace. I'm going up to the Castle to see General Tullius now to find out my next move.
I enjoy being in Solitude, it's warmer than most of the other holds and people are friendlier. I might visit the bards college with Inigo, he has mentioned it a few times on our travels.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Heartfire, 2nd, 4E 201---
I successfully delivered the document last night in some Stormcloak armor I had taken from a body, these Nords must love to drink as much as me because none of them even realized I was an elf. I went to the Tavern with Inigo and got changed into something a litle more.. Inspiring.
We chatted until the early hours of the morning. His parents were Khajiit and Argonian, how does that even work! Nevermind, I need to report back to the Legate for the next step of the plan to take the Pale.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Heartfire, 1st, 4E 201---
Getting the documents was as easy as I thought. The courier was a huge Nord man. I feel that by the end of the night I changed his mind about Skyrim being for the Nords. I'm more fun than any Nord woman on Tamriel. I almost felt bad putting an arrow in the back of his head as he left... Loose ends and all that.
I'm back to Legate Rikka with the documents but unfortunately it will be by foot as Wybie lost her footing and died. Maybe I am just not meant to have a Horse.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 31st, 4E 201---
I arrived at the Imperial Camp in the Pale on my new Horse Wybie, I have been ordered to deliver some false documents to the Stormcloak leader in Dawnstar but first I need to steal some from a Stormcloak messenger in an inn.
Im sure I can just seduce it from him, I've had enough violence over the last few days. Besides I've only really slept with Women recently, I could do with the touch of a man.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 30th, 4E 201---
The snow is the worst thing about Skyrim but I suppose I will have to get used to it. I have been ordered to go to the Pale, It is to the east of Solitude and has a miserable Capital called Dawnstar. I'm going to buy another horse and hopefully this one won't be killed.
On the bright side I bought a tiara and had my hair done at Radiant Raiments, so I am a very happy Elf.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 30th, 4E 201---
I ran into a bit of luck yesterday. It was quicker to walk up to Whiterun than it was to go back to Falkreath so I traveled back there. The East Empire shipping company has a small storage space just inside the gate and I "accidentally" took the money from it... I'm 7000 septims richer!
I decided I probably should hang around so I took the carriage to Solitude and I spent last night in the Tavern. Unfortunately nobody attractive was there so I went straight to bed.
I'm on my way to see General Tullius this morning to get my new orders.
I think I may go and buy myself a nice dress with the money I acquired if I see something I like.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 29th, 4E 201---
I found the great white deer easily and put an arrow between it's eyes, but when the body dropped, an ethereal one took it's place. It turned out to be the spirit of Hircine and tasked me with hunting the werewolf who originally put me on this trail.
Again, the offer seemed to fun to turn down. I followed the Werewolf into a cave at the northern tip of Falkreath.
When I got there there were a number of dead hunters so I knew I needed to tread carefully. Luckily the cave was open with lots of high up hiding places. A couple of well placed arrows took him down.
As a reward Hircine gave me an armor piece called the saviors hide and I have to admit that it makes my body look great! The only problem is the thick fur will probably put people off!
Still.. It'll be nice to put in my home. When I have one.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 28th, 4E 201---
I was speaking to some of the locals who told me that a man-beast killed there daughter and was held in the prison.
I couldn't help being curious about this so I went into the prison to speak to him, the man was a werewolf, a beast of Hircine.
I don't know much about the Deadra but I'm told he is the Prince of the Hunt. The man asked me to take his cursed ring to Hircine by hunting a great beast.
I don't care much for helping him but a hunt sure sounds fun, It makes me feel at home. I'm heading for the woods east of Falkreath to pick back up on the trail.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 28th, 4E 201---
I think it has been two days since my last entry. Pretty much as soon as I got back to Whiterun the rebels attacked. It was a great battle, they had war machines that catapulted balls of fire.
We won the battle but I am injured and weary. I took a carriage to Falkreath as I hear it is a great woodland. I think I may stay here for a few days before returning to Solitude.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 26th, 4E 201---
Phew! The meeting with Ulfric Stormcloak went well, and I have left unscathed. It looks like me is planning to march on Whiterun.. soon.
I don't like fighting in open battle but it sure beats being arrested and being dragged back to Valenwood. The sooner this is over the sooner I am free.
Back to Whiterun I go.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 26th, 4E 201---
On the request of the Jarl, I have travelled to Windhelm to deliver an axe to Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the rebellion.
The carriage driver told me about a Dunmer bar, I went there as surely they would be more welcoming than the Nords. Unfortunatley they didn't have any beds to rent, but fortunately the barman was very keen to let me sleep in his bed. It turned out to be a great night.
I am off to see Jarl Ulfric this morning. Hopefully I leave the Palace of Kings with my head on my shoulders.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 25th, 4E 201---
This is just too much for me to take in. When I returned to Dragonsreach a guard come with the news that a Dragon was attacking! For some reason the Jarl asked me to help, and before I knew it I was on the way to fight the beast! I don't know what came over me.
Anyway, we fought the dragon at the Western Watchtower, I must've used a quiver full of arrows and slain it. But somehow this wasn't the strangest thing that happened to me today, when I approached the dragon I absorbed its soul! I could feel power transferring into me and I could project that word from the wall into a magical shout! I don't know how, I can't even use a simple healing spell.
On the way back I was called by some old Monks called the Greybeards to learn how to use this. This is too much for me, I don't want this.
When I got to Dragonsreach the Jarl made me a thane! It's some sort of hounary title, common criminal to thane.. ha!
I'm going to carry on with my mission while I get my head around this and decide what to do next.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 24th, 4E 201---
I acquired the dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow, It was pretty easy to be honest. The Draugr weren't as much as a problem as the ones in Korvanjund and I took them all out silently.
In the final chamber there was a wall with some strange markings on, It was weird, almost as if the words were talking to me! Maybe I should stick to drinking water instead of mead when I am working,
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 23rd, 4E 201---
Fantastic. The Jarl won't even speak to me until I infiltrate another damn ruin! I'm off to Bleak Falls Barrow, apparently it is next to a small town called Riverwood.
On the bright side, I met a charming Nord woman called Ysolda, she needed a Mamoth Tusk and thankfully there was one hanging up in the tavern which "accidentally" ended up in my hands. I wouldn't mind seeing more of her.
I thought that it is probably a good idea to get a blade, just in case my bow breaks or the need arises for close quarters combat, there wasn't anything to my taste in Warmaidens so I placed an order for one, hopefully it will be made in the next day or two.
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skyrimjornal · 3 years
---Last Seed, 22nd, 4E 201---
It's late evening and I just got to Whiterun, the guard at the gate informed me that the city is closed due to a dragon attack! I thought Dragons were just a thing of legend! I hope I don't come across one.
It's late and there is a storm. My hair is ruined for Dibella's sake. I'm hiring a room in the Bannered Mare and will go to see the Jarl in the morning.
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