sly-vixen-up2nogood · 2 months
“Repeat after me: My current situation is not my final destination.”
— Unknown
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
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Rowan being that one queer who all the baby gays look too for advice
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
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hphm kids part 2!
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
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mates but like. romantically
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Fact: Ben is not only good, but is also amazing.
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You are absolutely right, anon!
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
(Sirius Black x reader)
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Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3 
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 
~ Fin
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Thieves - pt. 6 - Final part
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A/N: Well, the ending is happy for once. I wanted to make amends with my baby James since I always torture him. I jad different plans with this fic but I like the this turnout. Hope you like it. All the love 💜💜
The rainy weather kept on going for days and usually, you hated the rain because there was nothing to do but be wrapped in warm clothes and blanket, doing completely nothing. But now?- Now you wished every day was a rainy day. 
Sirius was holding you so close you felt like melting into him. He smelt so nice; tropical. And his warmth, his energy- it felt like nothing you have ever felt before. You wanted to stay there. You wanted to be with him all the time. You never wanted to leave.
It felt like you were a tiny little girl, dreaming or reading romatnic books. It felt like the authros and poets over-exaggerated on every detail of love. How they can’t see anybody but the beloved in front. How everything was perfect and right with the world with them… It’s all more true, more undescriebable than that. 
You looked up at him, those perfect grey eyes and perfectly shaped lips, pearly-white teeth and hair black as the night sky-
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Thieves - pt. 5
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A/N: I don’t know since when I am this romantic but there is something in the poetry I read that just turns me Shakespear all of a suddent. Don’t you think I am finished with this. I have much to give to this fic. There’s still James to deal with ;)
You were never much keen on the transformations of the main character in a book or a movie that you have seen and read. How they transform at night as if a fairy sprinkled glow-up dust on them and how the next day they were a new and completely different person. 
You knew what James Potter said. How he wants you to be you but since when do you care anymore what James Potter thought?
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Thieves - pt. 4
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A/N: Haven’t written angst in a long, long time. 
It is never easy being in your own shoes but who is ever satisfied with their life at that age. You were on edge, storming down the hall because you were furious. Furious at the world, at yourself, at your family, at your God…
Yes, it was one of those days but as you did storm down the corridor, carellesly not paying attention to the surraundings, that coused you to bump into someone around the corner. 
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Thieves - pt. 3
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A/N: So I wrote this on my phone because my comouter is broken. Until then I have my undepending phone with me… Hehe… But dont worry. Tomorrow my sister is working so that means I can steal her comluter for a while. Yas. Note to self: Never drink coffee next to your computer.
A book was placed in front of you. Below it caused a thud and above it spread dust. Firstly, you observed it. Despite the sound it emitted and the weight you logically concluded in your head, you hoped for a nice, thin book. You laid your head on the table just to see how that hope would disappear.
You could say you were mortified.
“500 PAGES!” you shouted at your roomate as you lifted the book in front of her. “YOU THINK I HAVE TIME FOR 500 PAGES!”
“It’s 494 pages plus 3 pages of foreword.”
You stared at your roomate and with a blink of an eye you repeated what you said. “500 BLOODY PAGES!” you lifted the book under her nose and she laughed.
“It’s not that lot once you start it.”
“Marilla…” you put your hand on her shoulder. “You know I love myself a good book but 500 pages of boring, useless details that can dig me a grave isn’t my type of genre.” you continued to look at her with empathic eyes but she only rolled hers and walked away, leaving you and the 500-page book standing alone.
“What is your genre, little Bee?” an arm wrapped itself around your shoulder, squeezing you tight. “War books? Spy books? Stolen books?” he winked. “Books about everything?Oooor…” he was now standing in front of you, close and steady. His hand went up to your loose strand of hair and tucked it behind your lovely ear. “A book about a handsome British man.” he proudly puffed out his chest and grinned.
You wrinkled your nose and took a step back. “All is nice until a book about an obsessive stalker comes at me.” you clashed with his shoulder and walked away.
When you entered the class, you believed it would be over but for him but it never was. He sat on the chair in front of you and sat opposite of how he should. His arms were laid on the back of the chair, his eyes wondering on yours. “I would hardly call myself a stalker, let alone obsessive stalker but if I am being frank with you- can I be?”
“Oh, please. Dont hold it inside just for me.” you rolled your eyes.
“I would much rather be an obsessive stalker of that fine young woman who owned this book in the past. Merlin, the way she looked.” he bit his fist and let out a pleasing groan.
“You talk about my sister?” your mood dropped and so did your tone.
“Yes. She was fun and gorgeous and sexy and talkative and trusting and- and just wow.” he swooned and twirled on his chair meanwhile just that caused something ugly to form in your stomach.
Jealousy?- Of course it was jealousy. How can it not be that? - Even if she was long out of Hogwarts, three years to be exact, students and professors continued to swoon over her like the Gryffindor in front of you. You never liked Sirius, in any sort of way that would make you want to date him or even hold hands with him because to you, he was just someone with good genes and ignorant personality. Yet, when a handsome boy talks to you, the last thing you would want to hear is how your sister is much much better than you. In beauty and intellect.
But in a way…. That’s how you always felt.
You looked down on the parchment that was laid in front of you and let your mind wander.
Sirius waited for your snarky comment or any kind of teasing remark but nothing came. His eyes glanced up at yours and he knew- he just knew you were sad. Plain sad. Has he offended you? Even if he planned to, he didn’t mean to cause you that much hurt. Just some teasing as both of you were used to.
Your fingers tugged on the edge of the paper and you bit your lip subconsciously. “Yeah.” you replied with a shallow voice. You took a deep breath and smiled. “Yeah she is.” and with that you packed up your school supplies and sat at the other corner of the room, far away from the reminder.
He looked at you confused. He couldn’t know what he could hit so close to the middle that made you walk away.
The class was close to the end and the teacher decided to give the results of your exam taken last week. You weren’t surprised to get a good grade but at the same time, you were sad.
What had happened to you? All your life you have been rebelling towards your sister, trying to get out of her shoes, trying to run away from all the pressure your parents put you through because of her. You’ve been doing nothing but complain about her. Of how she treats you, of how different she is with you then with others.
And this grade? This great mark you got from the help of your sister… It only made you feel like a hypocrite.
So as you were packed back in your dorm with nothing but a pack of books in front of you and another, only one book, your sister’s book, beside them, you decided to make a decision.
You grabbed that one book and without any look in the mirror you went to the Gryffindor tower.
You knew the password. Your cousin is a Gryffindor, your whole family was. He was the same age as you and another acute reminder of how you stand out from the family.
You walked up to the boys dormitory and searched it whole until you found a certain name written on it. You raised your fist to knock and with all the bravery you could manage, you did.
A boy, a mixture of black and hazel, opened those doors and smiled at you. “Hey there, (y/n).”
“Hey, James.” you smiled and felt yourself grow nervous. He always did have that affect on you.
“It’s good to see you. What can I do for you?” he leaned on the door frame and curved his lips into a smile.
Merlin if you had a penny for each time he made you melt inside.
“Uh, well… I’m looking for Sirius.”
“I thought you would sooner or later.” he chuckled and opened the door wider. “Come in.”
You nodded with a smile and entered the room. Four heads, eight eyes were now all on you.
“You know Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.” he pointed at each and you smiled at both of them. “And our lovely malodramtic Sirius Black.”
“How can I forget the culprit?” you narrowed your eyes jokingly at him and shook your head. He only rolled his eyes in return.
“I thought that was water under the bridge.”
“Not yet.” you simpered and took a few steps forward. He stood up frkm the bed and started making his wat to you. The two of you met in the middle, only a few feet apart. You tugged your sleeves under the book your were holding and yet again, bit your lower lip subconsciously.
He looked down at the hidden book, furrowing his eyebrows. “What’s this?” he then pointed.
“A book.” you finally showed it bare and with no sleeves covering it.
“Thank you for that observation.” he rolled his eyes and showed his birght teeth in a smile. “I mean why are you giving it to me? Are you giving it to me?”
“Yes.” you said fast and pushed it at his chest. “Take it.”
“It’s not mine to take.” he lifted his arm above his shoulders.
“It was a week ago.” you continued to push it at his chest.
“Can we not do this here?” he said and nodded at the door, gently supporting the book with his hand.
You sighed. “I don’t want it, Sirius and I bet you want it more as me.” you spoke clearly with a sharp tone. The book was now at his hands and with a wave to the other boys, you left the room.
‘I don’t need her book. I don’t. I can make it without her. I can make it better without her.’ your thoughts ran through your mind over and over again. You don’t want to feel so small everytime your perfect older sister is there or even slightly mentioned. It was so… so wrong for you.
“(y/n)!” someone shouted and you turned around to see the same boy running towards you.
“I told you, Sirius. I don’t want the bloody book!”
“Can we stop about the book for a second?!” he stopped in front as he always did but this time his hands were firmly placed on your shoulders. “What’s wrong?”
And at this point you wanted to collapse in those gentle arms and tell him you were far from okay. But he was a stranger and you don’t trust strangers.
“Nothing is always something, (y/n).” he simpered and you smiled as well.
“So he does know my name.” you tried to avert the attention to another subject than your emotions.
“Took me a while.” he smiled and offered you an arm. “Want to walk.”
“Oh, you’re walking with me alright.” he took your hand in his and pulled you with him.
“This is abduction.” you tried to get your hand out of his but he only took your arm and interlaced his fingers with you.
You blushed at the action. You hated your hands for some odd reason. They were never much for ring wearing or fancy handwriting but with his hands, they just fit so perfectly and the feeling was ever so warming.
“Is it?” he glanced at you with that infamous smirk of his.
“Yes.” you tried to hide your blush yet the smile was illuminating just that.
“Then why are you walking with me?” he continued to smile so lovely at you. He noticed the two burnt cheeks just as the castle lights shone on them and that made him satisfied for pressuring you into a walk.
“Because?” he kept doing the same gesture. They way his eyes leaned on you and his smile caused a feeling abrupt in your heart. You stared up to those light eyes that transformed so dark at when the light was at its worse. So many thought ran through your head that all you ever wanted was to make sure they were somehow true… But then again… He said it himself he’d prefer your sister over you. Not in so many words but he said it.
You pulled your hand from his grasp and tugged it under your crossed arms. He looked confused for a moment, sobered up from the spell your touch caused him. Why would you do that? He loved holding your hand, it was… Nice- in his own words.
His hand now felt cold and alone, so he put it in his pocket. “I have to appologise to you about this morning.” he swayed on his feet lightly. “Whatever insulting I said, I didn’t mean to hurt you and I definetly didn’t mean to make you want to give your sister’s book to me.”
You looked up at him, again with those doe eyes that made him feel…. Nice. A gentle laugh left your lips and you began to walk in front of him, walking backwards. “So you appologise for something you said but not for something you stole?” you quirked an eyebrow and he snorted at the irony.
“Stole? I have no clue what you mean.”
You backed away to his side and walked his pace. “You didn’t say anything insulting to me this morning. I just… Drifted at the mention of my sister..” you said intentionally.
“Your sister?” he asked, unsure if he heard you correctly.
“When it comes to her I just become so… On edge.” you shrugged, avoiding his eye contact.
And for that moment of silence Sirius could feel himself see a different person in front of him. Not this overly-confident small Hufflepuff who kneed him in the crotch and stole his leather jacket but this- well, he couldn’t find the right words to describe that person at the moment.
“I don’t understand. I remember her coming to your classes just to check up on you and yell at this Slytherin for bullying you…”
“Yeah, I like that sister too but you know most of the time all I hear were her ugly remarks about me and how I am doing everything wrong over and over again. To see just how much my mom prefers her over me, how she spoils her, loves her, praises her… It’s like this cage I can’t get out of. She’s different towards me than she is with anybody else, Sirius. ” you now stopped in front of him and looked up.“ But you like her, the whole world likes her and she is this perfect beautiful witch, contrast to me. "you looked down on your sweatpants and hoodie. Just now you remembered your hair wasn’t all tidy and bewitching as well.
"What are you talking about? You’re just as cute as her.”
“Cute, Sirius. Not beautiful.” you let it leave your lungs carelessly.
“You were beautiful on that Hogsmeade trip.” he took your hands and stepped closer. “The jeans, the yellow bold top, the oversized sexy leather jacket.” he was now close as you smiled.
He was almost leaning on your chest, his warm breath touching your skin and his hands gently put on your waist. It was almost euphoric.
But it just couldn’t get out if your head. “I’m not her, Sirius.” you stepped away.
Sirius felt his breath fade away. He didn’t know why he held it in at the first place. It was surely not because of the moment that happened between the two of you just now was “nice” but something else- something he didn’t want tovend the way it did.
He watched you leave with your grey hoodie, your sweatpants and two-coloured socks standing out in the night of all of it. Few more seconds and those bright-sock feet disappeared around the corner.
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Thieves - pt. 2
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A/N: I love this. I don’t know why. I just do. I wantd to write it sooner but my computer is dead so I am pleading my dear older sister to borrow hers. And also the fact that I watched the whole Anne Wih an E AND IT IS SO DAMN GOOD AND CUTE AND OMG I SHIP EVERYBODY SO BAD!
You could say that without your sister’s book, you had to do everything the hard way, which was indeed….hard to do. You sat on the edge of your bed with your small cup of coffee inbetween your hands and sitting on your knees.
You were so tired. Merlin, so bloody exhausted that you almost fell asleep sitting up. The stupid bloody thing was that the pile of your books were still in front of you, neatly laid one on the other and untouched.
The test is tomorrow and what do you do? Stare. At. Nothingness.
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Thieves - Pt. 1
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A/N: I am bad at finishing and too good at gettin new ideas. This got to me a while ago and now I really like it. I need more happy fics. This is gonna be a good one. I have a good feeling about this one.
PAIRING: Sirius Black x reader
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” you jumped on your toes from the sofa to the fire place. You slid your hands under the chimney, feeling the dust cover your fingertips and the skin under your nails. “Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.” you started as you could feel a spiderweb after the dust. You removed your hands from the fireplace and clapped your hands so a big black cloud emerged in front of you. You caughed and and backed away. “That was a bad idea, (y/n).” you told yourself. “You’re dumb.” you scolded yourself before turning at the spot and running up the staircase.
You kept mumbling where have you left it but it just couldn’t get to you-
Your hands grabbed something quickly when your feet stumbled underneath you. Looking up to see your hands were firmly set on two strong arms that came with a Gryffindor mischief maker, you let go and stood on your feet.
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Rainer in B2~ Up to you if you wanna make fem! or not :3
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Ophelia - pt.7 - final part
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A/N: There also might be an epilogue but I’m not sure yet so imma think about it.
It was not easy being at peace after what has he done but it was easier going through it when you stayed away from him. The further away he was, the easier it was but what happens when you see him. When he’s close and in front.
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Ophelia - pt.6
It’s been easier since the bonfire. Somehow, talking to Sirius, being with Sirius was a reminder that you weren’t as alone as you thought you were. When you cut all ties with James, you thought you cut all ties with the other Marauders as well but there was still Peter, who needed your help with essays and homework, Remus, who loved talking about different subjects after class with you, and Sirius who was just there to make you forget about the boy who hurt you.
And you healed. Healed faster than you thought. There was a chance the healing was fast because you and James never crossed any lines. Never kissed or went further than that. And maybe that was for the better because you could heal from the wounds his words left.
But that didn’t make you forgive him. The fury, acrimony for him…it was still there but not as much as it was a few days ago.
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Ophelia - pt. 5
A/N: Well. I didn’t want to make this a sirius x reaader but I just felt it’s the right thing because just…cute. I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m going with the flow. 
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It changed. It changed the way you looked at him, it changed how you acted since then, changed everything surrounding you,… it changed you. 
It was the anger inside of you that you couldn’t shake off. It was not disappearing. It was evolving into something worse; Acrimony.
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sly-vixen-up2nogood · 5 years
Ophelia ~ pt. 4
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It used to be so simple. It was always so simple with him and now everything, every thought of him, sight of him felt complicated, nerve-wrecking and frustrating. 
You couldn’t give him an answer to a question that could define your future with him but not giving him an answer did just that. 
So you laid on the bed, curled up and thinking. Just as you did for the past few days, you just couldn’t wrap your head around it. Every single memory you had of him was different now. Everything changed. His actions in the past; did he do them because he cared or because he was in love? - Oh, what’s the point. That’s the same thing. Is it? 
You sat up, looking at the wall in front of you before thinking, rethinking, overthinking and falling back on the bed. 
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