Checketry - tracker
Track downloads from anywhere on any device! Checketry is a download manager and tracker app for desktop and mobile app that allows users to track and manage downloads for browsers, torrent clients and game clients between devices.
How It Works
Checketry has a desktop app where users sign in and connect their apps to their account and then download and sign in on the mobile version where they are able to see all their downloads from their desktop device. Currently, Checketry works for Google Chrome (via extension), Mozilla Firefox, uTorrent, qBittorrent and Steam. Users can sign in easily using social media or they can make their own account. Downloads and information are secure as Checketry only caches download information and does not store anything permanently.
Checketry download tracker is currently available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. In the app, in addition to being able to follow progress, users can pause and cancel downloads, set shut down timers for their computers and schedule downloads from the mobile app.
Checketry is a free app with a premium version available to unlock all features (and of course support the developers). The premium version will be priced at $0.99 a month or $10 for a year. Users can also earn premium subscription for free by inviting their friends to download the app. Rewards are currently on going and can be awarded by sharing our website:www.checketry.com
Checketry’s primary audience will be gamers as they do the biggest downloads. Gamers with slower internet speeds who spend lots of time waiting for downloads are the people who would benefit the most from using the app.
Other key features for Checketry tracker include:
Track download progress anywhere from your mobile device
Pause, resume and cancel downloads from anywhere
Set shut down timers so your computer isn’t running pointlessly after your download finishes.
Notification alerts so you don’t have to always keep checking
Schedule downloads from the app.
Currently works for Google Chrome, uTorrent, qBittorrent and Steam. Planned expansions for all major browsers, torrent clients and game clients.
Works for both main operating systems: Windows and Mac
Available on mobile for iOS and Android.
The concept of Checketry originated towards the end of 2016 when I, Stefan Jeftic, was downloading FIFA 17 on PC which on my crappy Australian internet needed roughly 20 hours to download. Like most people, I didn’t have time to sit around and wait I had to go to university where I was finishing my master’s degree. While waiting for class to start I was wondering how my download progress was doing and out of curiosity started looking for solutions. Surprisingly, I found no convenient solution to being able to follow the download progress of my game and due to lack of any job offers and prospects I began the research and development of Checketry.
To download the Checketry tracker app visit the website.
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