sluggish-feline · 8 months
Then let me tell you something!
I'll start with someone we have less information about. This is Lonner, we only know his name, how he looks and that he'll probably debut in the third act of Hiveswap.
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But the one I find a lot more interesting is... Karkat Junior!
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He was made up a year or two ago by someone whose nickname is "buzzingroyalty", I believe. In this au, he's Rose and Kanaya's child created via ectobiology. There's quite enough lore regarding him, and I think it'd be much more fun, if you read the original and not my retelling. Maybe you'll find it entertaining too!
Also, here's the German Nepeta I was referencing to that time
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I've got two questions:
1. How much you know about hiveswap?
2. How much you know about the trolls that were proclaimed to be German by the community?
1. I know it's some game that came out after homestuck and that Andrew Hussie oversaw it. Also there's someones fantroll. I know nothig about the contents though haha
2. Well I learned with delight that Nepeta's considered German and if there's any others Id love to know! + the reasoning <3
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sluggish-feline · 8 months
Every once in a year I stop myself to remember those two people and think... thank goodness nobody donated 100,000 Dollars, because then Hussie would simply kill their fantroll after 2 pages instead of 1. I've got a feeling that he's totally capable of that
sorry for being approximately 10 years late for this but TIL that two fans donated 10,000 Dollars to Andrew Hussie to have their fantroll appear for a single page
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sluggish-feline · 8 months
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sluggish-feline · 8 months
Genuinely your enthusiasm and super sweet reblogs just make me so happy I showed them to my friends because they just make my days and congrats on knowing a few German words already! <3
Aww, that's so nice of you! Gosh, I'm really so glad to hear that my little reblogs make someone's day, hehe! :} Actually, it even makes me feel a bit sad about not being able to fully come back here, since I'm way too busy irl, but oh well! It is what it is
And thank you for providing new vocab and information about bread, German sure is an interesting language! Like, it's so great, even its branch is called Germanic! (Just kidding, but I really do love the way it sounds, although I'd need a little more studying to form an opinion on its grammar)
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sluggish-feline · 8 months
Ya know the english language is generally fine and all but y'all just don't have decent words for some german essentials
For example I will never not hate the english word for Brötchen
I mean I know if I say either bread roll or bun people are gonna generally understand what I mean but neither of those words actually encompass the full range of german Brötchen
To me this is a bread roll:
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And this is a bun:
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But both of those words do not feel correct for any of these things:
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Those are proper Brötchen and calling them bread roll or bun just feels so wrong
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sluggish-feline · 8 months
you have entered
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joey jaturday
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sluggish-feline · 8 months
but yeah sure I'll memorize this valuable information since I wouldn't want to leave such a wonderful creature without a caretaker
Now onto my second try of writing an essay about German bread, because Tumblr deleted the first one :(
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First of all, bread is a very integral part of German culture. We have more kinds of bread (over 3,200) and more bakeries than most other countries and our bread culture is party of the UNESCO heritage list.
Bread is traditionally eaten in the morning and on breaks ("breakbread" is the term for anything you eat in work/school breaks"), also in the evening ("evening bread" is also the term for everything you eat at dinner). You also sometimes eat bread for lunch, especially together with soups or sausages.
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(stereotypical German breakfast- but let's be real noone has time for that regularly)
So now onto the ✨History✨
Germany was not the country we know to day until unification started in the 19th century, but rather a cluster of small kingdoms and duchies, all with their own culture, dialect and... bread.
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(map of "The Holy Roman Empire" aka Germanys predecessor in 1789)
This federal trend continued throughout history- Germany got more and more unified but until today we have 16 federal states, which are also segmented in smaller regions, with their own dialect, culture and food.
Since Germany doesn't have that much sunshine (as opposed to France eg), wheat didn't really thrive here but rye and spelt did!
Bread served as nourishment for the often cold and harsh weather for farmers and also nobles, which is why the heftier and heartier the bread was the better. And we still make bread this way: "sourdough bread made with rye, spelt and wheat flours and packed with grains and seeds." (source at bottom)
Also, something I only learned today is that this trend never really spread through Europe that much! And German settlers apparently also didn't bring it to America because as far as I know, this thing is called bread:
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(we call that toast and it really doesn't deserve the title bread)
Today every supermarket (especially by chains like Aldi, Rewe, Edeka, Lidl, Netto etc you get it) have a local bakery in the front of their store.
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(They all usually look like this and are at the front of the store. Through another door you enter the actual supermarket. Sometimes they are also in the actual supermarket with no separation.)
They not only sell bread, but usually also pastries and ✨pretzels✨.
"The variety of baked goods can be a little perplexing when encountered for the first time: there’s farmers bread, mixed bread, stone oven bread, sunflower bread, pumpkin bread, five seed bread and so on." (source bottom).
We also honor the "bread of the year"! This year it was Pumpkinseedbread :)
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But I think we can all agree that the best German loaf is unarguably my cat, Ruby. <3
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Because I will leave Germany to go to Japan for a year, I vowed to learn to bake bread, because in Japan they obviously don't have German bread and also their bread is sweet, apparently. Also it's nice to be able to create things from your culture and also gift it to others!
That said, when anyone here visits Bavaria hmu and if you're not that far away you'll get a free loaf of bread! <3
(I structured this along this text along this article which is also the source for the quotations:
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sluggish-feline · 8 months
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Not again!! >:0
If people from the homestuck fandom call themselves homestucks, then who is THE homestuck you can't fight?
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
If people from the homestuck fandom call themselves homestucks, then who is THE homestuck you can't fight?
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
what if i attempted a really short animatic, then what
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
karkat is so deeply obsessed with all of his friends, and it’s great because they are all deeply obsessed with him back
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
then I'll be so amazed I won't even be able to hold myself from showing it to everyone I know, because experiments and new experiences are always an amazing thing
So this is what you want? Then go for it >:]
what if i attempted a really short animatic, then what
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
homestuck is so funny, because it will build up to something, and then that something is just the characters getting high of alien LSD for a few pages
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
happy vriska day!! :)
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
my mother is watching the office (us) as mothers do, and they keep yelling, “april 13th!!!” and it’s so hard not to make a homestuck reference
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sluggish-feline · 10 months
Actually I don't understand why people make Rosemary the "elegant and proper" couple because on their first date Rose got so drunk she forgot what time it was and left Kanaya waiting, meanwhile Kanaya didnt even realize it was a date and came in basically her pajamas. Then at the end of the date Rose fell down the stairs after kissing Kanaya
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