sleepydingo · 6 years
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Enjoy an anthro AppleJack! My background for this sucks lmao
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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Whoa this took a LONG time. *nervous laughing* About 10-11 hours total over three days. I’m actually really proud of how this turned out and I’m really hoping @mydrunkkitchen see’s this and likes it as much as I do. I’m thinking I might make this portrait type collection of my favorite youtubers/people, but I’m not quite sure yet :D a fuller version can be found at http://deangoking.deviantart.com/art/Harto-610466904
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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New video is now live. YouTube.com/Harto
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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This is rape culture.
This is white male privilege.
This is injustice.
The rapist and the judge are revolting, sociopathic spawns of the devil.
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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Big announcement! Click link in bio for more! 💛💛💛💛💛
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sleepydingo · 8 years
chasing sunsets pt. 2016
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sleepydingo · 8 years
amber heard has done literally every single thing that everyone has insisted an abused woman should do –
she has photographic evidence
she has video evidence
she has two witnesses to the assault, one who tried to separate them and another who heard it begin and was begged to call 911
she has multiple witnesses in depp’s security team
she called the police
she filed for a restraining order, which was granted to her, meaning that a united states judge found her evidence convincing enough to believe that she was in danger
she filed for divorce
and news reports are still acting as though there is no way that amber heard could be telling the truth
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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Well if jazzy caterpillar says…
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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I wouldn’t usually get super sentimental on a gifset post because that’s not how you get The Notes™, but this was by far Hannah’s best video, in my opinion. I’m someone who has always clutched on very tightly to her Coming Out videos because they have always been helpful in making me feel less alone, etc., but this video brought me to tears in a dramatic and good way. I think it was everything I needed to hear right now because I see so much of my current self in past Hannah. From the walking down the street and looking at people trying to figure out if I am making this up or if this is me, to objectively knowing that I am… you know… the captain of my own ship. Despite my knowing that, I can’t seem to let go of this notion that I am just trying to garner some sort of attention or that maybe I just haven’t found the right person and am just trailing behind. And that’s a really weird internal juxtapositional thought process that constantly frustrates and confuses me, but hearing that someone else – whom I admire and look up to greatly – has literally dealt with the same thing is comforting beyond words. If this is some sort of preview of Buffering in verbal form, this book – though heavy – is going to be helpful for people. It’s not even out yet (you can preorder it here), but I feel like it’s already my favorite. Thank you, Hannah. Really. For realsies. I am proud of you and hope I also, in some form, make you proud 
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sleepydingo · 8 years
I saw this reposted on Hamilton's official Facebook page and I had to find it and reblog because this is great
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“Such a blunder, sometimes it makes me wonder why I even bring the thunder~” Couple of sassholes
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sleepydingo · 8 years
A size small in the tank top fits Hannah well, I have a medium in the tank top which is a bit loose and baggier, and all the shirts/t-shirts I've ordered in medium fit the same way with me being about Hannah's size. Hope this helps! :)
Hannah Hart Merch!
Has anyone bought the black practice reckless optimism t shirt in medium as im wondering what the sizes are like? I would want a uk 10/12 but debating whether to get small or medium? HELP :(!!
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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I can't tell you how many people told me I that I wouldn't make it to graduation, that I would amount to nothing. In a little over a month I will be graduating. I will have proved my family wrong, and hopefully I'll get the recognition that I've been hoping for since I started middle school. I may not be the smartest student, graduating at 28th in my class (out of 46) but I will have done it on my own, and it will possibly be one of my greater achievements.
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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WHHOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAA I FINISHED IT!!!! Total time, 6 1/2 hours without stopping for more than 10 minutes my eyes really burn eheh. It’s really hard to draw people, but I think I did really good on this? Anyway I’m SUPER STOKED ABOUT @electrawomandynagirl and if you haven’t seen the trailer, you can watch it here [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFS36D5e1iI ]
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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sleepydingo · 8 years
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sleepydingo · 9 years
HELP! Binding 101 for big chests.
Edited 14th April 2011 to clarify and add information.
I run across a lot of large-chested people who despair at ever being able to bind. My body type isn’t everyone’s, but I hope that the more resources there are out there, the more likely it is that everyone will be able to find something that works for them.
Here’s where I’m coming from: My cup size has ranged from E (=DD) to small G (=DDDD) and my band size from 34 to 38 depending on my weight. I’m now about 34E, but the photos below were from when I was bigger. (Note: weight loss and chest size are very often not a linear relationship. My cup size got bigger before it got smaller, since my band size shrunk first. It depends on your genetics; I know people who lose cup size before they lose band size.)
My breasts were never dense (dense=perky), but they’ve learned to lay down better since I started to bind. I have some new stretch marks on top of my breasts. (You might be able to mitigate this with stretch-mark-reducing creams if it’s important to you.) I’m happy with this change, though it is something you should think about for yourself. (My feelings: what’s a supportive bra for if not that?)
I’m curvy, with a small waist and big hips, so my chest is in some ways more difficult to hide than if you have a bigger tummy. Bigger guys are expected to have bigger chests. I’ve even heard of big guys complaining that their binder gets them too flat!
Warning: semi-nudity below. Not remotely sexy, but not strictly work-safe.
This is how I do it:
First, you should know going into this that long-term binding is NOT good for your physical health. It can lead to cracked ribs, decreased lung capacity, and pneumonia. A few people have had circulation issues, a small heart attack, and permanent damage to the muscles and skeleton. Wear your binder as little as possible, try not to exceed 8 hours a day, and NEVER wear it to sleep (it can cause sleep apnea—-in other words, you might stop breathing. Best case scenario is you’ll wake up very sore). Nothing in life is perfectly safe. People go skydiving and drive cars, too. But you have to be aware of the dangers to weigh them.
ACE bandages did nothing for me, plus they seem to be much more difficult to get on if your chest insists on moving around. Do experiment (always experiment!), but watch out for that helpless, desperate feeling [that I used to get, anyway…] if they don’t work and remember there are other options.
Choosing and buying: I have only ever owned one binder, an Underworks 997. (see ftm.underworks.com) It works really well for me, and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s one of the only binders I see bigger people wearing. Others include the 983 (Tri-top—-I’m thinking about getting myself one of these for this summer, although I like the hip compression I can get from the 997) and 988 (which has a less-tight tummy section—-I’ve heard really mixed reviews about this one; people either seem to love it or hate it). I haven’t owned a T-Kingdom binder, and probably won’t. Based on exhaustive research, it seems that they’re better for people who are C-cup and under. ETA April 23, 2013:  Here’s a review of the Super Strength Short Velcro Binder from Les Love Boat binder.  Someday I’ll also post pics of my Underwords Tri-Tops—-those are the ones I wear 95% of the time.  As much binding power as the 997 (not as much smoothing, though), and hurts my back a lot less. When in doubt, err on the side of larger—-you want something that compresses your chest without compressing your ribcage. Not only will it be much more difficult to get a too-small binder on, but they’re less effective: one of the big things a binder does is smooth you out, and a smaller one will be less effective at this. You also won’t be able to wear a too-small binder as long, and you run a greater risk of hurting yourself. (See point #1) Intersexunicorn has good advice on how to obtain a binder without access to a debit or credit card.
Once you have a binder, you’ll have to work out your own way of getting it on. The first few times, pull it up over your hips. Once it’s on, you can adjust your chest to get rid of the monoboob: most people seem to prefer either down-and-out or up-and-out. Down-and-out is far more effective for me, but some people claim that up-and-out is better at preserving skin elasticity. (Up-and-out reduces me to a weird-looking small B or large A, which is much more easily hideable than a D or DD.) After pulling it over my hips a few times, I’ve gotten to the point where I can (with a brief struggle) get it over my head; I do this because I find the appearance is best when I just pull my binder straight down as far as possible. I also sometimes double it up; this stops the roll-ups and seems to decrease the slippage factor. And there will be a slippage factor—-you’ll probably have to adjust (in the bathroom? in a deserted hallway or room?) every few hours. This is where a tank-style binder is nice, too; with ACE, you have to rewrap the whole thing to adjust.
Your binder alone will not look very good. Layering, heavy fabric, and woven fabric are your friends, and thin, clingy, knit, or tight shirts are your enemies! I’m a big fan of cotton button-down shirts, which you can find in infinite styles and colors at Goodwill. Finding your size takes patience, but it’s worth it. Vests are also helpful. These suggestions are biased, of course, given I’m dapper queer. Over time, you’ll get a better idea of what works well for your style, so experiment.
Don’t judge based on what you see when you look down at your chest! Look in the mirror instead—-that’s the perspective everyone else is going to have. And your chest will look much curvier from above than from the side.
I hate to suggest this, but… slouch. Many of you probably already have a pretty good slouch developed. It’s great to be able to notice when you’re doing it; that will help when hopefully you’ll be able to stop one day. Seriously though? Even when I’m wearing a bra, most people think my breasts are much smaller than they are. An employer with whom I shared a physically small space for months guessed I was less than an A-cup. It can make a big difference.
Cis guys don’t have perfectly flat chests—-really! Most have either moobs or pecs. (Check them out… covertly.) This is a bonus of binding while not being Twiggy: the bigger you are overall, the more people will expect you to have some moob.
This is based almost entirely on my experience of binding as a large-chested person. Your mileage will probably vary—-and I encourage you to write about it! The more information there is out there for big-chested people, the better.
Now what you’ve all been waiting for: photos! (By which I mean I get to show off my lovely flattened chest.)
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[Image: underwire bra, underworks 997 (not doubled, but bunched up around the bottom), underworks 997 with cotton tank: front view (this time the binder is doubled up), underworks 997 with cotton tank: side view (doubled up)]
I wouldn’t have worn the tank out alone, but under another shirt—-even a “girly”-cut Threadless tee—-it works wonders.
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[Image (clockwise from top left): unbound front view, unbound side view, bound side view (not doubled), bound front view (not doubled).]
More comparison photos. (Oh my gawd is that bra worn out. :P) I usually can’t stay quite this flat and un-curvy for long due to slippage, but this is a best case scenario. (My binder does slip less when pulled down over the top of my pants, so I do this especially when I can wear a long, untucked shirt.)
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[Image: Levi with binder folded up once, to eir armpits.]
That’s what I mean by doubled. Also how I normally wear it. Slightly more uncomfortable, but also less prone to slipping.
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[Image: Levi wearing a green plaid, short-sleeved, seersucker button up shirt.]
Shirt! You can see a very slight bulge here, but keep in mind that 1) this is a very lightweight shirt, 2) I’m holding my arm at an unnatural angle to show off the flatness and that pulls on the fabric, 3) most people aren’t looking. Really. Even if all you can do is make your chest look nothing like a female chest, most people aren’t going to catch on to that. I got my first ever “sir—-I mean ma’am?—-I mean, sir!” in this getup.
Good luck! And pay it forward by posting your own experiences!
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sleepydingo · 9 years
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