slack--attack · 7 months
To Begin With, the Sweet Grass
by Mary Oliver
I. Will the hungry ox stand in the field and not eat of the sweet grass? Will the owl bite off its own wings? Will the lark forget to lift its body in the air or forget to sing? Will the rivers run upstream? Behold, I say—behold the reliability and the finery and the teachings of this gritty earth gift. II. Eat bread and understand comfort. Drink water, and understand delight. Visit the garden where the scarlet trumpets are opening their bodies for the hummingbirds who are drinking the sweetness, who are thrillingly gluttonous. For one thing leads to another. Soon you will notice how stones shine underfoot. Eventually tides will be the only calendar you believe in. And someone’s face, whom you love, will be as a star both intimate and ultimate, and you will be both heart-shaken and respectful. And you will hear the air itself, like a beloved, whisper: oh, let me, for a while longer, enter the two beautiful bodies of your lungs. III. The witchery of living is my whole conversation with you, my darlings. All I can tell you is what I know. Look, and look again. This world is not just a little thrill for the eyes. It’s more than bones. It’s more than the delicate wrist with its personal pulse. It’s more than the beating of the single heart. It’s praising. It’s giving until the giving feels like receiving. You have a life—just imagine that! You have this day, and maybe another, and maybe still another. IV. Someday I am going to ask my friend Paulus, the dancer, the potter, to make me a begging bowl which I believe my soul needs. And if I come to you, to the door of your comfortable house with unwashed clothes and unclean fingernails, will you put something into it? I would like to take this chance. I would like to give you this chance. V. We do one thing or another; we stay the same, or we change. Congratulations, if you have changed. VI. Let me ask you this. Do you also think that beauty exists for some fabulous reason? And, if you have not been enchanted by this adventure— your life— what would do for you? VII. What I loved in the beginning, I think, was mostly myself. Never mind that I had to, since somebody had to. That was many years ago. Since then I have gone out from my confinements, though with difficulty. I mean the ones that thought to rule my heart. I cast them out, I put them on the mush pile. They will be nourishment somehow (everything is nourishment somehow or another). And I have become the child of the clouds, and of hope. I have become the friend of the enemy, whoever that is. I have become older and, cherishing what I have learned, I have become younger. And what do I risk to tell you this, which is all I know? Love yourself.  Then forget it.  Then, love the world.
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slack--attack · 1 year
Idk man it’s so easy to get bogged down in all the bullshit online but when my then-6 year old cousin found out I was trans he said “ok” then corrected my grandma when she misgendered me. I was once the third between a gay man and a lesbian. Two lesbians once invited me back to their place when I presented as a man. I met an AMAB nb butch who looked strikingly to outsiders like a cis man and it was one of the more sapphic experiences I’ve had. I nervously wore a boydyke shirt to pride and got 3 different cis-looking femme folks tell me they loved my shirt. I once told a trans group at a protest that any pronouns were fine for me and one person said “wow, I’m impressed and intimidated by people like that. I don’t know that I could be that chill with pronouns.” I once told a GNC friend I wished I could wear a type of “opposite” gender clothing after I had already transitioned and so it would be associated with my AGAB and he said “You could just do it.” I’ve had cishet men fight cops for me before. The first time I had a doctor ask me if my name was different than what was on my forms I had to try not to cry. Last week, a phone call with a doctor’s office where I am generally cis passing asked unprompted if my name listed is what I want to be called. It touched me then too. I told a lesbian friend once I felt like my attraction to men AND women both felt gay. She said “makes sense.” And we moved on. I go by different pronouns in different circles. I’ve had gay women love my facial hair. I’ve had gay men like my tits. It’s all out there, I promise. It can be hard to find it but I promise there is community like you and community who likes you. And it’s more messy and beautiful than tumblr discourse makes it out to be.
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slack--attack · 1 year
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slack--attack · 1 year
i fucking love humanity and space. thinking abt.. thinking about the perseverence rover, lovingly nicknamed "percy" and the family portrait it has on it of the former rovers sent to mars 😭
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how we sent an ounce of clyde tombaugh's ashes aboard the new horizons space probe so he could visit the "planet" he discovered.
the pioneer plaques
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AND the golden record on the voyagers
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us screaming out to space hoping desperately to not be alone, that we are HERE HERE WE ARE THIS IS WHAT WE LOOK LIKE.
astronauts turning into artists after their time in space,,, ooughghg
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slack--attack · 1 year
Someone claims there's only two kinds of lesbians, call that a false dykeotomy
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slack--attack · 1 year
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“lesbians are coming out”, a poster by see red women’s workshop, 1982
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slack--attack · 1 year
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slack--attack · 1 year
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slack--attack · 1 year
i hate shark slander. theyre literally just sitting in their own living room
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slack--attack · 1 year
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slack--attack · 2 years
Anton_films_ // TikTok
- so proud <3
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slack--attack · 2 years
Terfs after they get butch women kicked out of womens bathrooms for looking too much like a man, call cis women men because they don't fit a white western beauty standard, say people who've had mastectomies (which are mostly cancer patients) are mutilated, reduce women down to their anatomy, act like trans men are clueless little girls who can't think for themselves, say women are naturally worse at sports and quiz shows and beauty pageants than men, flash a fake bush in parliament with children present, rile up so much bullshit about trans athletes that now there's laws being made where little girls have to have genital inspections, and throw intersex people under the bus at every opportunity
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slack--attack · 2 years
There's only one real way to categorise disorders and it's when you google it and the first results fit into one or more of the following categories:
1. "Is your child-" "Does your child-" "How to cope with the burden of being a parent for-"
2. "How to get better: Step One: have a lot of money!" "How to get better: Step One: simply stop having it!"
3. "10 Ways To Spot Sickopaths With This Disorder So You Can Protect Yourself" "The Bad People Disease -by Dr. Eugene X."
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slack--attack · 2 years
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slack--attack · 2 years
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Alison Bechdel, Dykes to Watch Out For (1985)
Wanna know where the Bechdel Test came from? Here's where the Bechdel Test comes from.
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slack--attack · 2 years
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slack--attack · 2 years
you can put your whole pussy into what you do but you gotta accept not everyone likes your pussy
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