when your cat licks his paw…then rubs his head with the paw… wow….that’s his shmapoo and conditioner…..
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imagine trying to move in on someone’s man and then later she writes a best-selling series of children’s novels and fuses you with all the mean girls she knew as a child into a single composite character? and then her fictionalized persona totally eviscerates yours on multiple occasions? how would it feel
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isometric pixel of fig and ayda getting their kisses in
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i realised there was no gender neutral for “my sister from another mister” or “brother from another mother” and so I present to you all “my sib from another crib”
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“never use this word because it’s common, instead use all of these things that i’ll call synonyms even though they carry different connotations and will change the meaning of your dialogue if you use them” — very bad and unfortunately very common writing advice
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sylveon doodle
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harry potter is FAKE
set in the 90s but there were 0 (zero) chokers or butterfly clips explain to me This
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please do a comic of that xmas tree tweet. i beg you iguanamouth
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hhhah ahahhahah 
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A golden waxing gibbous moon in pink sunset image by Martin Vällik, 14 Sept 2016, Estonia
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[ID: A poem cut and pasted from various wikipedia articles, with poem text as follows: 
humans are generally creatures of habit,
adapted to occupy empty scavenged mollusc shells to protect their fragile exoskeletons
They carry home with them
Popular sayings 
Popular sayings about homes include
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
i want to be alone.
I was reading a book the other day.
I’d like to kiss you, but I just washed my hair.
I’ll be back.
Research showed that these home-place identities are crucial
that we feel severe consequences for not
letting air flow in and out of the lungs.
offering a shield against rough weather, wildlife and dirt.
“Come In”
One version of the chorus for Come In is as follows:
Come in, come in, I’ll do the best I can
Come in, come in
because it is distressing.
the world is a heavy burden
particularly where words are insufficient.
Call Me If You Get Lost
I’ll Carry You in My Arms
Bring You Home
Home loss.
See also.
humans are the only ones to have lost
for example, “I don’t feel there is any place I really fit in this world.” 
I want to go home may also refer to:
a place that is close to the heart
a particular person who is not interchangeable with anyone else.
a strong desire to form new relationships.
a strong and inevitable feeling that exists in human nature.
I want to go home may also refer to:
a need rather than simply a want.
“What do we know?”
An affectional bond is persistent, not transitory. 
“I’ll Carry You Home” 
during an average human’s life
it must find a larger shell and abandon the previous one
I am here
“Come to the west and make a home with me there.” End of description.]
anyway I saw this post and got very excited about the concept of wikipedia poems
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I respect poetry so much because it does what I cannot do - say so much with so little.
When I have something Much to say, it takes me just as many words to say it. I say it with words that are each of them bland and common, unimaginative by their lonesome, with the hopes that if I stack so many together and squeeze a single drop of Much from each that it might flow into something meaningful.
When I have something to say, I say it twice. I say it three times. Because the first or second may not have captured the point. Because I do not trust myself to express the full essence saying it just once. Like just now, those last two sentences. I’ll repeat myself a third time for good measure - because I do not say it right just once or twice.
Poems say things in only a half, only a quarter. They choose single words worth more than ten of mine. I want to know how their minds shop for words. I want to distill myself like poets do. I want to trade in all my too many common words for the way they use an extraordinary few.
If I keep writing this, I’ll write it forever. I’ll explain myself again, as I have already, as I’m doing now. With more and different other words, with the hope of saying myself fully, like how all the hatched and messy wanton scribbles from a pen might finally color in a page. I want to change that. I want to not rip the page I’ve oversaturated by the tip of my pen.
I’ll start tomorrow, maybe, to explain myself less.
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“My cousin Helen, who is in her 90s now, was in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. She and a bunch of the girls in the ghetto had to do sewing each day. And if you were found with a book, it was an automatic death penalty. She had gotten hold of a copy of ‘Gone With the Wind’, and she would take three or four hours out of her sleeping time each night to read. And then, during the hour or so when they were sewing the next day, she would tell them all the story. These girls were risking certain death for a story. And when she told me that story herself, it actually made what I do feel more important. Because giving people stories is not a luxury. It’s actually one of the things that you live and die for.” –Neil Gaiman
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Help me fund all of The Armory and celebrate the end of pride month right!
Thanks so much for your support!
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With my own eyes, I just saw a lesbian on twitter say she was being oppressed by asexual folks because their flag is everywhere, and it’s asexual people’s fault that lesbians are now ‘the last on the conveyor belt in the LGBT community’.
Like. Dude, if you need a scapegoat for your suffering, capitalism is right there. Institutionalized religion is also a great contender. Saying asexuals caused all your suffering because their flag is slightly older and therefore more recognisable than yours is like. my god, have a snickers. 
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our CUTE badges are back in stock ghosties! We thought it was about time to bring back these dinky babies!
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maintaining a non-obsessive relationship with someone? me?
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me: I'm so excited about [thing]!!!
someone: *clearly not interested in [thing]*
me: well I mean I'm not even that excited haha it's just a thing like whatever right idek the thing haha who cares????not me ha h a stupid thing
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