sleepymariii · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the greatest game ever made! I hope you enjoy his fun little pair of renders I made, of my absolute fave, Mel. #TheLastOfUsPartII was the right piece of media at the right time for me, helping me through a difficult time in my life. So thank you @naughty-dog!
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sleepymariii · 2 years
(2)The Last Of Us Part I - Remake Trailer :
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sleepymariii · 2 years
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sleepymariii · 2 years
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- You’re just saying that.
- Do yourself a favor, cupcake. Go back to that big, shiny house of yours and just… forget me, okay?
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sleepymariii · 2 years
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realized i never posted this aaaaaa
family reunion
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sleepymariii · 2 years
Just a thought but what if Ellie's mom was bit and she had a C-section to try and save Ellie. She knew she would die either way but maybe Ellie would be saved. She writes the letter to Ellie and then they preform the operation. This could also be what leads to Ellie's immunity.
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sleepymariii · 2 years
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Vi and Caitlyn helping each other
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sleepymariii · 3 years
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sleepymariii · 3 years
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EllieDina Week Day 5: Old World
Ellie first meets Dina and her son JJ at a laundromat.  Ellie hopes to run into them each time she does laundry, and is slowly working up the courage to ask Dina out.  She helps keep JJ entertained while Dina tries to fold the laundry.
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sleepymariii · 3 years
Elliedina week day 2: control.
I really love it when Dina is in control.
Absolute control.
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sleepymariii · 3 years
hey there
hope im not too late. could i request a dina with a brand new little baby jj?
thank you for all the awesome art
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light of her life
(not pictured: ellie bawling her eyes out in the background)
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sleepymariii · 3 years
drawing prompt pt 2!! marlene and what you think anna might look like! there is so much mystery in ellie's mom's backstory and i lowkey kind of ship marlene and anna, but im curious what you might come up with!
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there is something intriguing about her because we know so little. i kinda wish there was some mention of her/ellie’s thoughts or feelings about her in part 2 but it’s possible she just...moved on from anna and the thought of making her proud.
anyway, here are a few hc’s surrounding anna:
she somehow split her time between the actual hospital and taking care of wounded fireflies. no way she and marlene were that close and she wasn’t involved in their cause (and also i feel like marlene would’ve abridged things when telling ellie about anna to keep her out of the fireflies).
she’s hella short. ellie got her height from her dad clearly.
marlene and anna definitely dated at some point. definitely.
marlene probably still loved her after they were said and done?? am i reading too hard into how fondly she spoke of anna? maybe. will that stop me?? no.
if anna had lived, she would’ve been about the same age as tess (making her an early 20-something when she had ellie).
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sleepymariii · 3 years
Summary: Caitlyn takes Vi back to her home after the disaster on the bridge. Vi treats Caitlyn’s injuries. Vi needs better access to patch her up, and she definitely gets it.
please enjoy :)
- monty
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sleepymariii · 3 years
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bonus: join the city of progress discord!
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sleepymariii · 3 years
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Why I'm a Mel Stan
TW: Mention of real life trauma.
Thought I'd give a run-down on why I'm a Mel Stan lol (a term that is relatively new to me)!
I loved the The Last of Us, but the Part 2 resonated with me in a much deeper way. Originally, I was very much an Abby Stan. Like both Abby and Ellie, I lost someone very close to me in real life to murder and had to watch their killers escape justice, in my case because of intrenched homophobia and a morally corrupt criminal justice system. This was a very cathartic game for me.
I very much empathise with both characters, but the more I played it and the more I came to terms with my own life and loss, the faster my love of them waned. Vengeance isn't justice (even in the apocalypse) and both characters went through a comprehensive arc and I think they both realised this by the end of the game. Of the two player characters, I'll probably always empathise with Abby more as she repeatedly tried to make good and atone in a much more concerted way than Ellie.
Part 2 is full of rich and beautiful characters. In particular Dina is fantastic and Owen is a kind and gentle soul (if a bit thoughtless). I always felt for Mel, even in my very first play-through. She spent the whole game putting aside what she needed/wanted to help/please other people and getting treated kind of poorly for it and then dies pregnant and terrified (which as a dad, repeatedly hit me right in the gut)
Then I read a lot of pretty un-nuanced discourse. Mel bad because she called Abby a POS. Yes, she could have directed more anger at Owen (and she eventually did), but Abby was meant to be her friend.
Mel probably wanted Joel brought to 'justice' for her own reasons. She was Jerry's student and probably pretty close to the man. She was also close with Abby and probably wanted it for her as well. You can see how uncomfortable she is with what actually happens to Joel in her body language, facial expressions and her hesitation to apply the tourniquet. She says in the game that Jackson shook her. Violence of that level has a tendency to do that to all involved (Abby is clearly no exception).
On their way to the FOB, Mel extends an olive branch to her friend, who she's avoiding and tries to reconnect. She knows Abby is suffering as well, offers her sleeping pills and tries to share that trauma with Abby. Abby takes that attempt as an attack and responds pretty snidely (have a look back at that scene, they both have amazing actresses behind them and the way Mel kind of crumples emotionally is pretty sad).
Then Owen and Abby both go AWOL on the same day, Mel loyal to her friends, doesn't give them up, despite Isaac being pretty hard on her according to Nora and goes after Owen, through a dangerous city with only Alice for company. Then she finds Abby there as well, in a place she thought was Owen and hers and is obviously hurt. But she puts that aside to help Yara (a Scar, who she is meant to hate, but doesn't, as like good boy Owen, she seems a lot less tribal). But all that hurt she's bottling up finally boils over and she directs it at Abby first, a big personality who until now she's seemed reluctant to confront. To her credit, Abby actually takes it on the chin, maybe realising that she had kind of been a shitty friend, despite the fact that she doesn't really deserve to be the entire focus of Mel's ire (she still very much cares for Mel I think and tells Owen to get his priorities straight).
And the whole you've always been a piece of shit thing I'm going to put down to the heat of the moment.
I don't think any of that warrants the dislike she seems to get.
Then there's the No Loose Ends thing. Not her finest hour, but she has just witnessed what awful things people will do in the name of vengeance and does not want that for her, her loved ones and her unborn child.
Again, don't think this means she deserves to be a D or E on all those character tier list things people make.
Then there's the She Was Going To Give Abby Up thing and yeah, she was terrified, didn't want to die and wanted to save herself, the man she loved and their unborn child from the person who was pointing a gun at them. Owen should have let her, it probably wouldn't have helped Ellie find Abby at all.
So basically the more I played the game, the more I thought she was one of the best human beings in it. She wanted to keep her loved ones safe and she wanted to be a mother, but was fearful for what that would look like in the world she lived in.
I also see reflected in her character a lot of someone who is very near and dear to me: She's got a low bullshit tolerance, but is very bad at confrontation so bottles it up. She seems to be one of the most empathetic and kindhearted characters in the game. From her bodily language and mannerisms I always got the impression that she has crippling anxiety and as mentioned before, she always seemed to put other people first.
I also tend to favour the underdog, so given there are so few Mel Stans in the fandom I thought I might as well be.
Naughty Dog are geniuses.
Apologies if that was an incoherent mess. As always I blame the fact that English isn't my mother tongue.
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sleepymariii · 3 years
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Olympus om-1 film    fuji color c200 /   kodak gold 200  TLoU part II Cosplay Ellie https://www.instagram.com/meowmei_/ Dina https://www.instagram.com/alice.wake.95/
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sleepymariii · 3 years
Abby after Ellie threatens Lev:
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