slvln · 5 years
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Happy Birthday Ace Attorney
2001-2019 (I love this franchise very much!!!!!)
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slvln · 5 years
I miss Morrigan I miss zevran I miss alistair I miss leliana I miss oghren I miss Wynne I miss sten I miss barkspawn I miss shale I MISS DRAGON AGE ORIGINS
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this game…..
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slvln · 5 years
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Sokka and Suki absolutely deserve more time with each other
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slvln · 5 years
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Avatar Instagram AU. Everything is the same, but there is Instagram somehow. Partially did this because I wanted to make the “followed by prince Zuko” joke. 
Patreon | Instagram
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slvln · 5 years
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My definition of paradise
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slvln · 5 years
I know y’all like to hate on da2 but the fucking aesthetic is
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Dragon Age II loading screens.
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slvln · 5 years
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This remarkable line of questioning from Congresswoman Suzan DelBene demonstrates just a few of the ways that the GOP tax plan treats corporations better than people.
Under the Republican plan, corporations are still allowed to deduct state and local taxes. Workers are not. Corporations are still allowed to deduct business expenses. Teachers are not. Corporations are still allowed to deduct more than $10,000 in property taxes. Homeowners are not. Corporations are still allowed to deduct moving expenses. Families are not.
And this is on top of a $1.5 trillion corporate tax cut.
Let’s be clear, this is not a “middle-class tax cut.” Working families get the crumbs and the super-wealthy get everything else.
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slvln · 5 years
Puppy checkup
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slvln · 5 years
When someone asks why you like having romance options in rpgs
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slvln · 5 years
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slvln · 5 years
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Hey so I recently learned that in Persona 3 it’s possible for Tanaka to single handedly save humanity due to an error. We can only assume that Tanaka himself becomes the Great Seal in this ending scenario.  
May he rest in peace.
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slvln · 5 years
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thank god for polyamory mods am i right folks
(they/she for the warden pls!)
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slvln · 5 years
mindfuck of the day
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the alphabet has been saying “hi” to you all these years. and i bet you didnt even say it back once you piece of shit
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slvln · 5 years
to my half-Filipino brothers and sisters (or full-Filipino brothers & sisters who grew up away from the Philippines)
sometimes, you will hear your Tagalog-Filipino cousins say (usually with a morose sounding laugh that carries the tune of both hopelessness and the wish for the sweet embrace of death) something like “oh my god, I’m so sabog” or “HAHA sorry, bro, I’m a little sabaw” or “fuck man, i’m basag.” Using context clues, you can tell that these words mean “I am in a state of extreme fatigue and incoherence” but here is something you must know:
These three words connote different things.
1) Sabog - you’ve had thr– thir… teen? cups of coffee. your sure your heart is practically vibrating at this point. you can hear colors and see music– disembodied voices of self-depreciation have begun to whisper in your ears. but you’re still going because this paper is due at midnight or your boss expects those numbers by this afternoon and you’re willing to do anything. you draw a pentagram on the floor but you summon God because you chanted the incantation wrong and He is worried about you. “you must sleep. you have not slept in a week, child” He says. you blink up at Him, your eyes burning red because you’ve poured crushed coffee beans in them this morning (an accident you roll with because you’re late for work and dead inside, anyway). “What is that word?” you ask Him. “’S-Sleep’?”
2) Sabaw - the world is hazy through the tears in your eyes. every time you yawn, the voices around you get dimmer and dimmer– “coffee? no thanks, i’ve had a cup.” your thoughts are molasses, and your movements are shaky, like a new born colt. “hey! how are you– what? can you say that again?” they repeat it. “what?” they repeat it again. asking them to repeat it a third time is embarrassing, so you laugh instead. are you underwater? are they underwater? has your requirements finally smothered you? physically manifested into an invisible force that is blocking all your senses from perceiving the things around you? you laugh and you laugh. the person you are talking to is shaking you by the shoulders. “call a doctor!” they shout, desperate. by their feet, an unconscious man lays. “he’s dying, for crying out loud!” you still can’t understand them, so you laugh. “haha, yeah.” god, you want to take a nap.
3) Basag - you’ve had four jaeger bombs, three glasses of lambanog, and an entire pitcher of weng-weng. you doubt you’ll wake up tomorrow. you don’t care.
4) Wasak - ha, the world hates you. you wake up. you have a hangover. and you successfully ruined your life last night by throwing up on your boss’s shoes, breaking up with you significant other over something they’ve only done in your dreams, and telling your mother you never loved her. oh, and you jump-started the apocalypse. on top of that, your head hurts.
oh, well. at least you’re not sabog anymore.
thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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slvln · 5 years
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I live for half Filipino Iwaizumi
Instagram: haikyufb
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slvln · 5 years
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Meet my new son!!! basically he uses his sweat to… uh… make clothes do stuff lol
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slvln · 5 years
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“son of a bitch”
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