slushbunni1997 ¡ 4 years
Drift Away with Krieg and Maya?
(Here’s the song for those who aren’t into steven universe) also HUGE BL3 SPOILERS AHEAD!
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Okay, I really don’t have time to make an animatic but this idea was so good that I had to make something.
I think what makes this a lot sadder is the fact that in the audio logs you can find in BL3 you find out Kreig is trying really hard to regain his sanity so so that he can meet Maya. The thought behind this is that the insane part of him just realized if he hadn’t stayed in the cave all this time he could have saved her. But the loss of Maya is too much so he snaps and only the sane Kreig remains.
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 4 years
Project Kvasir
Freetalk at the end.
Note: Everything in this story is headcanon, which didn’t happen in the game.
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One day I found the way Kamski ties the flaps of his bathrobe is Japanese dead man style, so I made a joke that the real Elijah already died and an android carrying his mind took his place. Then several of my friends shared their similar ideas with me. I ship Kamski & Chloe as much as HankCon, and I like the theory that Chloe is rA9, so this comic is the result.
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
This video literally stopped my binge; between the bubbling grease and the sauce, I’ve never been more disgusted. Definitely a top anti-binge video.
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
~ weekend rules ~
- water, water, water
- if youre hungry, drink coffee with one tsp sugar (18 cals)
- no lunch
- only eat in front of people
- one snack per day and must be under 150 cals
- waterrrrrrr
- if you get a craving or may give in, text an ana buddy or friend
- no eating after 8:30 pm, but that doesnt mean eat a lot before then
if you get hungry:
do homework
paint nails
take a shower
- 40 crunches
- 50 jumping jacks
- chug a whole bottle of water
- pillow-thigh workout 15x
these are all for my personal use. i do not condone or encourage eating disorders. if you think you have an ed, please seek help. its a dreadful life.
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
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This is from the slut walk. One of the arguments is that girls ask for rape because they wear slutty clothes, short skirts, tight, low-cut tops. This girl is an example of the fact that rape victims can look like anyone, you, me, this girl. Rapists. Dont. Discriminate.
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
open rp
“hmm. I have never been to an olive garden before.”
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
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Guys Estrogens a hell of a drug
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
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help me out guys. reblog this, like this. for every note, everything is pushed back a day for him. I need your help. he doesn’t believe it’s possible to help him. but it’s entirely possible, especially with your help. I know these are so sporadic and cliché to an extent along with becoming so popular on here, but please. I appreciate every single note
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
My name is Mikey Peattie and I am a transgender student at Lake Dallas High School in Corinth, Texas. One of my teachers, Dr. Fionn Corcoran, is the first openly transgender teacher in our district, and possibly in the greater Denton/Dallas-Fort Worth area. In the month or so since he came out, he’s faced not only discrimination from students, but from his employers and fellow teachers as well. I made an LGBTQ+ safe space sign for his door, and before his coming out, it got ripped down maybe once or twice. Following his coming out however, the sign was torn down almost daily, and I would just keep making more in the hopes that maybe it would last for more than a day.
When all the smaller posters were torn down time after time, we decided to make a bigger poster, this one with the names and numbers of various suicide and LGBTQ+ hotlines on it, and even this one has been torn twice in the past week, both times by the same two students. Though these students were caught on camera in the act, their behavior was swept under the carpet as them just “having their own views,” and Dr. Corcoran was subsequently told that they may be forced to write an apology note and make a new sign, but that was it. The fact that these kids, and others, repeatedly tore down signs that were intended for nothing else but to make a certain group of people feel safe and accepted clearly shows the atmosphere of hate and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric that is present at Lake Dallas High School.
Earlier this year, the Gay-Straight Alliance that I am Vice President of put up around 20 posters around the school. It was subtle, and simply just had the name of the club and the meeting dates. By the next day, only about 4 remained, and within another day, they were all gone. Even when I saw someone tear one down right in front of me, and reported it, the student was simply required to write an (anonymous) apology letter to the club, one that was clearly scripted and took him maybe 10 minutes.
These occurrences, which could be characterized as hate crimes, show the staff’s indifference towards the safety of its LGBTQ+ staff and student body. Dr. Corcoran, despite being one of the most highly qualified and considerate teachers at the school, has been reprimanded for situations that any other teacher could find themselves in without the administration blinking an eye. They are systematically trying to push him out, without causing a scene that would ruin their image.
I and many others have stood by for too long letting this kind of abuse occur, and have finally had enough. We write to you hoping that media attention will force our admin to provide a safe environment for its LGBTQ+ students and staff, and make our school a better place.
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Please please please spread this, without media attention, my school will be able to continue in its patterns of neglect, endangering its LGBTQ+ students, whilst protecting those who would try to put us in danger.
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
danny fenton: -wears a shirt to the water park -accidentally uses the womens restroom -“i would tell you to use the mens room but i dont think you qualify” -chest occasionally bulges in his ghost suit -is a trans boy
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
Reblog if you utterly and without hesitation support gay rights
It’ll mean a lot to my friend, who’s having a tough time with bullies lately.
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 5 years
my parents didn’t raise me to order something expensive when someone else is paying
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 6 years
“When Anna said she was raped by two on-duty cops, she thought it would be a simple case. She had no idea she lived in one of 35 states where officers can claim a detainee consented.“
One of 35..
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 6 years
You’re able to call your parents “Mom” and “Dad”. They were not born with those names.
You’re able to call your teachers “Mr” or “Mrs” and their last name. You’d get in trouble if you addressed them by first name.
You’re able to call a celebrity by their chosen stage name.
You’re able to call your friends a shortened version of their name, their middle name instead of their first, or a completely random nickname.
You’re able to call a married woman by her husband’s last name, even though she was not born with that last name.
But when someone’s transgender, how does calling them by a name they were not born with somehow become a hassle?
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slushbunni1997 ¡ 6 years
My life is already shit enough i aint riskin no curse
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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