slampoembreeze · 5 years
You loved me in the winter Red flushed cheeks and cocoa stained teeth My arms and bed open Ready for you to pull me in and keep me warm
 You left me in the summer My skin’s affair with the sun was clear Hands that held clouds made you itch A happier soul made you meaningless
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slampoembreeze · 5 years
Four Lined Poems
Yellow teeth and yellow hair
A yellow soul filled with sunshine flowers
Buttercup lips and rose bit cheeks
A rainbow girl she’d forever be
Ink and paper skin
She draws her words with dew filled eyes
Tracing sounds that slip her mind
A yawn of forgiveness settled in her throat
Honey flows like sandpaper
Frozen rivers roar in his soul
Clover oil spurs thoughts of passion
Citrus sprays his eyes to sleep
Paper dolls kiss red stained lips
G.I. Joes kick black bruised feet
Violent dreams bare tear stained cheeks
Sweeter songs than red death’s sleep
Hidden blocks hold hard earned truths
Ballerinas guard well kept secrets
Minds wage war on self-imposed reality
Death’s locked lips own the rarest key
Worlds collide during endless turns
Spinning arms catch squealing breaths
Joyful smiles show grass stained teeth
Sinking in to taste life
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slampoembreeze · 5 years
Write Myself Out
I want to live in the sound of my fingers hitting the keyboard. I want to tune out the world, let my eyes glaze over, and write until my hand falls off. I want to share my words and hold my tongue and you should hold my tongue with yours - won't you give me a kiss? I have been dying to meet you - remind me your name? I haven't looked at myself in twenty years without thinking of improvements - can I borrow your face so I can stop staring at mine? I have a thousand friends but none of them know me. I think of dying like others think of sleeping at the end of the day. When I say I want to sleep til the world ends I mean my world, kill me now. I have never been more suicidal and I have never been less suicidal than I am now. Can you lose me in the grocery store so that I have a reason to use the intercom? That way Gods can hear my screams when I ask them why they made me - a cursed universe  stitched my atoms together to look like sunshine but burn from within like molten lava. I am a star too close to itself - I'm ready to melt, let my words flow into the ocean like icebergs. I want to be a fruit fly because then I would be dead already. Can you hear the keyboard in the sky writing our stories as we speak? I think they left their capslock on because everything in my life seems too loud. I want to live inside of myself but I want to stop being myself. Can I borrow your journal and escape my own mind? My taxi ride to nowhere left without me and I'm dying for a change of scenery. Have you ever lost your hand and had it write for someone else because my hand has been writing for my depression all my life and I can't seem to take it back. I want to swallow all of my pens and give myself a chance at a new story. Close your chapter book and taste this cake I made - it's layered with worry and overbearing frosting. It's been baking since the first time we spoke - will you please unplug me so I can sleep?
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slampoembreeze · 5 years
Do you ever feel like you're letting your mind go? One quick flying carpet ride and I am on fire! That sick, hurty  burn in your chest when you eat glass? That is my favorite meal. Have your ribs ever beat to a drum that you left in the future? Mine are gnawing their way back to my birth like some kind of warning. My feet won't stop singing to the northern lights like, "Come this way, don't you want to finish your drink?" I used to know the best recipe for sadness, but now it sits in my blood collecting dust. Do you know the iceberg that sank my dreamboat when it tried to go to space? I've been trying to call it back here so it can sink me, too, but it keeps sending me to my bed. I can't keep staying in my bed, I have to go to the train station so I can catch my shooting star back to the beginning. I have always wanted to tell you something. Do you remember when we replaced our eyes with fireflies and fell in love with talking flowers? I think I left my hair with them. Have you seen my tears? I left them in a jar in the closet behind my heart but I haven't seen them lately and I'm due for a cry. Crying makes my ribs come back so they can hold me together and I need my heart to stop flying away, so if you've seen that jar could you meet me in the closet later? My tongue is trying to swallow itself and become a river so that I don't drown because my blood learned my old recipe and now sadness is flooding through my heart and there is nothing I can do about it.
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slampoembreeze · 5 years
A Walk
I  hope you don't mind if I walk wherever we go. If I soak in the sunshine and stop to smell the rhododendrons on the way. I have a daily appointment with the butterflies waiting to kiss my lids, and the sparrow with whom I trade songs. You don't have to join me - you can blast your music and drive quicker than a hummingbird to our destination. But I invite you to feel the tulip petals against your fingertips as we pass the house with the picket fence. I invite you to feel my two lips against your fingertips as I whisper my thanks and take in your bouquet. I invite you to feel the pavement under your feet - unforgiving and forgetful of who has crossed it, and the grass crushed beneath you - a marker of where you've been. I invite you to see how my hair changes colors in the light and how my eyes hold rainbows. I want to see how your freckles coat your cheeks when dragonflies draw your attention away from me. I want to see how you step over cracks oh-so-carefully, and how you swing your hand in mine as the wind blows past. I want to see what it's like when you're alive....But you can still drive if you want to.
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slampoembreeze · 5 years
The ache in my chest is tight
My emptiness a cave
Swallow me whole
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slampoembreeze · 5 years
If cross word puzzles could spell out the way I feel
I would number each box
Write each clue with care
And leave them for you to figure out
For I could never read them aloud
And know that it was me
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