sleepyhanboo · 9 years
3, 4, 18
What do you think others like or admire about you?
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“Admire about me? My adorable face and unmatched wit, of course!” He mused playfully, before shaking his head. 
“I’m not so vain as to really see myself from someone else’s point of view. Though if I were my own friend, I believe the strong sense of optimism; even if it’s borderline on the annoying side to some, is something to be admired?”
How do you know when you’re in love? (romantic or platonic)
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“Well now isn’t that a bit more personal?” A beaming grin plastered on his face, he glanced off to the side. “I believe that love just happens naturally. It isn’t something you realize until you’re already enamored! It’s gradual, unless you believe in love at first sight! Though...” He laughed softly, bringing his index over his lips in a hushing gesture.
“For me, I suppose it’s when I actually want to remain awake around said person, as opposed to taking a nap. Though taking a nap with them would be nice, being awake to see their face and bask in their presence is more pleasant than even sleep.” And that was saying something.
What would you like to achieve before you die?
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“That’s a rather dismal topic, don’t you think? Though to be fair and answer truthfully, I simply want to help my Lord and bring about peace. I want to make people happy. It’s just that simple.”
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
8, 13
Should all people be treated as equal, and have the same rights?
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Smiling warmly, the small strategist placed his hand on his hip, idly waving with his free hand. 
"Of course! Just because someone has a differing view or opinion than you doesn't mean they deserve any less rights or to be treated any less equally than anyone else. Anyone who says otherwise either thinks too highly of themselves or was raised in this mindset, and I feel bad for them! They could be missing out on a great friendship!"
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Blinking in surprise, a small, saddened smile came on to his features. 
Would you always be loyal to your loved ones even if they wronged you?
"While I would like to say that I could forgive any person who wronged me, I would be a hyprocrite. There have been a few instances where I have been a bit less than benevolent when others have wronged me, but to err is human, right? No one is perfect."
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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{ I'd also like to say thank you to everyone who is being so nice and supportive of our return. It's nice to be back. <3 }
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
Difficult Questions for Muses
(Please remember to use trigger warnings as and when necessary)
Do you think that you’re a good person?
Do others like you? Do you want others to like you?
What do you think others like or admire about you?
How do you know when you’re in love? (romantic or platonic)
Would you or have you ever killed? What would drive you to kill? 
Do you think that killing is ever justified?
Have you ever done anything that you feel to be very morally wrong?
Should all people be treated as equal, and have the same rights?
If you committed a crime, would you accept punishment willingly?
Is it right to have an intimate relationship with somebody you don’t love?
What could make you break your own moral code? 
Have you ever doubted your own beliefs? (Spiritual, philosophical)
Would you always be loyal to your loved ones even if they wronged you?
What would you consider a fate worse than death?
Why do you love the person or people you love? (romantic or platonic)
Do you agree with capital punishment?
Could you ever forgive your worst enemy?
What would you like to achieve before you die?
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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Hello one and all! I suppose we've got some explaining to do. 
moonlittraitor and I have been gone for a little over a month and we apologize greatly for that. We've missed our blogs and all of our friends; but the fault is mainly mine.
I fell on some really hard times that I won't delve into. Not to mention I just started working a month ago (pretty much around the time we disappeared.) 
Working 9+ hours a day 6 days a week is taxing on someone who didn't work more than 4 - 8 hour shifts with 3 - 4 days off a week. 
Not to mention there was a big blow-out/break down courtesy of yours truly doing something awful that they aren't proud of. Things are better now though. I'm better. And I'm sorry again for us disappearing!
We're going to try to slowly make our way back on, if you guys will still have us that is. 
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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Alright, wow. It’s been almost four months, give or take, since I first introduced this bae to the world, and since then I’ve had a hell of a good time. I’m really glad that I took this leap to give this fucker a go, because he’s been around in my life for about five years now. Everyone’s been really really awesome and I’m so glad you guys still like having me around, haha.
Anyway, I wanted to give back in some way, shape, or form, and I’m not really all that creative (hence the shoddily done picture edit right up above hooo boy—), so I decided to make a follow forever to show my appreciation! I’ve never ever done one of these before, and I’m primarily procrastinating right now, so bear with me, aha.
Guys, for real, everyone on this list deserves a follow. Bless you all. ;u; I’m bolding the URLs of those who have made a profound impact on me in one way or another, or have really just been very fucking swell to me and I don’t know what I’d do without seeing you on my dash or being able to talk to you on skype or whatever else, tbqh. On to it, then!
{ A - E }
armoureddevotion arcanetempest artofstrategy amicableblade anklebell ankathi-drakos bad-intuition benevolentfluff black-concerto blindingblaze baofengyu bowsandkunai carnationhairpin claretvixen conflagrationsstyle crimsontigerlord crystalxtides cynosureflames daichesto dauntless-retaliate delicate-hibiscus demonkingofowari despisedshadow discord-incarnate divinedestroyer dragonofchangshan dohrans elegantmastermind empressofjin empresspride ephemeralcamillia exalted-grace exquisitexswords 
{ F - J }
filialdecree flowerofpurity flowerofsunlight fragrantwinter frozentempest fuxithegod fxnal-dream glidingcobra greensoaringdragon guanpingofshu guanxyinping gyobu-shoyu heavenlyempress heavenlywill heavens-judgement hero-among-men huiahuiyu huohongzhihui imperial-babysitter imperial-phoenix itssimayi jiaxchong jibunosho justtheoneeyeddragon 
{ K - O }
kasaihxto kanudono kemariislife kxybearer kiiun kissfortune kobayakawahideaki kongqide ladydiaochan ladyxzhen lavenderaspiration lingqi lionofsagami lxyalmarquis magnasolus, marquiswenruo, marquissu, maidenoftalents magistrixium majestic-possessions  manofpeerlessmight maotaisei minimasamune modification21 moonlittraitor nihilisticarachnid obsidian-rationality odaninokata of-steel-and-grace onechanceofsix oshudragon 
{ P - S }
parasolpriestess pessimisticstrategist perfectnightshade puritanmentor qiao-beauty quantumdrifter readyforanap rebelliousbat recklessbarks rxverence sadisticdemoness sanxiaojieshi savageorchids sealantblade serpentinexwar silkxspun sharpshootersaika shinsengumi-no-ken simaxshi snowmadeflower sonofthetiger sonshoko spiritedxwind strategicambitions suikeiin sun-jian sunrisevixen sunshao swallow-swords swifthooks​
{ T - Z }
temperedwings thelazysima theoneandonlyvxlentine thewrathofheaven tigerofwu this-sworn-lullaby tosho-daigongen txrnished transcendentavidity uncagedtiger unflinchingxresolve vengeful-fangs viridian-prince wangzi-qi wangzi-ye wargodsshadow wei-zhi wenxyang whisteriatempest xuyouxi xunwenruo zhouxyu
Thank you guys so much!
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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"Devious and deceitful? Master Takakage I'm appalled you would speak such accusations about me! If anything I believe the words 'clever' and 'cunning' are more befitting!" Giving a small smile, he bounced back and forth on his geta.
Dropping his smile almost immediately, a small pout came to his childish face.
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"Ah... You've got me there, I suppose. How unfair you can see through my facade so easily! Though it's not all a masquerade. Look, how about I make it up to you!" The smile returned to his face once more as he reached into the breast pocket of his haori top.
"I saw this on a merchant's cart that came here from... Germany? I believe?" Holding out a rather thick volume-- which we're unsure how he managed to shield inside his clothes -- to the orange-tressed male, his smile grew. "I hope you're able to read it."
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"I already made it clear that it was intuition which guided me to the realization that something was occurring. Something devious and deceitful.” Focusing his dulled expression on the Oda strategist, a small, barely audible sigh was released.
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"Willful ignorance is still ignorance, Hanbei. You know that your smiles and innocent masquerade is something that I can easily see through, so why even attempt to try and fool me…?"
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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{Selective} Independent Role Play blog for      ↳Daqiao { Dynasty Warriors || Warriors Orochi } - Many years of roleplay experience - Kind & Loving - Please read all rules; listed below!                                                ”I must become even stronger!!!” Rules | Splash | Ask | Daqiao | Tag Page
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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{Selective} Independent Role Play blog for      ↳Lu Xun { Dynasty Warriors || Warriors Orochi } - 11+ years of roleplay experience - Sarcastic & Sweet - Please read all rules; listed below!                              ”Another step forward in my training as the future of Wu!” Rules | Splash | Ask
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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"Intuition is so strong a force, I believe everyone should follow theirs. I knew you were up to no good, though I have to wonder how it is you’re able to do your little magic trick. Care to explain or even write it out?—-Writing it out is actually preferred.”
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"How did you figure it out?! You've been absent for such a long time, that's hardly fair! -- Ah..." Smiles innocently, clasping his hands behind his back. "I've not the slightest idea what you're speaking of, Master Takakage. Also my apologies, but I won't fuel your addiction."
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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"Master Takakage, honestly! You're too sweet for words! You don't have to boast me up like that, you're embarrassing me, honestly!"
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"For the record, I would just like to state that Takenaka Hanbei is by far the most intelligent, and shall I mention, most adorably friendly strategist our era has ever seen. He’s incredibly good company; I’m thinking I may even give up literature for him.”
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
Tagging Game
Got from crimsontigerlord
Name: Rue
Eye Color: Cognac Brown
Hair Style/Color: Originally Auburn, dyed black and growing it out a bit so I can have Lu Xun braids and then cutting the rest of it off.
Height: 5'1"
Clothing style: I go everywhere in my hello kitty pajamas and my Zelda Jacket. What is getting dressed. LOL. I went through 20 years of getting dressed every morning for school and now I go out in whatever I feel like. u 7 u
Your fears: I am scared of bugs. All kinds. Other than that I sincerely don't care. Though I do hate the lack of streetlights where I live. I don't like the 'country' feel.
Your guilty pleasure: Roleplaying. 8)
Ambitions for the future: To become a voice actor is my life's goal. I'm using whatever I can to get there. One day! 8D
 Your first thoughts waking up: "Shit did my parents try to call me."
What you think about before bed: Mainly roleplay scenarios that waifu and I talk about before we fall asleep. I play them out in my head until I pass out.
You think your best quality is: Being as helpful as I possibly can, even to a fault sometimes. I've gotten taken advantage of my kindness more times than I'd care to admit.

Single or group dates: Single cos then me and waifu can gush about roleplays in the booth at our nearest Sushi restaurant tbh. 
To be loved or respected: Loved. I'm not respected by my family and I can live with that, but I can't live without love. 
 Beauty or brains: I was lucky enough to meet someone with both. u 7 u
Dogs or Cats: I am a cat person. u 7 u

Lie: Not really, I see no point in it. I hate when people lie about their lives to try and make themselves seem more interesting, I lived through that with my friends in the past and it is just so cliche.
Believe in yourself: Yes. And I can fly.
Believe in love: More than anything.
Want someone: I've got the only person in the world I will ever honestly need. <3

Been on stage: Yes I have and it is not a fun experience for me.
Done drugs: Other than pain killers for my medical problems, nope. 
Changed who you were to fit in: I show people my kind side, but once they get in I let my true sarcastic asshole-self show. I think everyone's like that though.
Favorite colour(s): Lavender and Cerulean.
Favorite animal: Don't ask me that question I love so many animals. u 7 u
Favorite movie: .......... ... ... Gonna say Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for this one.
Age: 23
Day your next birthday will be: Monday ew.
How old will you be: 24 HOLLA.
Tagging: All my friends have already been tagged. D8
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
I really love your rp blog! I was wondering how you should first get into the koei roleplaying community. I've wanted to get into it for awhile but I always felt like any character I thought i understood enough to rp as they already had someone rping them with more experience and popularity then I would if I just stepped in. So how do you think i should approach?
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Oh wow! ; 7 ; Thank you so much for your kind words, and I’ll give some advice in return!
It’s all about having fun. There are people who roleplay a character that another roleplays, yeah sometimes people get jealous and afraid of others stealing their thunder, but if you make friends who like to roleplay with you and you’re enjoying yourself and portraying the character in a way you’re comfortable and you and your friends enjoy it, then that’s all that matters.
Popularity has nothing to do with anything, if you’re kind and introduce yourself in a friendly manner to people and just… try to have fun, you’ll make friends. People will roleplay with you. We didn’t join this fandom to be popular, we joined to roleplay and I don’t think we’re popular by any means. We just like to have fun, and that’s what it’s about. 8D
TL;DR: Just have fun. Be nice and be friendly. { On that same note, don’t be overbearing, have patience, people have real lives and it can be taxing so they don’t always respond RIGHT AWAY } You’ll always be able to make friends and people who want to roleplay. 
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
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// this is probably a little out of the blue but ive been seeing it a lot in the rp community and i need to get this off my chest before i get irritated at every instance of this happening
if you edit other people’s fanart without permission (e.g. slap on some effects on a pretty piece of fanart you like) and are continuing to do so, please stop! there’s nothing worse than finding other people using your artwork and editing them for personal use, because when you edit it past cropping, you’re telling the artist “oh it looks better this way”, and i know it’s not true for everyone like maybe some artists like me are chill with others using their art, but many are not, especially artists on pixiv. hell, even the site itself has a rule that tells you not to repost artwork without the original artist’s permission! you can think “ehhh they won’t find me on here”, but it’ll only be worse in case they do find you, and remember that not everyone on the site isn’t capable of speaking english.
i won’t hold it against you if you don’t want to stop because the decision is entirely up to you, but please keep in mind that the main point in roleplaying is not having the prettiest icons or promo graphic or the fanciest html coding, but having fun playing your character(s). and if you do want to use or repost someone’s artwork, ask for permission! there are various tumblr posts listing pre-typed messages you can copy-paste and send if you don’t speak japanese.
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
☢: Something about my character that I’ve never explored but want to.☠: A popular fanon headcanon about my character that bugs me.❅: A character I’m tempted to play.
- Something about Hanbei I’ve never explored but want to… Um, would maybe be his darker side? Everyone as chipper and smiley as Hanbei has a dark side. It’s shown slightly in Chronical Mode in SW4 that he has a cynical side, but I feel that he’d have something a bit more dark than cynicism. 
- A popular fanon about Hanbei that bugs me would I guess be similar to what I said in my last response; that he’s obsessed with Kanbei? I don’t know like Kanbei isn’t a bad character IMO but I think people exaggerate his and Hanbei’s relationship. But I guess that’s what happens when you smack them together in a game constantly.- A character I’m tempted to play… In Koei? I already play all the characters I want to play privately. I don’t think I wanna make anymore roleplay blogs. u 7 u; Not unless I make them entirely exclusive which isn’t a good idea in this fandom ahahaha.
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sleepyhanboo · 9 years
Something about my portrayal that differs from others:
{ While I try to make my Hanbei one of a kind, I think one thing that severely separates me from other roleplayers of my muse is that where many have him with some sort of constant narcolepsy, my Hanbei is more based on in-game Hanbei where he only naps when he can find a place to hide. AKA; he isn't always sleeping anytime someone comes to find him. u 7 u He also has nothing other than platonic interest in Kanbei, where as that seems to be the fandom OTP for Hanbei.}
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