sleepystoner23 · 8 months
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
Healing is possible. You are not doomed to be stuck in the same misery forever, and the things that are painful now, while they suck, will not always hurt as much. Healing is a slow process, and it's hard to see from the inside, but one day you will look around and realize how much more at peace you feel. There will never be a world where everything is perfect, there will always be little troubles, medium troubles, even big troubles. But you will get through them.
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
you’re not for everyone. so what. literally so what. you still have people who will always love you & whom you mean the world to. and you also have yourself. you’re not missing out, they are
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
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Have Mercy - Let's Talk About Your Hair
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
most problems will go away if you ignore them. of course they'll resurface with greater intensity, so you have to ratchet up your ignorance every time. luckily this can go on forever, until you die in some strange- assuredly unrelated- way
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
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it’s ace week apparently so here’s my two cents contribution in the form of this short old personal comic
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
You gotta understand that some people never really grow. They never learn their lesson. They never recognise their mistakes, they never acknowledge their faults, they never admit they were in the wrong. You will never receive an apology from them, and you will never see their behaviour change.
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
I think if I do nothing else on this earth than make people feel a little more loved in a time where they felt alone then ive served my purpose well
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
Allow yourself to experience good things. Use the fancy plates, eat the nice chocolate you've been setting aside. Drink the expensive wine with friends while watching a silly movie. Stop putting off good things because some arbitrary event hasn't happened yet. Make experiences special. Have apleasant memories. Stop letting things waste away until you're filled with regret over what could have been.
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
Pay attention to what makes you feel on edge. If you’re feeling angry try to stop and assess what is triggering that anger. It doesn’t have to make sense. Is the sound of shoes squeaking on the floor grating? Is the way someone is asking you for something upsetting even if the ask isn’t? Understanding what is bothering us is the first step to diffusing our anger.
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
before you go to bed tonight I want you to remember that it took a lot of courage to leave behind what’s not for you anymore. If you’re strong enough to let go, then you’ll be strong enough to find what’s next for you. you’ve got this, good night.
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
Making mistakes does not make me bad.
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sleepystoner23 · 8 months
Let’s stop beating ourselves up for the things we did in the past or how we were back then and instead we celebrate and give ourselves credit for knowing better now.
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