slowedarrow · 4 years
🔥 Fel should roast Nethra ( @despiour) - @lcgacyofages​
“Do you know he made a pass at me once? Not out of genuine interest, of course. Just trying to pull my strings as he thinks he does with everyone else. Do you know what I said to him? I will tell you regardless: ‘I don't think you're all that attractive’. 
Ha! You should have seen the look on his face. I don't think anyone had ever told him that before. If I see him again, I will be sure to remind him. I think very little of him, to be honest. But Fen'Harel despises him, and with a variety of good reasons. 
Though if I had to guess, I would dare say Nethra's worst offense in his eyes is that he is such a waste of potential. Such a rarity, especially now, for one of flesh to have once been a spirit- and you know how partial he is to spirits.  And for what? To throw it away willingly under the heels of the ‘gods’? He seems that his ego goes unchecked but what it is really, is a deep-seated pool of inferiority. I almost pity him. He thinks the Evanuris so much above him that I'd bet you he would suckle at Falon'din's tit if it were asked of him. And you know what's more? I think if the Dread Wolf were to remind him sternly of his place, Nethra would bend his knee even to him. That is not a being of ego. That is a creature which gets off of his own weakness.”
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slowedarrow · 4 years
💘 Fel should talk about Solas's love life.  - @lcgacyofages​
"I have to admit... I miss seeing his lust. Perhaps that is strange to say? But it marked a time where he was full of so much more life; so much more... him. That was the Elf I chose to follow, and the one I chose to give my friendship to. Ever since the veil, he has had no drive for anything that was not his own gloom and fixing his mistakes. The last time he has taken a lover... I think it was half a century before his uthenera. By then, he had already started to fall to the point he's at now. I worry it is too late for him, even now that he's found someone.. apparently. 
She seems... Nice, I suppose. I guess I had better be grateful that she has awoken something inside him.. And I am. Though I had never given up hope entirely, else I would not still be at his proverbial side. But I cannot help but feel a little bitter that she was able to show him something worthwhile in this world whereas I could not. Perhaps he just had to experience it himself. 
He does not speak to me much about her. I think he has guessed at my sourness. But if there is one thing I have to say about his affair with her it is this: I hope they've fucked. Gods know he needs it."
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slowedarrow · 4 years
❝ it’s dangerous when too many men in the same armor think they’re right. ❞
“And you would be hard pressed to find any man without some kind of armor, these days. Or woman.” He nodded at her. “What makes you and your Inquisition any less dangerous?”
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slowedarrow · 4 years
Send “📚” and I will flip to a random page in a book and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter.
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slowedarrow · 4 years
She returned his smirk with one of her own. “Oh, I best not say. I don’t want to embarrass you.”
“Me? Embarrassed?” He chuckled.  “I would like to see you try.”
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slowedarrow · 4 years
“How would I know?” He remarked dryly, though he shot her a playful smirk. “Did I reveal any of my many important secrets?”
@slowedarrow / velani
“Do you always talk in your sleep?” Velani asked once it became clear that Felassan was awake, lounging nearby tuning her lute.
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slowedarrow · 4 years
“Mm, maybe I did not expect it a little,” Mathras replied back coyly. In truth, his own fate was marred in mist, as was the fate of a seer. Yet he could see others and could, at times, have some idea if he were involved. “But I had hoped, arasha.”
At his question, Mathras gave a bit of a dry, slightly bitter laugh as he recalled what was taken from him.
“The frustrations were my own shortcomings, that I could not see you in your splendor,” he said. “But if I could hear you in your pleasure, then perhaps they may help my attempt to visualize.”
A slight tick of guilt pulled somewhere within Felassan as he heard that mirthless laugh. Perhaps he should not have mentioned it. But then, it was important to him to know how he might be able to ease some of that frustration. 
“I don’t find any shortcomings in you.” He chuckled. “Nor do I think you’re missing out on any particular splendor.” His smile turned somewhat bashful. “But in that case, I will not hold anything back. But be warned, I think my howl may draw the wolves.” He laughed again as he imagined such a thing. 
“Well, if there is ever anything else you would like to try. You need only ask.”
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slowedarrow · 4 years
Mathras’s breath was erratic, the heat slowing fading off from his high. He settled up against Felassan, resting his head on his shoulder and closing his eyes, relishing the words he spoke. He searched for his hand, taking it in his own and lacing his fingers between his. He brought it to his lips, pressing a light, soft kiss to the back of it.
“Bellanaris,” he repeated back to him. He tilted his head, pressing another light kiss to Felassan’s jawline before settling against him. He gave a bit of a chuckle, his thumb tracing along the skin of Felassan’s hand.
“I don’t think you expected tonight to go like this, but I’m very glad it did.”
Felassan chuckled quietly under his breath, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of Mathras’ bare skin pressed against his. “Was it truly only I who did not expect this? Vhenan, you could have fooled me.” Especially when he confessed to loving him. “At least I could plainly tell, you did not mind it.” He teased, placing a gentle kiss to Mathras’ forehead. 
He settled into him a bit more before continuing. “I could sense your frustration... Was there anything more or different you would like me to do, next time?”
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slowedarrow · 4 years
Mathras welcomed the feeling of Felassan’s pleasure as he filled him. He arched his back as his lover came, his muscles clenching around him. His hands flew up to Felassan’s chest, feeling his heartbeat and the warmth of his ecstasy. He relished it, his hands dragging down him slightly.
The emptiness came when he left him and Mathras took a breath. The hand remained on him and it was soon replaced by the warmth and wetness of his mouth. Mathras gave a half choked sound of pleasure, his hands immediately moving and entangling roughly into Felassan’s hair. The feeling of how deeply he took him and the movement of his tongue set him on fire. Gripping his hair tightly, Mathras began to roughly move his hips against Felassan’s face, feeling his tip at the back of Felassan’s throat with each thrust.
The heat and pleasure was spreading through his body, to the point he felt as if he could explode. With a cry into the night, he pressed deep into Felassan’s wanting mouth, releasing himself. The pleasure was striking every chord in his body, sending shudders throughout. He laid flat on the ground, breath labored as he felt himself coming down. His hands moved from Felassan’s hair and to his jawline, pulling him up to him and claiming his mouth in a searing, emotion filled kiss before settling back again.
Spitters were quitters, and Felassan was not that. He swallowed just in time to be led back up to his lips. He moved to let himself lay beside Mathras, and placed a hand against his chest.  He closed his eyes as he kept himself pressed against him. His speech still breathless, Felassan chuckled softly. 
“Vhenan. Ar lath ma... bellanaris, bellanaris.” 
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slowedarrow · 4 years
@lathsuledin liked this starter call.
“You are quite the troublemaker.” Felassan voiced out from behind Vel.
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slowedarrow · 4 years
“I am aware,” Lathas breathed and frowned once more. He turned sharply, then, & pointed his finger at Felassan, having decided to address him directly instead of gazing out into the nothingness. “Awfully curious, are you not ? What causes your interest ?”
“Curiosity is a good thing, except when it isn’t. What makes the difference is what post you hitch your horse to. If I can offer any advice, it is that you get curious, and find out exactly which post it is for you.” He gave Lathas a tight smile. He intended his words to be vague and confusing, wanting to say his piece without giving him anything solid.
He let his words hang for a moment, and then relaxed visibly. His features eased up, seeming slightly irreverent now. “Solas is my friend. It is only natural that I feel the need to question after his suitor’s intentions.” 
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slowedarrow · 4 years
“Love…” Lathas mused, his tone voiced like he was tasting what it sounded. A frown soon followed, & Lathas lifted his head as he at last looked to regard the other elf once more. A moment passed with Lathas’s stoic impression, before his lips gave the impression of the slightest smile, & his dreamy mind wandered to gaze outside once more.
“It must be, if I can see a future with him after all of this is over & I’m still alive by the end.”
Felassan’s features changed subtly to express a mild mix of amusement and apology. “Yes..” He spoke carefully. “Those are some big ‘if’s, da’len.” 
He turned Lathas’ words over in his mind. “I suppose it is best to plan for a future. So long as you keep in mind, a future is never promised.” He folded his arms over his chest, and raised a sharp brow at him. “There may never be an ‘end’ to this; never an ‘after’, just the ‘next’. You each walk a unique path. Will what comes next for you match what comes next for him? Perhaps that is something you should consider. Love alone is not enough to force two paths to merge, if they run opposite each other.”
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slowedarrow · 4 years
Something about Felassan made Lathas feel a tinge of  sorrow in his heart. How he laughed, talked & the way he taunted reminded Lathas of his brother when they were young & carefree, yet with a sense of maturity. In the same vein, he felt like Solas, & when the mage learned of Felassan & Solas’s kinship, he did not find himself surprised but curious how they knew each other, especially given after Felassan’s admiral for the man. He wondered if it was a form of brotherhood, much like Lathas & Vel used to be - but if so, he wondered why Solas spoke so little of the other elf. Even more so, with Lathas’s gift of sound, that he heard a tone of bitterness in the man’s voice.
“This world has hardened us all,” Lathas admitted, but his voice held the sharpness of a blade, his gentle demeanour ebbing in favor of not becoming vulnerable. He stood up from his seat & took long strides towards the window where he looked vacantly out into the darkness, pale hands placed behind his back, the drape of his long sleeves falling to his sides with the movement. “Me, included. I found comfort in him.”
"Comfort." Felassan repeated the word, considering it. Another thing that he found ironic. To find comfort in the great Dread Wolf. A part of him felt an urge to warn Lathas. He did not see a way that being the subject of Solas' attention could ultimately be anything other than negative.
Then again, just because he could not see it, did not mean it was not so. And it would undoubtedly impact what was to come, with any luck, for the better. Not only that, but if he were being honest, it was nice to see Solas have something like this; to have comfort. Though he might indeed feel bitter, he had no wish to take anything away from Solas.
Felassan stood likewise, and clasped his hands behind his back, intentionally much in the same fashion Solas seemed to prefer. He took a few steps closer to Lathas, not letting him evade.
"And? Do you love him?"
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slowedarrow · 4 years
“Solas ? ” The Inquisitor rose his eyes in surprise, having not expected the implication. Lathas glanced down at his arm where the anchor slept & wondered who it was that Solas had shown interest to in the past. He returned his dark gaze back to Felassan and gave him a puzzled look. “Ir abelas, falon, I do not know what answer to give you, as I am not his mind.”
Lathas shook his head, & locked his heart from telling any more mysteries of their relation, but held his head high & stance noble. He recalled the night they had talked & sung, & wondered, then, if that was what had gained the attention of his friend’s heart - but much like the other elves’ words - surely it could not have been so simple.
Lathas’s gaze shifted from that of a puzzled one to one of a mild curiosity.
“Were you two …? ”
A snort of laughter came after the question. “Were we what? Involved? I have known him for what feels like countless lifetimes.” Because it had been countless lifetimes, of course. “Two young, attractive Elves can get up to a lot in that time.” He smirked as he said it with a teasing voice, trying intentionally to make it difficult to tell if he were joking or not. “But you’ll find no competition in me, if that’s what you’re asking. I love him, in a way, just not that way.”  He lifted a brow as his expression turned some back toward neutral. 
“It is interesting to see him like this now, with you. This world has made him somewhat hardened. I thought him all but entirely closed off to making any kind of connection, let alone one that seems to run quite so deep. How ironic. 
But what about you? What makes him so special to you?”
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slowedarrow · 4 years
So it surprised you
Well, at least I cannot see the future.
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slowedarrow · 4 years
So, did you ever expect this from your relationship with Mathras?
To expect would imply that I feel owed. 
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slowedarrow · 4 years
“Perhaps my dashing looks ? ” Lathas joked & gave the other man an elfin smile. “If not that, perhaps you should take a guess.”
He chuckled dryly. “Not that I am debating your looks, but somehow I don’t think it’s that. No, I mean, what makes you so special as to capture our quiet friend’s attention?” He spoke of Solas, and shook his head in confusion even as he wore a slight smile. “I knew him before this Inquisition, you know. He has never shown interest in anyone like he shows it in you. At least not recently. The simple answer would be that mark. But nothing with him is ever simple.” 
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