sleepsnumber1fan 2 hours
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sleepsnumber1fan 2 hours
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sleepsnumber1fan 2 hours
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the new trans pride pins finally came in and they look amazing!!
you can find them in my etsy shop! 馃挏
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sleepsnumber1fan 3 hours
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LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Parliament has voted through Buffer Zones surrounding clinics providing abortions.
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sleepsnumber1fan 3 hours
so matt's absolutely giving scorched earth orders behind the scenes right. Not only are publically visible transfems dropping like flies, but every third person who musters up the audacity to comment negatively on Staff or Matt about this vanishes fucking instantly
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sleepsnumber1fan 3 hours
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sleepsnumber1fan 4 hours
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vivian + goombella! (x)
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sleepsnumber1fan 4 hours
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[ID: Two black and white photos of Kwame Ture/Stokely Carmichael, a young Black man, saying into a microphone with a sardonic expression, "In order for non-violence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none, has none." End ID.]
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sleepsnumber1fan 8 hours
i have not received a reason for my blog being termed btw. not even an email to let me know it was termed in the first time
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
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Experimenting with glazing lately. Clockwise from top left, the glaze colors are pthalo green, pthalo blue, quinacridone red, and yellow ochre
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
Making every other fantasy race except for humans a monoculture isn't just lazy, but actively robbing yourself of a wealth of story depth. Give them cultures with distinct nuances about things a human would have no idea about. Elves whose invisible and extremely nuanced cultural cues are not only incredibly subtle, but vary from one elven line to another, so something that would be considered a remarkably tactful and delicate choice in one elven house would be an atrocious insult in another.
Goblin clan feuds about The Sacred Bug - they all agree that this specific species of beetle is sacred to the Goblin Gods, but the question is whether it is taboo to eat it, or whether it would be blasphemy to not eat this bug that was specifically gifted to goblinkind by the gods. Can You Eat The Bug -wars are torrid affairs that can last generations. There's a theory that there are two different goblin gods who appear as the same one, and have deliberately given their own respective clans contradictory instructions about the bug just to fuck with them. Everyone who has ever asked a goblin about this theory has been bit.
Dwarves who have different regional measures for different ground depths. There's a confusion within a construction crew digging a new tunnel with some of the foreign builders using words like "first cracks deep" for something that's not a measure that's in use in the dwarvish universal metric system. And then it turns out that different dwarves from different areas are used to different kinds of bedrock that cracks at different levels, and they also disagree with each other about how deep is "first cracks deep".
And the Mason Master of the projct throws his pickaxe in the tunnel wall in frustration and goes "alright the next one of you to say some utter fucking hillbilly bullshit gets their ass beat so bad that your mother's beard falls off."
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
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I would do anything for him
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
the great thing about preserving kink as part of pride is that it鈥檚 the one thing that rainbow capitalism can never touch. I sincerely doubt that you鈥檒l ever see Arby鈥檚 tweeting about forcefem anytime soon.
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
u gotta learn the magical gathering for her.... And bandage her wounds and watch all of Gundam 00 with her ... and kiss her scars and play yugioh with her and comfort her through her dysphoria and play toys with her when shes regressed and more. and u can't expect her to top you at the end of it all. U have to do it because u luv her. u gotta do it because she's important and irreplaceable and beautiful and lovable. Sex is not a reward 4 being a good partner. Transfems r not characters in a video game u can max out the love meter on for a prize. U gotta love them for no other reason than you can.
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
remember when people were calling john green creepy because he wrote books about teens. 2014 was a silly time
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
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What's funny about this is that both SimCity and Cities Skylines are simulators, so they could allow you to simulate different economic and urbanist models. This could create really fun gameplay and challenges too.
However that would mean introducing POLITICS like actual classes with interests as well as citizens participating (both by regular 'politics' and by acting by themselves) in the construction of a city, instead of being an almighty mayor who rules undisputed over their lives.
And many city builder fans aren't really interested on that, they just want a green empty field which has never existed anywhere in history so they can build a city and get to the real thing: Solving Traffic.
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sleepsnumber1fan 11 hours
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