have not used kik in a minute, i'm p bored today so thought i'd check to see if it's still poppin
recommend me a song/movie/tv show/podcast? & i'll tell you whether or not your taste is trash (jk)
kik: iamthelastairbender
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*gets compressed into a cozy little zip file and quite enjoys it actually*
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me as a mom
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Girls will deadass sit there and tell you a story that they were 100% the antagonist of lmao
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They always got tht professor snape haircut lmao
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the unsinkable eight + text posts i thought matched their vibes
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hate it when fictional characters make me believe in love...... theyre not even real 🙄
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the unsinkable eight + the cast’s posts from before the wilds
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TONI SHALIFOE + looking at Shelby
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im cleaning out my phone and found that i have saved this tiktok no less than Five separate times
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every day i am percieved™️
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oh fuck internalized too much lotr as a kid, actually believe there’s good in the world or some kinda shit
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thinking about scorpia and perfuma and like
the thread of perfuma not acting as powerful as she could be, from netossa’s perspective, how she’s holding back in favor of friendship and empathy and that’s a weakness. they built the story to ramp up anticipation for perfuma having a Moment where she stops holding back, where she goes absolutely feral for her friends and just unleashes some crazy fucking plant magic at whoever she’s fighting, and i wanted to see it, and i was a smidge let down that we never got it. bc that’s such a juicy trope in hero movies these days, right, and i am not immune. and it wasn’t until after the confrontation with scorpia that i realized we did get it, just not in the way we’ve been trained to expect.
we got it with scorpia instead.
scorpia and perfuma are such wonderful foils for each other–the “softest” warriors on either side, who could be so much more effective in battle if they weren’t worried about hurting people. even when scorpia was still with the horde, we never saw her as powerful as she was when she was chipped. scorpia without friendship and empathy is terrifying and deadly. if she had shown this level of power in earlier seasons, i don’t think even the rebellion weaponizing love could have stopped her. we’ve seen how deadly scorpia and mermista are when they’re teamed up for evil. the battle of bright moon, surrounded by a bunch of water, scorpia staring down a struggling, swordless adora? if scorpia had a little less heart and a little more fight then, she would have wiped the floor with the rebellion.
but instead we get a scorpia who is rarely taken seriously by the horde; who is able to escape because she wasn’t worthy of being brainwashed or manipulated to the level that other soldiers were; who finds a place with the rebellion and someone else who values friendship as much as she does, who knows how much power it holds. 
the moment netossa wants for perfuma is big, forceful and strong and loud, the antithesis of what perfuma usually is in a fight, a moment that contradicts her nature in favor of power.
what we get instead is scorpia’s moment: small, a hole hidden behind a mountain of rubble, a subtle miss instead of an overt hit. i’d have to go back and rewatch (and i WILL) but i don’t think we ever got a moment with chipped-scorpia or mermista like we got with catra and spinnerella, where they had a brief flicker of themselves shine through before the chip overtook them again. we only ever saw scorpia and mermista in battle before entrapta’s code worked, and so scorpia should have just blasted perfuma and bow without any remorse. what they got instead was an escape, once again, from the horde.
anyway! i love this show!!!!
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y’all ever have those lines in songs where, when they finally sing it, ur heart just goes !!!!! and you become very happy because that one line in particular is just so wonderfully and artfully crafted?? like sometimes it’s the tune, sometimes it’s the lyrics, sometimes it’s a key change, sometimes it’s a long note, sometimes it’s something hard to explain!! i live for these lines tbh, sometimes i’ll listen to particular songs just to hear a specific line lmao
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