sloglow · 10 years
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sloglow · 10 years
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sloglow · 10 years
      Last night in my head we were furnishing a white room for us to live in with geometric, coloured boxes
     But whenever you moved in your sleep I would wake and find myself in the dark in your single bed, next to you
Which was even better
     And when I felt too much of my hand, squished just under your side and knew I definitely had to move it or lose it
     I would wonder if you tracked the slowly slowly peeling off of my palm, suctioned to your back or if you were deep asleep
     I would shift my weight move slightly further from the heat of you and listen closely to your breathing to see if it changed.
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sloglow · 10 years
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sloglow · 10 years
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sloglow · 10 years
alice and nick are looking away at the trail, and alice is pointing while hugo listens to their plan and laura is looking at me taking the photo
we're on the side of the road on cliffs overlooking the ocean with a massive sunrise that my phone just shows as white with yellow edges and the rolliest white clouds on the shiniest dark morning water
it's 8am and i write 'what the fuck time is this?' as the caption and tag everyone there so that heaps of people see it and know that after that many beers i got up at 6:20 to go on a bushwalk with some pretty good looking people in the royal national park
except I took the photo in the instagram app which takes forever on my phone and the reception is awful so the upload fails and I realise my caption is going to be really bad if it uploads later because even 8am isn't really that early for most people and I wrote fuck, which is kinda full on
but i'd have to redo the whole thing and find the photo in my camera roll and crop it and do the filters so i just keep hitting retry as we start walking past the green wooden sign and along the track overlooking the rocks
and i think 'why didn't i remember the thing about bad reception and bushwalks? I used to go bushwalking all the time'
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