slayrite-blog · 4 years
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“& here I thought I was young when everyone looked to me to save everyone.”
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
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“I should have died instead of him.” 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
i’ma do these today! last chance to get a cute lil one liner...& now i have icons!
like this post for a one liner! i’m iconless and nakey but that shouldn’t matter i hope. 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
COLIN O'DONOGHUE  is gonna be my fc for hawke. i have decided. brb makin’ icons uwu. 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
like this post for a one liner! i’m iconless and nakey but that shouldn’t matter i hope. 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
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they are a fragment—a lost soul terrified of death
18+ only & highly selective
penned by cain 
revamped 4-12-2020
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
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they are a fragment—a lost soul terrified of death
18+ only & highly selective
penned by cain 
revamped 4-12-2020
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
Hawke has bad arthritis and it's only gonna get worse. Dude is gonna wind up using mobility aids that double as weapons because he's practical. He's doing all right during Inquisition, but by the time he's in his late 40s he's gonna start needing them.
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
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they are a fragment—a lost soul terrified of death
18+ only & highly selective
penned by cain 
revamped 4-12-2020
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
if anyone is curious as to the dai companion oc i’m making check out @allwisemenweep...i’m revamping an old companion oc! their about is up! i’m making icons for them currently but if anyone is interested in interacting i could definitely go iconless for a while. 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
thinking of revamping @allwisemenweep. i don’t have my solas anymore, which is sad because that dynamic was super fun, but i’d like to make valdra into a companion character that isn’t reliant on hawke existing. 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
      “  i  do  not  know  why  you  still  persist  in  calling  me  such  a  thing,  ”  fenris  mumbles,  and  were  hawke  anyone  else,  it  would  be  a  complaint,  but  when  hawke  says  such  things,  fenris  finds  a  warm  feeling  settles  in  his  stomach  –  a  feeling  he’s  never  been  able  to  find  with  anyone  else,  a  feeling  he  doesn’t  care  to  find  with  anyone  else.
      he  lets  out  a  pleased  sigh  as  hawke  nuzzles  his  sensitive  neck  and  continues  speaking.  “  i  should  hope  i’m  the  only  one  –  i  don’t  feel  particularly  inclined  to  share  you,  after  all.  ”
     and  then  teeth  meet  his  throat,  and  fenris  has  to  slap  a  hand  over  his  mouth  to  stifle  what  would  be  a  particularly  embarrassing  sound.  “  h  -  hawke,  at  least  take  me  somewhere  private  before  you  tease  me.  ”  the  idea  of  not  just  having  a  last  name  but  having  hawke’s  last  name  .  .  .  it  is  very  pleasing  to  him.  the  idea  of  belonging,  of  a  family,  with  hawke,  who  he  trusts  completely,  but  .  .  .  “  i  would  like  that,  but  if  i  am  to  be  a  hawke,  i  ought  to  start  calling  you  garrett  more,  hm  ?  ”
“Because you are beautiful—precious, lovely, wonderful.” Hawke nuzzles Fenris’ neck again and smiles warmly. “You are so many things. I love you with all my heart. If only I had half the mind to show you as I should have.” Hawke feels whole when he is with Fenris. Whole, loved, appreciated. And not as the Champion of Kirkwall, or the Viscount, but as Garrett. 
“I am yours.” Hawke is breathless as he presses another kiss to Fenris’ throat. He drags his teeth along his pulse line once more, teasing. “You would never have to share. You are the only man I want.” Hawke’s chuckle is deep and low as he pulls Fenris into a tight hug. “You want to go somewhere private?” There’s an edge of excitement to his tone. He hasn’t been intimate since they last parted. It would be nice...to have that closeness again.
“I would love nothing more.” Garrett sighs softly and relinquishes his hold, only to take Fenris’ hands in his own. “People don’t call me that anymore, you know? You’re the only one. It’s...nice to hear. Especially from you.” 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
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      “  this  requires  the  perfect  partner.  would  you  be  mine  ?  ”      /      @slayrite​      ❤’d
“I am always yours.” Hawke smiles, gently takes Fenris’ hands and kisses his knuckles. “I will follow you wherever you may go, my darling. You are my whole heart, my world, and I will never go astray again.” 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
sorry for not being active lmao i have Depression with a capital d. i’ll try to be a bit more active, but i have a ton of school stuff to catch up on so oop. 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
Heya new followers! I'd love to plot with y'all. Like this post and I'll slide into your dms for plotting!
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
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    it had been a close call. swift feet had rushed to stand behind the other man — Lathas’s body charged with MAGIC, & he roared against the demon facing him. it was the final creature to be killed, & it had stood the longest for a reason ; unwilling to perish. Lathas breathed rapidly, he watched the creature attack the two mercilessly, narrowly missing Hawke as a result of to Lethas’s agile support.
       ❛ Hawke ! ❜ Lathas glanced over his shoulder.   ❛ over here — ❜
Hawke is most powerful when he is near death—now is not an exception to that rule. Blood pours from his wounds and his eyes glow a brilliant red as he turns to look at Lathas—he nearly strikes the other, close to mistaking him for another enemy rather than a friend. “Lathas.” His voice is hoarse and gravely from ill use. The Champion of Kirkwall hasn’t seen reason to speak most days. Bloodied mouth quirks into a jagged toothed smile. “I’ve always appreciated when a man can put his body & his mind to good use.” 
Hawke lunges forward with speed unmatched. It’s time to get close & personal. Mouth opens impossibly wide as he takes a bite out of the demon and devours its flesh. His wounds hiss and sing—this will heal him for a price. The demon is staggering, open for attack from the rift mage should he wish to. Hawke has left him with the perfect opening. 
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slayrite-blog · 4 years
      fenris  hasn’t  missed  the  staring  –  because  he’s  also  done  his  fair  share  of  staring.  fenris  is  not  blind;  he’d  be  a  fool  not  to  notice  hawke,  and  fenris  may  be  many  things  –  but  the  only  fool  he  is  is  a  fool  in  love.  fenris  knows  he  is  not  much  of  a  prize,  though.  he  is  a  bit  damaged,  and  a  bit  .  .  .  afraid  to  be  with  someone,  afraid  to  be  rejected.  so  he  doesn’t  tell  hawke.
      the  other  thing  he  doesn’t  tell  hawke  –  when  he’s  home,  when  he’s  alone,  he  works  on  new  creations.  he  takes  a  great  deal  of  pride  in  it  –  he  doesn’t  read  too  terribly  well,  doesn’t  do  the  business  side  of  things  too  terribly  well,  but  when  he  comes  in  and  has  a  new  recipe  that  impresses  everyone  he  feels  as  though  he  contributes.  he’s  in  the  middle  of  one  of  these  experiments  when  there’s  a  knock  on  the  door.  he’s  not  expecting  anyone  –  he  figures  it’s  just  some  door  -  to  -  door  salesman  he’ll  shoo  away.
      he  answers  the  door,  flour  dusting  his  face  and  his  clothes,  a  bandana  pushing  his  hair  out  of  his  face.  “  hawke  ?  ”  he’s  .  .  .  not  dressed  appropriately  for  a  business  meeting  .  .  .  or  even  a  casual  meeting.  his  top  is  oversized  and  falling  off  his  shoulder  and  he’s  only  wearing  boxers  underneath  –  it’s  laundry  day.  “  i  –  wasn’t  expecting  you  to  come  by  today.  ”
When Fenris answers the door the first thing Hawke does is blush. He’s wearing his shirt and appears to be not wearing even boxers? Gods above, Hawke is in heaven, and he knows very well he should avert his eyes and be polite—but Fenris looks fantastic and he cannot help the swell of pride he feels when Fenris wears Garrett’s clothes. “Fenris—I was wondering where that shirt went. . .” He pauses, flusters a little. “You can keep it, of course. You look—heavenly, really.”
He’s going to damn the fact that his body is certainly reacting to what he sees. Heat pools in his stomach and an electric current runs down his spine. It’s not fair for Fenris to look this damn good in almost nothing. “I, ah, got you something.” When they had gone on vacation together, Fenris running off had been awkward at best and damning at worst. Even so, Hawke still wants to try, still wants to give him a chance—erection or not he’s still going to give Fenris the flowers—and then hopefully retreat and take a cold, cold shower.
Hawke reveals the asters with a flourish. “Flowers. I. . .don’t know if you like flowers, but.” He pauses. Swallows thickly. “I mean—you could just throw them out if you don’t like them but—here.” He holds them out for Fenris to take and hopes beyond hope that Fenris doesn’t notice that Hawke’s ‘little friend’ is standing at attention. 
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