sleeping-sirens-63 · 4 years
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
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have i told you guys about my favorite scene in maybe anything, ever? please watch one day at a time
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
It’s a fucking death sentence when you’re talking to a girl and you glance at her lips like it’s over, ya done, rip
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
Getting jealous by seeing your friends interact with their friends, but not the hate-type of jealousy, but the kind where you feel like the others are so much better being friends than you are so it seems like your friend doesn’t need or want you anymore and you slowly disappear.
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
I’m that girlfriend that stares at you and smiles all the time even when you aren’t looking because I’m so obsessed with you
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
gay ask game for gays only
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
2. whats your “type”
3. do you want kids?
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
8. opinion on nap dates?
9. opinion on brown eyes?
10. dog gay or cat gay?
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
16. who is an ex you regret?
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
21. favourite gay youtuber
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
23. have you ever been in love?
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
26. favourite lgb musician/band
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have 
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
“She’s the type of girl who would hold you while you cry and stay up all night just to make sure that you’re okay, even if she’s the one breaking sometimes.”
— I’m a sucker for you. A.M.// (via tullipsink)
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
Me @ myself: why :) the Fuck™ :) did :) you :) do :) that :):):)
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
“what’s wrong” its such a easy question but so hard to answer.  because i don’t  really knows whats wrong at that moment, and im sorry i can’t answer that, i wish i could & i wish you understood why. i am sorry im like this  
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
i will drop anything & everything if someone i care about needs me but i can’t decide if that’s my best or worst quality
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
gay culture is never being able to tell if a girl is flirting with u or not
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
casual survey: reblog if you’re feeling gay right now
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 6 years
if you’re a baby gay and this is your first pride, watch your drinks! men are trash across all sexualities
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sleeping-sirens-63 · 7 years
Are fedoras really that bad?
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