People that don't understand what it means to be a beta male don't see this as fair. A beta male once found has to be shown beyond a doubt that his old life as a real male is over. He can never return to it. The lie he lived all his life can confuse him to think that he can return to it once he satisfies his kink. But being beta male is not a kink it's a life identity.
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This is the best case for a beta male. I suggest that all beta males be exposed to everyone around them as beta male. Once identified as a beta male all doubt about resuming his former undercover lie that he was a real male needs to be removed. Your a beta male, it's for life.
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#Anna #Frozen
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I wonder if it wouldn't be for the porn industry would Dominate Women wear fetsh wear? I understand attracting submissives to her, but once a beta male is found he truly can not resist submitting. It's like with people who are gay, once you know you can't live any other way.
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233 notes · View notes
You've been found a beta male, you have lost any expectations of this arrangement . Your self expectations of others are left over from when you hide your true identity and enjoyed the society blanket of real men. Your a beta, a slave to dominate women. You live to serve. Every fiber of your being is that of a beta male.
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368 notes · View notes
Cruz has done some good things. This is not one of them. This removes the voices of opposition from public view. Senator Ted Cruz your wrong on this issue and you need to go back and fully vet out this bill. If you stay on this course you will be parting ways with the Texas and American people.
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F Ted Cruz ….
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Once you admitted your a beta male you can never go back. Your submission is the key. I suggest that your Owner dress you as a beta male, blindfold you, invite any woman and men that know you and have a unveiling party. Remove the blindfold and your Owner explaining why your wearing a strap-on and a steel chastity cage. Once in the open Hopefully you will realize that your a beta male for life. Your exposure ensures no way back to a life of lies.
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Mrs Edge says that she thinks our marriage is doing very well lately.
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Why do you feel you should have a choice? She Owns you, open up and do as you are told.
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3K notes · View notes
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Her man is her source of information. Her man is her leader and teacher. Her SOLE job is to follow. Her first thoughts should be "what would he tell me or say" if shes at odds with her man then she should know what it feels like to be taken in hand.
Talk to her like she's stupid
Because she is. And she doesn’t understand adult things. Talk down to her so she doesn’t get confused.
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This is what all beta males live for. This is the dream relationship.
Femdom and the Alpha in the Man.
I have news for you. You’ve been lied to. Femdom is not what all the hateful jaded women and self-loathing sissies out there try to make it out to be.
Female Domination, at least to me, is about a culture of Strong and Wise Women taking the lead and asserting their power in personal relationships and in society.
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It is about women taking charge of their men in and out of the bedroom to get what they want and to train men to submit to female guidance at large. It is about teaching and leading a man to be a better person. It is about focusing his mind on giving rather than receiving. And it is about making him into a stronger man. There is absolutely no contradiction in a hyper-masculine Alpha Male completely submitting to a DOMINANT WOMAN.
It is NOT about humiliating and belittling men, treating them as worthless and acting as if they are inferior creatures made to lick the dirt off womens’ feet. This is just online idiocy. Perhaps you are simply a beta-type guy, but if you think this means wearing diapers or emasculating yourself every second of the day or begging a woman to treat you like shit, you need to wake up and get some help. Sure, everyone has their odd fetishes, but in real life, any woman who wants to be with a man just to treat him like scum is simply angry, pathetic, mental and low-rent. It is in no way a healthy form of kinky masochism. It is just sad. And always a fleeting waste of time and life. A submissive male should seek out a Dominant Female in order to make himself better, not worse.
Femdom is about a Woman asserting her power over a man because she wants to be in control. She believes she was born to be in charge and she believes she has earned the right to be in charge. She believes her guidance is superior because she knows intuitively that her inner strength and her inner wisdom is superior to that of a man’s. Sexually, it is about the eroticizing of power and the transformation of personal identity. She fucks. He gets fucked. Even if this means her wanting him to fuck her rough and hard, she is ultimately deciding how things go.
For me personally, a relentless degree of strictness is paramount to how I dominate. It is paramount in what I expect from my man and my boys. Stern rules and sound spankings are how I make my Femdom a factual reality. I believe in female authority as the core of my family and share that belief with every woman in my personal sphere not because I want a world of weaker men but because I want a world of stronger men who are ultimately guided by the wisdom and strength of even stronger Women, day-in-and-day-out, in this generation and in all succeeding generations.
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This Owner has the "key" to male ownership.
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261 notes · View notes
A high level of punishment "fitting" a greaveous misbehavior. This is like the silent treatment.
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149 notes · View notes
Should a beta boi have a choice
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http://bit.do/ebtvT - Chastity Mistress Clips
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Once a beta male is found he thinks he likes kinky sex. What the newly found beta male does not understand is this is not kinky sex. This is his role as a beta male and no he doesn't get a choice only his Owner decides what happens from here on out.
Hopefully his Owner shared this slide with all his friends and family. The beta male needs to understand there is no going back.
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As a beta boi in my nub cage....I have no choice
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