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// Well isn’t that something. Anyway logging off. I’ll be on my other blogs for the rest of the night.
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“Yeah I’ve told myself that for ages- and we are close, closer then I’ve ever been with anyone platonically aside from my own sister, and I’m fine with our relationship how it is now- but…. Even then, thats still something I want. I want to be his flesh and blood son more then anything- it’s really weird…” he shrugs, folding his arms over his stomach.
“Sorry to hear that- you being abandoned I mean, I’m glad you found family, though.”
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“I see...” Her demeanor lowers at his comment. “... No... They are dead. Everyone... I am alone... Except for Jirachi. Only Jiji understands me. Only Jiji can grant my wish. I will become... Jiji... I will be the bearer of wishes.” She murmurs. Then as if she had spaced out her eyes return to the blonde, smiling brightly.
“I hope your burdens become less difficult to bear. You have a strong heart. My name is Louvel... May I know what I can call you?”
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“Vegan is a type of diet based on absenting from meat based items.”
She hummed a bit at the next question, not quite sure how to reply to those things. she spent a good few moments thinking of how to reply before she looked at Louvel. 
“None of those loves is lesser than any other kind of love, but louvel… I’ve never felt any of those kinds of love. I’ve spent every moment of my life doing my level best to avoid loving someone as anything more than a sibling since I was fourteen years old because I never ever want to be hurt again.” 
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Ah... That must be the reason why Weiss seemed so sad. The great destroyer emotion would lay waste to everyone if it could. 
“If you never hurt again how will you live? To be alive is to embrace the pain of this world. Even if you stay in isolation for the rest of existence, that loneliness will hurt you. People will hurt you. Your own mind and memories will continue to cause harm.  Haven’t you already failed from the start? Isn’t it better to have loved and be obliterated than to never feel its warmth at all?
“You deserve happiness Weiss.”
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“Well- I mean if such a thing existed yeah, it should be kept locked up because humanity is stupid.” he shrugs, looking up to the sky with a curious look on his face.
“Though… kinda can’t help but think about what I’d actually ask for if it existed… It’s gonna sound sappy as shit, but, I was adopted at a very young age by a man who did nothing but care for me in place of my mother… and even to this day he still does- Yet he’s not my biological father… I mean if I had the ability to grant any wish of mine… It’d be for me and my sister to be his actual biological kids.”
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“S-sorry, didn’t mean to get all heavy on ya all of a sudden.”
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“Correct!” Louvel claps, then stills, eyes widening at the boy’s confession. 
“But your wish has already come true! You do not need biology for him to be your real father. Long ago I was abandoned and cared for by those who had no reason to care, yet this made them no less my parents. If your hearts are connected and you truly love each other, nothing can get in the way of your bond. Especially not pathetically simple genetics.
“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. As they said in my human days. But that was a time of war and strife...”
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“Apath is a good friend and they work hard to provide training for us. It’s only right that I should be able to do such a small thing for them after all. And I do enjoy being able to test out new vegan recipes on them.” 
She paused at the ask on love and frowned in thought. 
“I suppose it depends on the kind of love… but all love should be born from mutual respect for one another, the ability to understand each other to the best you can. and as for if it would be enough? That depends on the partnership. If you and your partner are into monogamy then sure. but some people may be polygamy, and that means they have the ability to love more than one person in a romantic sense. I know Apath is like that.”
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“Vegan... Is that a pokemon?” Ah, Weiss was frowning... Had the question been upsetting? How could she go on so easily about an emotion that had so many dimensions to it, as if it were so simple?
“ What of other love? To possess, contain and be needed. One sided love? The love of a martyr to their god? Love so fast and violent it feels as if your insides are being torn out?” Louvel knits her brow. “Are these lesser in your eyes? Have you ever felt pain so harsh it couldn’t be anything but love?”
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                                               “What of the term the Alpha calls you? I shall refer to you as that instead. It suits our…aesthetic. As for my own name, my Patron gave me the name Hikialani while she was living. Your continued formality, however, would be appreciated.”
                                                It’s making his poor ego suffer not to be referred to with his rightful title of ‘Lord’. Not that he blames the lesser beings around him, of course. Ignorance was not always a simple fix.
                “A portal will not be necessary. Is it not possible to simply jump down from this place? Unless you are incapable of gliding…surely you are? No matter, I will permit you to ride upon my back if you cannot.”
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Louvel flushes, somewhat insulted by the moon god’s lack of faith in her ability. “Y-Yes...” Was the convenience of instant travel not compelling to the man? 
“I can easily glide my lord... If you wish me to ride upon you, I will do that if you prefer.” Half of her was tempted to not have said that at all and sit for the thrill of being so close to his form. But she could still feel him from there, that ever present calm. Like a cool glass of milk. So all was not lost.
“ Please. If theres anything you require tell me, I am sworn to carry the gods burdens, as a faithful servant. I am not so inexperienced, keep that in mind. Now let us descend my lord.”
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                      Apath waits, just for a moment, before sighing.
             Kneeling down, the Alpha carefully moves to sit underneath the table with her, their hands folded politely in their lap. No move is made to reach for Louvel–they don’t know how well she’d react to physical contact. Apath knew they were an oddity when it came to needing touch to ground themself again, not everybody did like to be touched.
                                      “I think wha’ happened here is we bo’ misunderstood each oth’a, so le’s talk about it. I don’ have nothin’ against wishes, an’ I don’ have nothin’ against people tha’ make ‘em. I think they’re beautiful things, an’ mos’ people need ‘em. Hope takes many forms, starshine, an’ yer th’embodiment of a type of hope, now. A vessel of strength fer those who migh’ no’ have their own.”
                                  Fingers moved to rest on their ankles.
                                                “…I jus’ don’ make wishes anymore. I used ta, when I was a kid. Lay ou’side all nigh’, wish on every shootin’ star I saw…” They hesitate, shoulders sagging. “I was a happier person when I made wishes. Ne’er brough’ me hope on a personal level. Bu’ it made me happy ta think of th’stuff I’d wish fer. Ta think of wha’ could’ve been.”
                                                                    “Makin’ those wishes gave me th’strength ta decide ta change m’life m’self. I realized nothin’ was gonna change or be given ta me, bu’ makin’ wishes helped me realize wha’ I wanted. Tha’ I could build myself anew wi’ my own two hands…tha’ th’only person who would ever really be there fer me is me.”
          “…makin’ wishes now jus’ reminds me of times best left forgotten.”
                Apath’s gaze shifted, settling on the tiled floor instead.
      “You’re important, starshine. I’m jus’ bad at talkin’.“
She doesn’t react to the sound of her alpha moving under the table, head stuffed down tight. Holding her together like a pin to a grenade. The apprentice listens intently, spine quaking under the pressure in her chest. Cheeks wet and throat closed she finally pulls her chin up making blurry eye contact with the god.  
“Wishes m-make ‘erryone h-happy.” Lou sniffles. “Jiji w-was born f-from a wish...” Her hard facade crumbles, tears blubbering down. As the flood gates come open she can’t help but unfurl her arms, reaching out for the leader in a sloppy embrace. She sobs, each sound shaking the table above them. 
“I-If y-you were s-so unhappy y-you--” Louvel wept. “Shoulda’ f-found me! I-I’ll p-protect ya’ I’ll b-be there... Y-Yer not alone m-my liege... S-So don’t... Say such sad things... n’more...:” Fingers tense into Apath’s back, their shoulder soaked with the onslaught of emotion. Bleary yellow irises blink reassuringly as she pulls back, wiping her sleeve roughly across her face. Slowly the blip is folds underneath her surface as if it had never been, lips pink as her sore gaze. She was a messenger, she was who she had to be. Louvel would not fail her purpose, her gods, Apath. Nor.... Herself. 
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“The world must never fall to the forces of hopelessness. You must promise me this. As long as there is desire in this world, destruction or light. You’ll keep it safe.” The successor lets her heart fill with the soothing thoughts of her duty.
“Until the successors are lost, I will bear this promise as well.” Lou runs her palms through the other’s locks, looking pleased. 
“We best... Leave from under the table. My apologies. It’s been so long... Since I’ve cried. Perhaps there is human left inside after all.”
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“Mines a… weird kind of suffering. I’m not suffering anymore, honestly- just dealing with the residual trauma.” he huffs softly, a hand coming up to stroke at his horns- Gems within the antler crown glowing a soft, dark red. He’s stressed, clearly.
“Wishes? I’ve wished on about a hundred thousand stars, I don’t believe in it anymore… not trying to be rude at all but… hmph…” he huffs, a hundred thousand wishes and no one came to grant them, ever, why should he believe?
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“I suppose... We are alike after all.” The crown was interesting, this boy would become a god of life and still, he had no heart for wishes. She understood. For the most part.
“ There is a way for wishes to come true, though not all wish for kind things. Somewhere in this world slumbers a power so capable anything you may desire will bear fruit.... Do you think such limitless capacity should be left easily found?”
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“And you smell like glitter and stardust but y’don’t see me complaining”
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“ Do I? I’m not complaining. Your suffering is different from my own, yet I hold sympathy. Is there something that could lessen your plight? Like a wish?”
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“Y’smell like suffering, Sir Smelly.”
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             Ah–so at least one other outside of the Alpha knew his status.      Good. That meant he could avoid the headache that came with disrespect.
                                             “…how strange the newer generations are. Just the other day, the Alpha was donned in the most bewildering of garments–it hardly covered their rear! And their midriff was exposed!”
          Moon Lord does not approve of booty shorts nor crop tops.
                 “Perhaps exploration would be a suitable way to pass the time. I have yet to familiarize myself with the mountain below. Mt. Coronet it is called, I believe? Join me, Jirachi’s Chosen. I would be bored otherwise.”
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“Yes, they were quite beautiful.” Louvel glances to her own attire slightly blushing at the short skirt and comfortable thigh high socks. If anything she blended into the school age children in trainer school. 
“Yes my lord, we will disembark. Oh--” The apprentice gives a midair curtsy, hair disheveling as she panics internally. “Sorry, my given name is Louvel. Won’t you be cold on the mountainside?” She eyes the large tail like thing, its fur slung over his shoulder. Looked like a nice place for a nap.
“Shall I open a portal my lord?”
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This power... This was the bearer of Luna. Warm, encompassing-- Tasty energy radiating off of him.
“You! I’ve seen you in the planes between worlds! You are the king!” Louvel chirps, floating up to orbit the strange god, taking a deep sniff of his comforting smell. “My lord!” She bows, then at his question, perks curiously.
“Oh! Fun? I will not reject you, without you I’ll be hungry and lost. I’m too old for entertainment. But the younglings cook food for fun... I think. And they fight... And... Kiss?” Louvel frowns. 
“I don’t know my lord.”
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                                      “…I have been rejected.”
                                                             No, Hikialani, Apath just wants to take a shower in peace. But that sure doesn’t stop him from heaving a dramatic sigh, shoulders slumping and frowning at the closed bathroom door.
                          “Ah–you, Jirachi’s Chosen, I see you there–come here. What should one do to entertain themselves while in these Halls? The Alpha is preoccupied, I am bored.”
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She’d been sleeping for a few days, lips slack and shoulders sagging. Louvel mumbles something incoherent, rubbing tired eyes. “Ah... hungry...” She blinks, confusion marring her features.
“Where am I...” Seems she passed out without knowing again. Arceus knows where she ended up.
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@slumbering-star – [x]
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                                             “Then do it.”
                   Is the self proclaimed untoppable dom already handing the reigns over to someone else? It sure seemed that way, their lips pressing against Lou’s throat and nipping at her skin as the Alpha’s hands skimmed down her sides. Palms slid to the small of her back, fingers barely touching at her buttocks.
                                            “C’mon, kiss me anywhere y’wan’, Lou. Please?”
                     Apath, no.
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“ Yes.” 
The apprentice wasted no time at the request, fingers pulling at the folds of Apath’s clothing. The hands on her ass were already squeezing, making electricity writhe in the pit of her stomach. The nips are so light she barely feels them, pressing into the teeth slightly before lowering herself down. Somehow she manages to tug the offending garments upward, bringing her lips in to kiss the sides of Apath’s exposed thighs. 
“May I pleasure you, my liege?”
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“Sometimes they mean nothing but their words gain mean a great deal depending on the mindset of the person they seek out. Some people are able to brush them off, while others take their voices to heart.”
The potatoes are put into a pot of boiling water and salt is added, the heat dialled back and a lid clamped in place. “And I cook when I visit because I want to make sure Apath has healthy options, along with the others who live long term in this hall. And I will, of course, spar with you one day, once Apath has cleared us to do so.” 
She didn’t mind the other pestering her too much, it was easy to answer most of the things she asked after all. 
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Weiss didn’t say why she didn’t smile... Was it important? Was she sad? Had the woman faced trials unlike Lou’s own to cause her such pain? Lou didn’t know. She didn’t, and perhaps never would.  “You must truly care for Apath. To relentlessly attend to them.” Though Louvel had pledged herself to the inheritor, she still hadn’t done much for them. 
“Weiss, how do you see love? What does it mean to you? If you devote yourself to someone.. Is that enough? Will you be enough?”
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"Lou!" Oh, no, they're barely managing to remain upright. "Didja know yer gorgeous?" And there they go, kissing Louvel over and over again, before dissolving into chipper giggles. "So pretty, yer so pretty!"
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“Uwah-” Her mind blanks, aura surging to match the vibrant pink of her cheeks. She steadies the other being with an invisible force, hands warming their shoulders. “A-Apath, y-you shouldn’t give y-your energy so needlessly--” Louvel panics unable to fend off the kisses, her heart shuddering at the contact. It made her crave the touch more each time it left.“If you want affection allow me to kiss you in other places as well!”
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“The grey ones are a puzzle. They have no features but whisper to people from time to time, trying to needle into a person’s worst fears. Patrons often appear to humans, because some are special. I haven’t meant any unkind ones yet, I haven’t fought anyone before so I’m unsure if Apath would scold someone for a fight. “ She began to chunk potatoes, humming softly. “Though, I would think we’d spar each other in later years since we’ll have our patrons move sets.”
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“ Oh... I have heard them in the planes between worlds... Negative space, positive space, formless empty beings that feed off of residual energy. They mean nothing.” Her lips draw together. “Are you always cooking Weiss? If you care for everyone else how will you care for yourself? Would you spar against something like me? Why do you only smile sometimes?” Louvel takes a breath blinking expectantly. “I have to know or else I’ll never understand you.” 
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