slowly-grand-garden · 15 hours
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ø 76/100
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One of my favorite thing I’ve learned about animals studies is that you should avoid using colorful leg bands when you’re banding birds because you can accidentally completely skew the data because female birds prefer males with colorful bands
Apparently if you put a red band on a male red wing blackbird his harem size can double
So like you can completely frick up the natural reproduction of a group of birds by giving a guy a bracelet so stylish that females CANNOT resist him
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slowly-grand-garden · 11 days
what be your favorite cephalopod
I have lists of my favorites but if I had to choose one out of them it would be The Gloomy Octopus!
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Octopus Tetricus, nicknamed The Gloomy Octopus for it's big droopy eyes!
It was originally thought to be a solitary species but they can actually be quite social and have been observed making dens within close proximity of each other!
In fact there are two octopus "cities" that have been discovered called Octopolis and Octlantis, the 2 sites are within a few hundred meters of each other and up to 14 octopuses have been observed living in one of these cities at once.
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(Above is a picture of two gloomy octopuses from the Octopolis site)
Octopolis is made up of several dens and some human debris, namely a large cement block structure that has been seen with 3 octopuses nestled in the nooks at once. This led scientists to believe these octopus cities could only form with the condition of human structures, until they discovered Octlantis only a few hundred meters away from the original site, which was only made up from octopus-made dens.
The thing about gloomy octopuses is that they're ecosystem engineers, and what I mean by that is the way they interact with the environment around their den creates an active ecosystem.
(Video of an Octopolis resident cleaning it's den of shells)
When they make a den they often leave piles of discarded shells around, these shell piles create great hiding places for smaller prey that they can easily catch. These small fish attract larger fish, and the cycle builds. And it is absolutely incredible.
There's a lot to love about these guys and you will surely see me posting more of them on here!
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slowly-grand-garden · 11 days
Every time i’ve had to replant anything with serious roots and shake the dirt out i just can’t unsee the parallel
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slowly-grand-garden · 12 days
The researchers “use de-identified smartphone geolocation data for a sample of US phones from January 2019 to February 2020,” obtained “from an online data vendor that provides data commercially to businesses, governments, and researchers” and “works with numerous mobile application providers that track ‘pings’ of the location of a phone while the application is either currently in use or is running in the background.” Then they use the addresses of SEC offices and corporate headquarters, and then match the smartphone pings to the buildings. A smartphone is assumed to belong to an SEC employee if it “pinged for at least 20 unique workday hours within one SEC location during the month” and “the accumulated time in that SEC building [is] greater than in any other buildings in the respective month.” And then they go measure which companies those SEC employees visited.
Matt Levine casually mentioning this in an aside like it's normal
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slowly-grand-garden · 13 days
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slowly-grand-garden · 15 days
I’m gonna pitch a show as “like Game of Thrones but even more gritty and realistic” and then it’s nothing but a baron handling land estimates and organizing road repairs and stuff. There’ll be an entire episode about how a peasant gets brought to court for letting milk cattle graze on communal pastureland even though it’s supposed to be reserved for draft animals.
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slowly-grand-garden · 15 days
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Rockwell Kent Moonlight, Winter c. 1940
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slowly-grand-garden · 18 days
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Electrical transformer substation, by Javier Díaz-Llanos La Roche and Vicente Saavedra Martínez (1988-1989).
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands - Spain.
© Roberto Conte (2023)
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slowly-grand-garden · 20 days
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equally confounded and obsessed by this quora question and response that i just stumbled onto
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slowly-grand-garden · 20 days
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slowly-grand-garden · 20 days
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slowly-grand-garden · 20 days
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iPhone Isopod Case 2014-06-20
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slowly-grand-garden · 21 days
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Maria Germanova as the Witch in Maurice Maeterlinck's The Blue Bird, Moscow Art Theatre, 1908
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slowly-grand-garden · 21 days
It is 1880s America, you are about to spawn as a Historically Significant White Guy. Choose a class:
Special Power: Good Christian. Your vague adherence to American protestantism will ensure that law enforcement does not bother you whatsoever.
Victory condition: Fuck enough of your followers wives to start an inbred theofascist micronation.
Special Power: Basic Literacy. You're poor, but you know how to read. They'll never expect it. You may forge literally any document and it will be believed 100% of the time.
Victory Condition: Steal enough money to fuck off to Latin America. A Spanish speaking nation might as well be the moon to your debtors.
Special Power: Colonial Wealth. Your funny accent, foppish dress, and noble title, will make any American think you are totally good to buy it on credit.
Victory Condition: Become the boytoy to the wife of some borderline-gangster politician and save up enough political capital to run for office and get addicted to opium.
Special Power: How The Fuck Are You Alive. Your freakish diet of pork, whiskey, and maple syrup, makes you entirely immune to all physical injury and disease. Somehow.
Victory Condition: You have one mission, and one mission only. You need to piss off some completely friendly natives. You need to piss them off so bad they leave your stupid ass to starve in a food forest they've been cultivating for literally thousands of years.
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slowly-grand-garden · 22 days
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BTW Kharntsune lifts bro 💪
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