skytreadermemes · 3 years
❝ You’ll move past it . ❞
❝ Nice place you have here . ❞
❝ Your taste is very discerning . ❞
❝ You can run but you can’t hide . ❞
❝ You stay .  But no more surprises . ❞
❝ You guys act like there’s rules to this but then nobody ever explains what they are . ❞
❝ You are a little high strung right now, so please calm down, clean yourself up, and stay out of sight . ❞
❝ Oh man ,  you are killing it ! ❞
❝ There you are ! ❞
❝ Your jaw is tense ,  your hand is shaking .  You’re ashamed . ❞
❝ You’re not that person anymore .  And that speaks volumes . ❞
❝ You don’t have to do this ! ❞
❝ Ohhh, hard dibs ! ❞
❝ I won’t mess it up . ❞
❝ My frickin’ arm’s tired . ❞
❝ Maybe I am a little bit nervous . ❞
❝ Okay ,  but I do ALL the talking . ❞
❝ Yeah ,  I had to level up my game . ❞
❝ Come on ,  I can do this ,  I’m ready ! ❞
❝ I decided not to care .  I didn’t care who I hurt . ❞
❝ I saw a chance to make just a little bit of it right . ❞
❝ If there’s one thing I know ,  it’s how to schmooze dirtbags . ❞
❝ Ugh I hate business clothes ,  they make me feel so starchy . ❞
❝ What the hell ?  I stood over there for three hours for this ?? ❞
❝ You know ,  I used to go to these parties and just become this person that I hate . ❞
❝ I know ,  I screwed up . ❞
❝ Sorry about that ,  just a little uh ... a little unsteady there . ❞
❝ I’m the one that almost died and I’m the one who almost went to prison ! ❞
❝ Yeah I got a little bit out of my lane right there . ❞
❝ I’m gonna go after him . ❞
❝ I feel like I should say something to them . ❞
❝ I don’t want money or revenge .  I just don’t want this to happen again . ❞
❝ I reserve the right to push them off the roof if they screw up again . ❞
❝ We lost . ❞
❝ I’m not going to let us fail . ❞
❝ Wow ,  this really is our day . ❞
❝ You and me :  the perfect team . ❞
❝ We’re gonna need more money . ❞
❝ We control them until it’s too late . ❞
❝ We’re not heroes .  We’re just necessary . ❞
❝ And that’s exactly what we got :  nothing . ❞
❝ For what it’s worth ,  we’ve all got regrets . ❞
❝ We’re gonna mess this guy up pretty hard . ❞
❝ You know I am certain that we have friends in common . ❞
❝ Yeah that last name thing ?  That’s kinda spooky, let’s not do that anymore . ❞
❝ We’re prepped .  We just have to ... execute . ❞
❝ Our plan is working . ❞
❝ Uh ,  we’re running out of time . ❞
❝ I think I owe you an apology . ❞
❝ We don’t keep things from each other . ❞
❝ Please ,  I want to help .  But you gotta come clean . ❞
❝ Our plan is working . ❞
❝ Your screw-ups make me look good . ❞
❝ You always say you’re gonna fix things ,  and I tell you no ,  but you don’t listen to me ! ❞
❝ It would be an honor to show you around ! ❞
❝ I don’t care ,  just get it done .  Time is money . ❞
❝ You’ve been invited to a party .  We never say no to parties . ❞
❝ I did my job and I did it well .  And I guess I just didn’t want you to look at me and ... know that . ❞
❝ You can’t keep stuff like this from me . ❞
❝ Little jumpy, huh ? ❞
❝ Wait .  Who are you ? ❞
❝ Something you forgot to mention ? ❞
❝ Great .  What if they find something wrong ? ❞
❝ Are we the ... bad guys here ? ❞
❝ Why do bad things always happen to me ? ❞
❝ A party ?  Why’d they invite you ? ❞
❝ Are you sure you can handle this ? ❞
❝ How did you learn to live with what you’ve done ? ❞
❝ And why are we going through the service entrance ? ❞
❝ So, shall we discuss the terms of this partnership ? ❞
❝ Is uh ... is something wrong ? ❞
❝ You really didn’t feel that ?  The whole floor shook ! ❞
❝ Maybe just a little too much champagne ? ❞
❝ What happened to you ?  What are you, drunk ? ❞
❝ It’s not part of the plan . ❞
❝ It’ll take five minutes, in and out . ❞
❝ If it was easy ,  it wouldn’t be fun . ❞
❝ The timing here has to be perfect . ❞
❝ This thing could withstand the apocalypse . ❞
❝ Really ?  Bit behind the times . ❞
❝ This thing is way more expensive than I thought . ❞
❝ It’s a little noisy ,  but it really feels like you’re in the city . ❞
❝ This painting really makes me consider the juxtaposition between chaos and order . ❞
❝ The  ( man / woman / person )’s trying to make amends ,  that means something to me . ❞
❝ I like to think it captures the essence of American masculinity ,  challenged by the modern paradigm . ❞
❝ Old money family ,  posh education ,  did a year at the Royal College of Art in London so they think they have taste . ❞
❝ That’s a targeted subsonic projector .  It interferes with the fluid in your inner ear and the vibrations give you vertigo . ❞
❝ I still think chopsticks would work though . ❞
❝ And ... it’s a bust . ❞
❝ Just chill out .  This place is safe . ❞
❝ That is most definitely a brag . ❞
❝ The people who are dead ... are dead .  They don’t matter . ❞
❝ This guy’s more selfish than I anticipated . ❞
❝ Hit him again ! ❞
❝ This is so much better in person ! ❞
❝ It’s not perfect ,  but it is a win . ❞
❝ That sentence hurts my brain . ❞
❝ Loud noises bring back some pretty gnarly memories . ❞
❝ Little by little you get a piece of your soul back . ❞
❝ It’s a work in progress ,  I know . ❞
❝ There’s nothing to find .  I made sure of it . ❞
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