slakgedakru · 2 years
Did you guys make the unofficial Trigedasleng dictionary? Did David Peterson collaborate to have the website published? I am asking because I use UOTD and many fans tell me that I am not learning "real Trigedasleng" lol. I know it is but for their damn sake I wanted to ask this question in hope to get an answer to show them. 😵
David J Peterson has been in our group for some years now and approves of us creating our own dialect for practical use of the language in modern situations and he would probably tell you to tell anyone who says you aren't learning "the real" Trigedasleng that he's disappointed with their gatekeeping attitude as well as reassure you that you're doing perfectly fine learning the canon as well as Slakkru version.
It doesn't mean what you're learning is any less 'sleng - you're learning Trigedesleng with bonus vocab!
- Slaknomon
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slakgedakru · 2 years
just learned that magnolias are so old that they’re pollinated by beetles because they existed before bees
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slakgedakru · 5 years
Hei! I’d love to join the discord and learn, but it says the link is invalid or expired when I click on it, could I get a fresh one? 😄 Mochof
The one in our bio? That's weird, it works for me :/ here's a temp one! https://discord.gg/3H7hag
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
I would love to learn trig but I’m not so good at it would I still be allowed in
Beginners are always welcome to join. Many of our members knew no Trig when they joined and are now fluent!
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slakgedakru · 5 years
We're trying out Discord!
Hei! So over the past few years, and especially in the last couple of months, our member count has shot up and after a bit of thinking, we've decided to move out of Slack and into Discord.
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Why did we do this? Well:
- Discord saves message history while Slack doesn't.
- Discord offers us a lot more functionality such as roles and bots to help with management without locking it all behind a paywall.
- There's voice chat! We can actually speak/practice/teach trigedasleng!
- You don't need to ask to join!
The last point is big, I think. Before, you had to email us and ask for an invite to Slack but now there's a permanent link you can click to join our server. Send it to friends! Instantly be part of our kru!
The server is still new and we're in the beginning stages of moving our existing members over, but we're releasing the public link now to continue our momentum of growing the community. Please join and share!
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With regards to this tumblr, we do check it! I know it might seem a little dead but our community is active, just not on this! We are always looking here and will be using it for major updates, such as this one, so don't worry! We are here!
- Pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
idk if i already asked you this (tumblr stopped working in my phone) but i'd like to know if “and i am not weak” translation is “en ai ste nou kwel” or “en ai nou kwel”. and also, i know “swis” means knife, but how would you say “sword”?
Sword is "bleirona" and I would say "en ai nou ste kwelen"
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
Hei. Idk how this works, but I'd like to know how would you say “You are killing me slow but I am not ready to die” in Trig. Mochof. Leida.
"Yu ste frag ai op lagen, ba ai nou ste ogud na wan op." by @keitrinkomfloukru
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
Hi, I’m writing a story on Wattpad that takes place during the 100 era, and in the story I am creating the 14 Clan after the 13 Clan called the “Bunker Clan, Bunker People,” but I am curious to know How do you say “Bunker People” in Trigedasleng I know that “Kru” means People in Trigedasleng, but what does “Bunker” mean?
Closest we thought was "trap" which means camp. Maybe "gapa" for hole/pit?
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
And what does “Gada prom in?” Mean
"Have a question/questions?"
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
i’ve been recently trying to translate skam quotes for fun and thought i’d ask your thoughts. How would « all is love » be translated? would it be « ogeda laik/bilaik hodnes » or would it be something less literal? Mochof!
I think both work but have different feels to them from the difference in laik's definitiveness vs bilaik's comparing.
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
How would you say the verb hope in Trigedasleng. I’ve been looking everywhere and there doesn’t seem to be a translation. Thanks!
It might be easier to translate the whole sentence because I would use "hofli" which is "hopefully" but it would also change the sentence structure.
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
how would you say « i want to » or « i have the urge/want » to do something in trig. chof
"Ai gaf..." is "I want/need"
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
how do i send my email and how do u say levi in trigedaslen
You can send it to us here or any of our social media! We won't post it publicly. And I would go with "Livai".
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
how do i send my email?
You can send it to us through DM/ask here or email it to slakgedakru at gmail. You can also find us on Twitter and Instagram with the same name.
- pinki
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slakgedakru · 5 years
Hei kru, slakkru gada Instagram in nau!
We made an Instagram @slakgedakru where we can post now!
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slakgedakru · 5 years
- pinki
Is there a trigedasleng word for "Super conquerer" as a noun? or just conquerer in general. Thanks
Maybe conqueror… @slakgedakru?
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slakgedakru · 5 years
We lifted our age restriction a while back, as long as you understand that while the community strives to be a safe place for all, some discussions are not PG and sometimes it can become heated with political opinions. Be mature. Contact an admin if you have any troubles at all.
You should bribe slak into making a 2nd chat for users below whatever the age requirement is. A lot of us are serious and still want to learn but alone is hard and I wouldn't consider myself good enough yet to make an age friendly chat/community myself :)
I’m not sure what the protocol for that is, so I’ll just ping @slakgedakru.
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