skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 5 days
Since sadly I cant respond in comments I wanna respond in a reblog hopefully you see I'm just hating on Nancy cause of the lore I feel bad she could never have kids but I'm still gonna hate her guts and the fact she gave johnny that scar on his face AND killed his birth mom its nothing personal to anyone else though I just hate Nancy in all seriousness though she is a very well written character just like johnny sissy are I just hate her lore wise
Heres just a stupid ass vent I HATE NANCY SO MUCH AAAAHHHHHHH ANYTIME I GET KILLED BY HER OOOOOUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH I WANNA SMACK HER OLD ASS GLASSES OFF HER FUCKING FACE I could take her no doubt idgaf if she is brutal or a savage similar to johnny I WILL BREAK HER FUCKING ANKLES AND NAWW THEM OFF LIKE A RABID DOG I HATE HER SO MUCH I wish judith would've killer her disrespectfully
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 9 days
Heres just a stupid ass vent I HATE NANCY SO MUCH AAAAHHHHHHH ANYTIME I GET KILLED BY HER OOOOOUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH I WANNA SMACK HER OLD ASS GLASSES OFF HER FUCKING FACE I could take her no doubt idgaf if she is brutal or a savage similar to johnny I WILL BREAK HER FUCKING ANKLES AND NAWW THEM OFF LIKE A RABID DOG I HATE HER SO MUCH I wish judith would've killer her disrespectfully
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 13 days
Hey anyone who wants to listen to some of my hyper fixations LOOK AT THESE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS I SAW AT MY DADS FRIENDS PLACE
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🌻🌼🌻Idk if it's just cause I'm literally obsessed with the tcm or it may just be that I live in fucking Texas still cant believe I only live almost an hour away from the actual fucking house this hyper fixation finna be the DEATH OF ME but these flowers these these photos just giving such Texas chainsaw massacre vibes wish I could post some photos for reference but ofcourse tumblr has a photo limit😔
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 15 days
Pov Johnny talking to the Johnny simps:this ones for all my baby girls I see your comments ladies and they make me smile I'm lurking and stalking when you least expect it
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
Dawg we seriously need more victim and killer lore IM LOSING MY MIND I NEED TO FEED MY HYPER FIXATION so from now on if I think of random hcs of anyone from TCM I will be posting them here🤗 also random question but how do you guys think the mill is related to the family you guys think grandpa just found that place abandoned and said "oh nice" also what are yalls thoughts on Maria most likely being added to the game personally I think it makes absolutely no sense dont get me wrong I would love for Maria to be reunited with her family and friends it just bugs me that we have gotten a thousand things implying and straight up saying she is DEAD, GONE, DECEASED so why switch it and say she apparently survived EVERYTHING
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
Hey Sky just wanted to say love ur recent posts and you WENT TO THE HOUSE THATS SO COOL
I know I spent my entire birthday there we got to look upstairs and we took some photos outside we ate the food(food was amazing) and did my cake sadly we didn't get to eat in the dining room since it was closed on my birthday but we did eat at the bar they had a bunch of tcm memorabilia they had posters everywhere they even had the original molds for grandpa's face and hands and a one of a kind poster signed by ALL of the cast in the first film it was amazing best birthday I could've ever asked for
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
Pt:2 of going to the Texas chainsaw massacre house🤗
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Also forgot to mention in the last post dont mind the bad quality on some of them my phones fucking ancient so some of them are really grainy and bonus photo of these 2 adorable little bubba's I got on the cupcakes🧁
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
I took these photos on my birthday in March and didn't know what to do with them so thought I might as well post them here since this is the only social I post on😊
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I'll have to make a separate post since tumblr has a photo limit😐
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
God I hope johnny sawyer was alive until atleast the 90s something tells me he would've loved The Crow(I 100% am not just thinking he'd love it cause I'm obsessed with the crow)
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
I'm updating this ask since I've recently started playing more Victim and I'm a julie main since I like how stealthy she is but I will agree sometimes I do end up making bold decisions but i don't think its cause I'm not scared of family I mean I'm not scared scared of them but 9/10 I do end up yelling like a maniac when I'm being chased by one especially out the basement by johnny or leather face but luckily I dont always make the bold decisions since I am playing a stealthy character with low toughness but I think if I play ana or Leland more or up another victims toughness I'd be a bit more bold
OK so I don’t know if you’re having this problem but I am where basically I’ve played tcm so much that I’m not scared of the killers anymore and I keep making very bold decisions that keep getting me killed lmao 
I think I have this problem too I'm glad I'm not the only one then again I am a family main I think the last time I played victim was a couple months ago since I don't get to play tcm all the time but when I did play Victim I sadly wasn't really scared either and with the making bold decisions thing I wouldn't say the decisions I personally made were bold but more stupid but then again I'm always kidna stupid
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
I GOT BIG NEWS I WANTED TO TELL ME TCM FRIENDS ON HERE SINCE I CANT USE THE MESSAGES since my b day in in like a week on march 26th and since I've been very hyper fixated on tcm IM GOING TO THE TCM HOOPERS RESTAURANT ON MY B DAY IM SO EXCITED and since I do luckily live in Texas it's only like and hour and 30 minutes away at most 2 hours away and hopefully ima see if I could possibly go to the last chance gas station as well IM SO FUCKING EXCITED AND IM GOING ALL DECKED OUT AS WELL IM TALKING PRETTY WHITE BLOUSE WITH THE BIG SLEEVES AT THE END(I have no idea what its called right now but you know the adorable hippie sleeves that are loose at the end) WITH PRETTY PATTERNS ALL OVER IT AND IM GOING WITH MY BLUE DENIM SHORTS WITH FLOWERS ALL OVER THEM(I'm trying so hard to fit the 70s vibe BUT ALL I HAVE ARE BAND TEES AND BLACK SHORTS)
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 2 months
Currently watching children of the corn I AM WAITING FOR BURT AND VICKY TO KICK MALACHAIS ASS
Also kinda unrelated but since I've been so hyper fixated on tcm I cant help but think of Leland anytime burt hops on screen I mean seriously were all the guys just like that back then I'm talking the blue button up TUCKED INTO THE DARK BLUE JEANS WITH THE BOOTS AND THE SHAGGY LIGHT BROWN HAIR not to mention burt it's just KICKING THESE KIDS ASS
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 3 months
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 3 months
Idk but I kinda get girl dad vibes from Chop Top. The type that goes 100x harder than he probably needs to for everything she does.
YASSSSSSSSS nobody can convince me that chop top would not be the most chaotic dad ever and hes be that cool dad everyone wants to be friends with AND IM HERE FOR IT
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 3 months
Ok so here’s a fun lil tcm hc exercise:
How do the sawyers/slaughter like their pizza?
It’s based off this thing I saw that sometimes they order pizza when cook is too tired to cook meat
Here’s my personal hc for this:
Hitchhiker + Chop Top: I feel like they either just like plain cheese or the weirdest shit on theirs: gummies, skittles, smarties, etc. Or like tuna, or pineapple. (Or I feel like they peel off the cheese and just eat it with the dough and sauce because they’re weird like that)
Johnny: Pepperoni (idk why, gut feeling)
Sissy: Cheese or Only eats the crust
Cook: Doesn’t have a preference, as long as it’s not one of the twins abominations
Bubba: Anything with meat on it or just plain cheese
Nancy: Also, doesn’t have a preference
What’s your hc for this?
I agree the twins definitely make the most atrocious things ever with food I'm talking sour candy with mozzy sticks I'm talking airheads with spaghetti they get real creative in the kitchen I also agree with the cook and Nancy not really having a preference I'm sorry they just seem kinda boring like that and I get the feeling johnny would like pepperoni too and I also pretty much agree with sissy and bubba too it's like you took the thoughts right out my brain☆
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skyzzzzzzzzzzz · 3 months
I have ANOTHER question for the tcm fans What do y'all think johnny looked like as a teenager when he got his scar from Nancy I've seen some fanart and heard some headcanons that johnny could've had long hair and now I cant get johnny with shaggy long hair out my head but do you guys think johnny has always had some anger problems you guys think he started drinking as a teenager I just NEED SOME MORE JOHNNY LORE IM OBSESSED mabey even a little more lore on our Lovely girl sissy (please help me I've been hyper fixated on tcm for MONTHS)
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