sleepyselkiesims · 13 hours
Part 45
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Ariel and Erika had sure raised some very helpful kids!
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Under Erika's tutelage, Melody's cooking ability got stronger and stronger.
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Melody also kept having those hard conversations with Ariel. The only thing they really had in common was a love of singing, so it was kinda awkward. But both Ariel and Melody seemed to be working towards Ariel being more "motherly".
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Melody got along a lot better with Erika, for reasons the benevolent god couldn't explain.
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Maybe it was that Erika gave her constant encouragement?
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Nah, they had the occasional fight over their differences.
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Maybe it was just that Erika bothered making the long journey up the ladder just to see her.
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Cassie also made the climb often, trying to win Melody's affection by taking care of her precious plants.
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If that didn't work, she could always cause some mischief!
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Even though Melody didn't like mischief, she loved her little sister.
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Oh whoops, totally forgot Delana was trapped in a baby gate in the front yard.
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She didn't do anything other than alternate between crying and laughing maniacally.
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Cassie sure didn't seem to think anything was weird about a random woman standing in a gate in the yard. Then again, her yard also had a sad clown tank and an alien portal so. Maybe it really wasn't weird.
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At any rate, Cassie had her own life to focus on!
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Melody spent her free time pampering Pascal...
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Ariel got a cool new title at her odd job...
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Look, I'll believe Bobert Ross would say this, but no way would the over-achieving Melody ever think this.
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None of Melody's windows faced the front-yard vampire, so she might not actually be aware of the murder attempt. Not that it was going anywhere, due to the non-stop rain and clouds.
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After waiting forever with no results, the malevolent god had an idea, watching Ariel's little fishing trip...
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Melody had better move away from the window if she wanted to keep her growing positive attitude about the world.
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sleepyselkiesims · 15 hours
Part 44
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Aw :( This is fine, I am fine, it doesn't hurt.
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??? Gurl, he is DEAD! Leave him alone!!
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?!?! Wait what??
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Obviously Ariel had to go see her mama at the romance festival! She got to hug her mama again!
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Snow White had all sorts of juicy details about the afterlife, her Ever After with Christopher, and what she'd seen of the wedding from beyond the grave!
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Melody had never left the house as quickly as she did when she heard her grandma's ghost was around! She could actually talk to her again!
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This was probably the most therapeutic thing that could've happened for Melody. Love really was eternal and life was great!
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Ariel showed her pride in her daughter with a shower of petals.
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And Melody in turn showered her love on her grandma with petals!
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And uh, Hinata showed up to join in too, ig.
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Apple was the only family member at the Romance Festival this time, which was a real shame. She was already the closest to seeing Snow White again anyway...
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Hey, Melody got to stargaze with Snow White after all!!! I never thought that want would get fulfilled!
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Overall, it was an absolutely lovely day!
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And hey, while they were there, might as well check in with the romance guru! Family legacy was so important to Snow White, she had to know if she'd be able to live up to that expectation.
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....eh, they always say that. It's fine, right??
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Well well well, look who was crying at the door when the romance festival ended! It's like she could sense Snow White's spirit had returned and just couldn't leave well enough alone!
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Ariel ran over to square up. She wouldn't let Delana terrorize the Queen family anymore!
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Delana was still starving for plasma, who knew what drastic measures she'd take next!
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Hehe, get baby-gate trapped, loser.
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Yeah, good luck with that. The last thing for Ariel's legacy is to see you dead; both Ursula and the Evil Queen died, so. You were always doomed by the narrative.
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sleepyselkiesims · 2 days
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Just some Pascal moments I never fit in
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Hmm... looks like some of the salad escaped the bowl!
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The salad plots which of these many tasty bugs to feast upon.
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It took me a very long time to realise twas Pascal who kept digging up repair parts for Ariel. I just thought Ariel was being messy.
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Awwww cute!!
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...wait a second XD
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Yeah, Pascal has been a great cat
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And some funny poses
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Also, I found Thomas in the magic realm??
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I get the feeling he's not who I thought he was...
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sleepyselkiesims · 2 days
♥️ Love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love! ♥️
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@payte Soon I will have an entire train of my own!! Bwahahahahahaahah!!!!
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sleepyselkiesims · 2 days
Gen 3. Aurora #79 Beginning to Reconcile
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"Well, you used to be so dependable, ready for whatever we were going to face together, but lately, I feel like I had to do all the work in the house."
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He commented about her super mama abilities, but ... he was actually the one holding the grudge. Especially whenever she humiliated him in front of their guests.
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Aurora: "Well, honestly, I really hate it when you compliment the other mermaids. Especially since I haven't come to terms with my body after all those kids."
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"I'm sorry, I really need to watch what I say."
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"Honestly, I don't want to go through this cycle anymore." "I'll do better, Aurora. Promise."
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This might be harder than expected to reconcile.
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"Doesn't this look familiar?" "I wonder if this will lead us back to Glimmebrook? Remember we saw this at the waterfall?" "Let's try it! It can't be all that dangerous if it's at my grandfather's castle."
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"... Definitely not Glimmerbrook."
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As the couple had been talking all night, Phillip was exhausted. He took out the "Stamina" (Transcendent Charm) potion from L. and drank a sip.
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Aurora: "Come. Let's go see what this building is."
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sleepyselkiesims · 2 days
Part 43
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Now that the wedding was over, Melody wanted to bring up her old fears again... she really didn't want to be a disappointment to her momma!
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She explained that she really hadn't dropped out out of fear! She just wanted more time to do the stuff she loved! And this time, Ariel calmed her down quickly.
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She hadn't listened to Melody the first time, and she was sorry. She really was proud of her! And Melody was old enough to make her own choices by now.
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Everything really was ok between them! Melody had never felt so relieved as she did when she got the parental thumbs-up.
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Things still weren't perfect, but maybe, just like her moms' relationship, it didn't have to be. At least it was getting better!
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With that mother daughter bond a little stronger, the benevolent god figured it was time for a little family outing with the other mother-daughter duo!
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They couldn't live so close to an amusement park without visiting at least once!
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Neither of these two had any particular Ferris Wheel fears; if anything, it was a bit tame for them!
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Next stop, pier ice cream!! Whatever Cassandra wanted!
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If there was one thing Cassie took seriously, it was ice cream choice. And totally not an excuse to try out every ice cream!
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Overall, it was a really nice day out! Cassie couldn't help wondering, why didn't momma take her out more?
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Well, Ariel would've joined this time, but the wedding had completely exhausted her. Of all the places the benevolent god would've looked for her, bed was not one of them!
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The mother-daughter outing was cut short when the benevolent god saw someone Erika just had to become friends with!!
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Erika still didn't know anyone besides the Queen family, so she couldn't miss this chance!
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Alas, other Erika apparently didn't want to stick around. Ah well, might as well get some quality time with her other daughter! Better strike while Melody was still feeling good about the world.
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10/10, guys.
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They're so sweet! Melody probably couldn't've gotten a better step-mother if she tried. And boi do the Disney Princesses try!
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It was nice for Melody to have someone she could always count on to talk to, even if Erika made one too many gross jokes.
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They were the ones who kept the house clean when Ariel's upgrades didn't work out.
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Ariel still wouldn't cook, but Erika made sure both her daughters at least knew the basics.
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Though Cassie seemed to be headed more down Ariel's route, preferring cleaning the dishes to making food for them.
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Thanks to Erika's interfering, Melody and Ariel were actually kinda bonding these days!
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So when it came time to age up, no one was more excited to celebrate her life than her wife and step-daughter.
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This probably wasn't the life she'd envisioned for herself all that time ago, when she'd met that random mermaid trying to drown somebody. But overall, not a bad situation to blow out some candles in!
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Congratulations to Erika for being the first legacy sim to actually have an elder birthday!
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That uhh... this does not seem like the best time to gain that particular lifestyle.
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...oh. Good. Actually, that might be the closest we get to having Erika nearly marry the wrong person. Honestly just didn't have the time for that on short-lifespan, since she didn't even meet Ariel until late adulthood.
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sleepyselkiesims · 2 days
Gen 3. Aurora #78 Missed Opportunities
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After the funeral service, Aurora and her loved ones visited the Legacy Cemetery.
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Aurora didn't have much time with her parents, and she mourned all the lost years. (The other man is Prince Joshua Tremaine, son of Soren Tremaine, her grand-uncle).
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Tremaine Family tree
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They headed into the catacombs to reminisce over the lives of her parents and grandparents.
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Aurora paid her respects to her grandparents first.
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"This is an incredible tribute." "Ella had come to work on this place after Aurora left."
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(This took forever to set up and clean up all the photos, so I'm memorializing everything even though it's super tiny on here.)
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White family tree
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King Christopher (Henry's brother, Aurora's Uncle): "Come, see your parents' memorial room."
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Charme Family Tree
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Aurora was overwhelmed...she put her Claire bear here, but kept Yarny for herself (two of Ella's legendary knits).
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Aurora thought of the missed opportunities in her life, and realized... she didn't want that anymore for herself or for her children.
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Back at Grandmother Snow's castle, where her mother Ella had grown up, Aurora tried to reconcile with Philip. "Let's go sit in the garden."
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It was a rainy night, just like the day they had first met. The garden had been overgrown now, without Florian tending it. "Can I sit next to you?"
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sleepyselkiesims · 3 days
The Wedding: Bonus
Good thing I made sure to click save minutes before the wedding! The wedding you saw was actually attempt number two. Although the first one glitching out was my fault, if you can believe.
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Some parts were the same; guests showed up, and the non-family guests spawned off to the side.
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Erika was still super sick, but I got worse pictures.
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The fiances couldn't wait for the wedding to start kissing.
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And Thyme was wearing the athletic wear instead of Attina.
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The differences started when Apple made a sandcastle instead of running to her officiant post.
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And I got so confused about which way was up and down the aisle, I just couldn't get it right.
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I got to impatient that I reset the flowerpal and uhh... that's when it all went wrong.
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Well, that would fix itself, right? The important thing was getting the main sims down the aisle!
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It did not fix itself. And I didn't learn my lesson and reset the ringbearer after getting the wrong direction, which meant the rings got left at the bottom of the aisle. No one could interact with them, and without them Cassandra couldn't act as ringbearer.
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Worried I'd mess up the aisle walk again, I just had the brides go straight to the arch. I was really starting to panic about Melody.
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Erika was still sick, but that was fine, it could be plot. And honestly the view was better without Apple officiating.
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Well, she was still officiating. Just... off to the side. For some reason.
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With Melody glitched out, the other guests had a lot of routing issues. To their credit, they really were trying to take their seats.
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I was getting really worried about how I could make this plot. Alien customs could be explained, Apple could be trying to stay out of the way...
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But Sage?? And Melody t-posing the entire time??
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I was out there cropping and angling shots like my life depended on it.
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There were some genuinely sweet moments, like Apple crying.
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And Erika magically stopped being sick, somehow??
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But the final straw was when I took one last screenshot to giggle over the T-Posing Melody somehow getting a good reputation. Desperate for the wedding to go a little better, I reset her one last time...
And then the wedding just ended! And the brides both had the "married moodlet" when they hadn't gotten to do the rings or the kiss!
I quit the game on the spot, and ended up having a really nice wedding in the end! Honestly, no regrets. I love how wild the sims is. This was clearly a me issue anyway.
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sleepyselkiesims · 3 days
The Wedding: Part 3
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The bubbly newlyweds couldn't keep their eyes and hands off of each other. The joy was almost too much to bear!
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In the meantime, Melody decided to acquaint herself with her many, many Aunts. If she was going to mourn their losses anyway, she might as well get to know and truly love them first!
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Arista in particular seemed really cool! Maybe they could hang out sometime, and Arista could show her around the city?
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Unfortunately Thyme butted into that conversation, and what she had to say about city life made Melody rethink everything. Thanks, Thyme. I also know for a fact I changed you out of your wedding outfit, so you showing up in that is just. Wow.
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Cassie tried joining in the conversation too. Weirdly, everyone drifted away after that.
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AAAAAAAAA!!!! SAGE!!!! Aw man, my babies are all growing so fast! I don't want to say goodbye!
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The benevolent god decided to let the wedding roll until Thyme inevitably aged into elderhood as well. It was at least a very beautiful location, if not the ideal time for a birthday.
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After that, the big event ended, and everyone got to go home. Although for some reason Jane showed up?? Not sure what that was about.
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Of course, it couldn't be a mermaid wedding without some family swimming!
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Even Melody got into it, with some encouragement from her younger sister.
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The world really wasn't so big and scary after all! Sure, she'd still end up heartbroken, and she'd caught whatever illness Erika had, but life was beautiful and worth living to the fullest.
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Happiest of all were the newlyweds, who shared their first mermaid kiss as wives.
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With that, Ariel had officially made it to her Happily Ever After!
Well, there was one last thing to check off the legacy list, but a wedding was no place to think about that!
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Back on shore, Melody was getting sick and tired of this sickness thing. She really had to find a way to deal with it before it ruined any other big events.
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But right now, Cassie wanted to make a sandcastle with her big sister, so that's what they'd do!
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Hey, that actually looks a lot like Atlantis! Well done, kids!
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Ariel manages to move so weirdly!
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Everyone stayed in their seats for the wedding and did as they were told!! Except for the rice throwing, everything went perfectly! The one time it got weird was during the rice, Thyme started doing sit ups XD Way to go, everyone!!
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sleepyselkiesims · 3 days
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A sim for every aspiration (5&6/?): The Jungle Explorer and the Archaeology Scholar
☆ names and traits: 
Jungle Explorer
Antonia aka Toni (she/they) - active, loves outdoors, hot headed
Archaeology Scholar
Tiago (he/him) - art lover, vegetarian, gloomy
☆ cc links under the cut
hair / hat / shirt / scarf / backpack* / shorts + acc / boots
hair / hat / goggles / shirt / gloves / pants / shoes* / camera* / dirt overlay
*simsfinds/paywall/tsr warning
Thanks to all the cc creators ♡
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sleepyselkiesims · 4 days
The Wedding: Part 2
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Erika couldn't help admiring the ring. Ariel had poured her whole heart into it!
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In comparison, her ring was nothing special. She was almost embarrassed to present it..
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But to Ariel and Melody, it was everything. Erika was officially joining their family for good!
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Unable to wait another moment, Ariel leaned forward for their wedding kiss.
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Sebastian immediately began throwing rice for the happy couple. Honestly Sebastian was probably only here for that part.
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As the rice rained down around them, the happy wives leaned in for another kiss...
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Alas, rice in the eye is a great way to end up smacking faces with your lover.
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Ah well, their relationship had never been picture perfect. And that's what they loved so much!
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Ack, run away child!!!
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Definitely a mermaid, no doubt about it.
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Back on land, Melody was having the time of her life! She'd completely forgotten about her fears, and just loved every second of the wedding! The world really was a beautiful place, just like momma had said!
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Brimming with joy, Melody hugged her momma for the first time in years. This was the best day ever!
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She also made sure to hug Erika, who had done nothing but love and encourage her from the first day they met. It was really thanks to her that Melody had blossomed so much, and was beginning to think about her own Happily Ever After.
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She wasn't the only one probably planning a wedding for herself already; Cassandra seemed to be thinking up some ideas of her own.
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Wow, way to tell us you didn't like the big fancy wedding, Arista.
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sleepyselkiesims · 4 days
The Wedding: Part 1
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At long last, the wedding day arrived! And the benevolent god remembered to invite people as guests this time!
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Apple took her place immediately, clearly brimming with excitement to officiate.
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Arista had settled on an only mischievous option, and simply did some pushups off to the side.
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Besides family members, Ariel invited her alien friend Laila. And Sebastian, of course! Not because they were friends, but because the benevolent god found it funny.
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...Uh oh. Sick bride alert!
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Despite being incredibly ill, Erika couldn't wait to marry Ariel. They just wouldn't stop kissing!
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To get the party rolling, Melody began to walk down the aisle, scattering her home-grown flowers as she tried not to shed tears of joy.
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She even threw in a special handful of flowers at Apple. Had they met before? Probably not.
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Cassandra's walk down the aisle with the rings was significantly less emotional. Cassie hadn't taken anything seriously in her life, and wasn't about to start now.
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But uh... gosh, that was a lot of people all in one place. Looking at her...
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At the key moment, Cassandra tripped over her own feet! Don't worry dear, your mama outgrew her clumsiness, but she gets it.
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With spectacular agility, Cassie saved herself and the rings from falling! Melody gave her a cheer from the sidelines.
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Then, it was time for the lovely brides to push aside their fears and doubts, and make their way down the aisle.
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They'd forgone bouquets, choosing instead to hold each other and move together into their next stage of life.
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Shoutout to Rachel Pedd on the gallery for this venue. It's so beyond perfect!!
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The lovers almost couldn't let go of each other's arms when they made it to the end.
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When they did eventually manage to pry themselves apart, Apple realised she didn't actually know what an officiant was supposed to do.
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She muttered to stage right for her lines, but there was no one there. She'd just have to mumble and stumble her way through it.
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Meanwhile in the audience, Melody realised how sick Erika really was. If only she had magical healing hair....
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But Erika bravely pushed on, as Ariel began her vows of affection and devotion.
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Apple and Cassandra thought her vows were awesome, but the rest of the audience just cringed.
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Well, except for Adrina. She really, really missed her mama. And morning sickness.
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Undeterred, Ariel pushed on! Erika had to know how amazing she was!
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Erika knew, all right. She spent Ariel's lengthy speech just smiling smugly.
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Her own vows were short, sweet, and made Ariel so flustered that she doubled over! Whatever she said went straight over Apple's head.
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Ariel quickly collected herself, and pulled out yet another special ring with rocks she'd collected herself!
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This was it! The marriage was really happening! And both brides couldn't be happier!
To be continued....
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sleepyselkiesims · 5 days
Part 42
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There were still a few days before the wedding; the weather needed to be perfect, and there was still some lingering grief...
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Luckily for Cassie, Melody stayed true to her word, and stuck by her the entire time.
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When Cassie's feelings got too big, she'd climb all the way up to Melody's tower, and her big sister would happily read to her until she felt better.
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One time she got scared by a monster under the bed, but then immediately forgot about it because Melody reminded her she had homework and offered to help.
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Man, how did Ariel of all people raise two kids with such high-expectations for themselves??
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Cassie started practicing her gardening by the kitchen, hoping someday she could help her big sister out with the rooftop garden project.
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She also kept her mom's toddlerhood lessons in mind, and kept practicing with the dollhouse pool for the day she would become a mermaid too.
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But one day, momma took her to a place mermaids wouldn't normally go. And it had a spaceship!
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Cassie was so excited; she was gonna be a great explorer, just like her momma! And she'd show her big sister how cool the world really was!
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What exactly was Ariel thinking, taking her daughter to a desert with barely any water in the middle of a heatwave?
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Well she'd finally done it!! There was only one hidden location left to explore, and she after all this time she had the means to enter it!
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So while she fed her daughter's adventurous spirit, Ariel made her way into the final cave-like entrance.
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...ok normally this wouldn't actually be embarrassing, but given she's gotten through 10 different mystical locations no problem, yeah that's awkward.
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She made it in the end though! Here was a place the original 7 dwarves would have loved to mine!
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Of course Ariel had to set about digging, enjoying the amazing magical light displays the cavern had to offer.
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Plus it had a cool toilet! None of the other locations had a functioning toilet just sitting around!
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And this was one of the few fishing spots Apple hadn't heard of first! It was truly magical.
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But as she stuck her hand into an old water trough to catch a frog, Ariel couldn't help feeling a little melancholic. This was it. No more worlds to go be a part of; she'd seen and done it all.
What now?
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sleepyselkiesims · 5 days
Part 41
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For the most part, the ache of Snow White's passing had faded. So it was time to honor her memory in the way she would've loved most: a romantic outing!!
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Ariel was heartbroken neither of her parents would see her walk down the aisle. But preparations still had to be made, so she and Erika talked long and hard.
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They did such the switcharoo! First it was Erika turning down every mention of a wedding, and now Ariel wasn't sure she wanted to go through with it. If only their lives weren't dictated by plot points of a Disney movie.
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Like, this is what happened when Erika asked Ariel on this date! They're a mess! Why did Ariel have to be one of the mere 3 princesses to have an on-screen wedding!
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Despite their respective cold fins on the matter, the two really did love each other. So much so, they would break the laws of reality just to show their love!
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So, on and on they planned. The guest list was easy; Erika literally didn't know anyone, somehow. The venue was easy; mermaids = beach wedding. But neither of them had any particular wedding traditions they wanted to do. If only the sims had more Sulani-style options...
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But by the end of the date, the fiancees were in perfect, mushy gushy agreement. All that was left was for Ariel to make the final preparations.
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First off, of course, contact the eldest of the 7 dwarves! She just had to play a key role!
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Apple could not possibly have been happier! Her baby sister was finally getting married! Of course she would officiate!
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Next up, still suffering from morning sickness and missing her mama terribly, Adrina!
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Ariel barged in and interrupted Adrina's cooking show with some flattery and a question.
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Adrina was shocked! Could this really be happening??
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Of course she'd be a sim of honor! Triplets stick together! Mama would've been so happy to see this day...
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And finally, Ariel made the trek to a dark, foreboding place that no sim had ever gone before...
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Arista's apartment! Ariel just had to have both of her fellow triplets be her sims of honor!
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Arista agreed readily, and perhaps a bit too mischievously. She'd brought her dirty dishes to the last wedding, so who knew what she planned this time...
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Man, she did really well for herself! Shame we never got to see any of her life.
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Back home and exhausted, Ariel made the climb up to Melody's tower. Melody patiently waited for Ariel to catch her breath.
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It took a little bit of convincing, but Melody agreed to be flower pal for the wedding! She had her own home-grown flowers she could use too!
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Her fear of the outside world had faded just a bit with her exposure. But most importantly, she couldn't possibly miss the big day when she'd officially have two moms!
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Sure she already had two moms, but Ebony had literally never once reached out to her kid. She'd sometimes call Ariel to tell her about her dates, and just this once bothered with Ariel's own love life! But yeah, Melody really needed more parental support.
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Cassie on the other hand had never once struggled with parental support! But she was Ariel's daughter, so mischievously left her hanging when asked to be the ring bearer.
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Ariel played along, until finally Cassie agreed. As long as she got to try on the rings first!
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With that, the date was set! All the pieces were in place, and anticipation was sky high!
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This was gonna be the coolest, most awesomest wedding ever!
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sleepyselkiesims · 6 days
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I spotted a child out in the wild one day; her last name was "Ito" so I assumed she was part of Attina's family. Boy was that a rabbit hole I didn't expect... (ft. Attina in what is clearly not the natural habitat of any of Snow White's children)
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Right, so! First of all, Attina has three lovely children, which allowed her to age more slowly than her twin, who never got pregnant. None of these three were the child in question.
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But when I clicked on one of them to see if the original child was in the family tree, look what I found!!! Zachary had 3 other kids, not with Attina!! And one of them is the Melody wannabe!
Now, I couldn't tell by looking at them whether or not he had these kids before his time with Attina, or during. Hopefully not during, but still. But that's not the worst part!
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They all had different mothers!!! One of them being Maaike house, of all people, who had two other kids.
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Melody wannabe turned out to be Gemma Charms kid! Makes sense, they did go to high school together.
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But worst of all, Zachary had a child with Rashida Watson! Who went to school with Snow White and had a crush on her!! Like... How??
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I went to the household to investigate further, but apparently he'd either dipped out of the family or died in the short time it took between looking at the family tree and checking huseholds.
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Judging by this notif a few days later, it seems he likely died. Literally took his secrets to the grave.
What an Ever After to have, Attina!
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sleepyselkiesims · 6 days
Part 40
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Sage came by the house again, crying her eyes out. Amidst all the household drama, there hadn't really been a chance for the original family to mourn their loss. So, the benevolent god had an idea...
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Well. This is everyone. The remaining members of the OG Queen family.
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The benevolent god figured the seven sisters could use some familial comfort after losing their mama and founding legacy member. And it had been too long since they'd all been in one place.
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Out of all of them, Apple understood best how lucky they were to have gotten so much time with their mother. Most kids weren't practically the same age as their parents for so long in sims world!
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Arista and Thyme were surprisingly nonchalant. Maybe the glasses gave them some emotional protection.
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Adrina and Attina took the loss the hardest; Attina disappeared somewhere to cry, and Adrina spent an hour crying to Ariel.
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Sage had run off to whisper secrets to someone behind the grocer's stall, and at that point the benevolent god realised the family was still too hard to round up and were just making each other sadder or leaving.
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Downhearted, Ariel set back out on an adventure. Apple had told her about yet another cool fishing spot she'd found, and Ariel could never say no to new worlds.
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Unfortunately, Ariel was so depressed she didn't notice her surroundings at all. Even the giant mushrooms didn't attract her attention!
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Still, she did manage to stumble her way to possibly the most beautiful portal she'd come across.
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But before she answered the siren's call of adventure yet again, she had herself a good hard cry.
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She cried her way through the portal, and didn't even notice her arrival in a magical new realm, or the inhabitants watching her.
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Normally Ariel explored alone, for safety reasons, but this place didn't seem like a threat. And she desperately wanted to be on good terms with the people in her life.
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Fresh out of drama club, and trying to cling to her bravery, Melody finally agreed to join her momma for an adventure. Under normal circumstances she would've said no, but they were both hurting so badly, it might do some good to try finding common ground.
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What Ariel hadn't planned for was just how huge the magic realm was! Melody couldn't find her, but she did find a gardening room! It was perfect for her!
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The gardening room provided a good opportunity to really let out her feelings. She sobbed and sobbed over the plants, watering them with her tears.
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In another life, perhaps, her tears were as magical as the plants. And if anyone, say, got their eyes scratched out by thorns trying to climb her tower, or stabbed in the gut in her tower, her tears could heal them.
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Yikes, you ever cry so hard that not only does it water crops, but someone has to come mop up after you?
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Ariel had gotten a little distracted by her need to dig-dig-dig, so it would be a while before she could find where Melody was amongst the floating islands.
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In the meantime, Melody had a heart-stopping moment while wandering around; for the first time in her life, she saw a boy. She'd met Christopher of course, but uh... yeah, she really only knew women. She was intrigued!
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But then she ended up having a meltdown over a sandwich in front of an old mage. Melody left the building real quick after that.
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Finally remembering they had phones, Ariel and Melody agreed to meet by the second portal on the right, straight on til- uh, down the stairs.
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Their reactions to passing through the portal summed up their life philosophies; Ariel felt rejuvenated, in her element! Melody just felt uncomfortable and wary.
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As Apple had promised, there was the fishing spot! And finally, the first mother-daughter bonding activity that these two had done in ages!
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Who else could get to say they'd fished on the edge of a magical floating island! So cool!
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But uh... well, outdoorsey activities were more Ariel's thing. Melody's skills tended to be indoors-based. At any rate, fishing was definitely not a new favorite activity. It didn't take long for her to call it quits and head back to the safety of her tower.
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Ah well, more fish for Ariel!
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Melody wannabe
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sleepyselkiesims · 6 days
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Henry: I’ll confess, I wasn’t too pressed about returning your shoe. I was more worried about you, the way you ran off that night. I’m getting the feeling I understand why you had to leave so suddenly…why you were so afraid.
Cinderella: It’s very sweet of you to be concerned but this won’t be a problem anymore. I don’t deserve to be treated like this, by someone who only pretended to care about me. Not when I’ve been reminded what that actually feels like now. 
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