sleeping-with-yashin · 10 years
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Im so excited for The Word Alive's new album! I love this band so much! They always make amazing music and put 110% in every show! Each member of the band is lovely, literally the nicest bunch of guys! Can't wait for the album and for them to come back to the UK! Go pre-order their new album! #TheWordAlive #REAL #album #new #excited #band #bands #perfect #cantwait #Favourites #love
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sleeping-with-yashin · 10 years
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I refuse to believe that this was a week ago today. This time last week i met @zackhansen the one person i've wanted to meet for almost a year, it was my goal this year to meet him and i did! Zack followed me a few days before i was seeing them & i couldnt stop smiling! Meeting him, hugging and talking to him has made my entire year! So glad i got to see him again after their set too! I've never been happier! Everytime we walked past each other he would always say hi! Everytime i feel down i just remember Zack and then i can't stop smiling, Zack's smile makes me smile too! Thank you so much for everything Zack! I miss you already please come back soon! :') <3 #ZackHansen #TheWordAlive #bands #bandmember #smile #happy #love #cute #perfect #guitarist #dragondaddy #favourite #hero
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
ahh me and my hero Dani Winter Bates - Bury tomorrow <3
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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Met @beaubokan yesterday at Starbucks! My fellow caffeine addict as he said! :') he's so nice! I started shaking and I apologised and he went aw its okay and hugged me! I love him! #blessthefall #bonescrew #starbucks #BeauBokan #nottingham #favourite #hero
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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Suited up for the wedding! No, me and Paul aren’t getting married haha
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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Memphis may fire >
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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This is my favourite photo. Shows if you really give it all you’ve got you can reach your dreams. This is the best show I’ve ever played!
Going from playing to a couple of people in bars and tiny venues in Glasgow to this just feels amazing. So grateful!!
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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Remember when...
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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tonight I met my hero, Austin Carlile. during the show I was dead center barricade…it was amazing, and after I went to wait outside by the buses for him to come out and say hi. while waiting, some people overheard me telling someone I had a 10 page letter to give Austin, and they were determined to make sure I got it to him. i told a few of them a small bit of my story, and they were all astounded…I showed then my scars and told them I’m a week clean because of Austin. a few people hugged me. one guy kept trying to call a security guy over to convince him to let me go back and meet Austin alone but I said “I have to wait like you guys." the guard asked what was so important so I told him I had a 10 page letter and jokingly he was like “wow that’s really fucking….creepy haha" and I was like “is it creepy that he saved my life and this letter explains how?" and he’s like “OH..". a few people kept yelling for people to get Austin because “this girl has a TEN PAGE LETTER YOU DONT GET IT SHE NEEDS TO GET IT TO HIM SHE’S HAD IT SINCE NOVEMBER" and im like “omg guys really stop haha" finally around midnight just Austin comes out. I start to cry as soon as I see him and then he says to everyone he only has 10 minutes so I freak. there was a pretty long line of kids. then maybe like 5 kids away from me his manager says only 3 minutes left and he’s rushing Austin and of course Austin isn’t gonna rush…I start freaking and thinking he won’t get to me. but this sweet girl pushed me ahead of her and I come face to face with the man who saved my life. I begin to cry harder and he goes “awww no don’t cry it’s ok!!" and I look up and I hand him my letter and he says “is this for me??" and I say yes but I can’t get anything else out because I’m crying so much. he then engulfed me in the biggest hug and I whispered in his ear “you saved my life…I’m getting clean because of you…No more scars…." and he keeps holding me and says “everything will be ok. you will be ok. next time I see you, I don’t want to hear about scars. if I see any, I won’t hug you. I won’t speak to you. I need you to promise me, no more" and I say “I promise" and we hug tighter. then I hear his manager say Austin needs to go like asap but Austin, who is still hugging me as I’m crying, whispers to me “I’m on my own time. don’t listen to him. I won’t let go until you’re ready. you take your time" and he holds me for a while longer and whispers “I love you so much. you are strong" and then I let go of him and ask him to sign my book, and to write two of my favorite lyrics “baby scars" and “let live again" so he does, along with “smile". as he’s writing I say "…can I show you?" and he says all soft, “show me what?" and I say “my scars…" and he looks at me and says “No. because next time I see you, you’ll be even more beautiful than you already are. you’ll not have anymore scars. I want to see you clean, not hurting…PROMISE ME" and again I promise. he then hugs me very tight again and I say “this means more than you know…now go say hi to them, they’re important too" and he laughed and goes to my friend. I then realize I didn’t take a photo with him and I say “Austin we never took a picture…can we real fast?" and he says “of course, we need one" and takes my camera and takes one. (I probably won’t post it.I’m crying and all puffy but I’ll cherish it forever) then I thank him, and he says he loves me again. as he moves down the line, I’m still crying so much and my new friends are all hugging me, telling me how happy they are for me, and a couple were crying for me. Austin’s manager told him they had to go NOW and Austin hugged every last fan standing there. he ran like 8 minutes late.
Austin is honestly amazing. he let me cry in his arms, and he didn’t let me go until I was ready. he made me feel safe. Oh and his cologne smelled so good, I can still smell it on my shirt lol:) he cared more about me than anyone has cared in a long, long time…he was the first person who gave me a real hug in I don’t even remember how long. I’ll never thank him enough and I know that  his strength will get me through my hard times. I love Austin Carlile with all my heart, and I will always be grateful to him.
ps…a few people who I was talking to took pictures of me hugging Austin…if you did, PLEASE send them to me. I can’t recall your URLs…I’d so very much appreciate it:)
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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My two favourite wristbands! #HitTheDeck from @harry_radford and @kitster29LFC (guestlist) and me and @robbiecoles have similar ones ;) #wristbands #RobbieColes #HarryRadford #Yashin #favourites
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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Everybody needs to reblog this .
A reminder and memory of his awesomness as a human being needs to be passed around.
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
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oh my god
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sleeping-with-yashin · 11 years
i spy a Kellin Quinn
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