slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
A Deal with a Devil || Open Sentence Starter
“I’m still on, if you’re still on.”
   The statement is simple as it falls from his lips in a whisper as he passes the shell of a waiting ear. The voice would be undetected by others, even in the nearest of the crowded space- he made it that. Nevertheless, it has a pull all it’s own as it works it’s way beyond the barrier of guardedness that serves to keep his seduction at bay. He had been calm and subdued long enough, and why should Jiyong remain this way longer?
  The sound of his designer shoes leading him away are the only noise that drifts over the other sounds. Was he being entirely cheeky for this? Of course, but that’s what made it so fun.
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
-- He’s ...okay..ish? Jiyong thinks as he regards the way the other doesn’t slip into a panic instantly. They had been together in school long enough for the other to have heard a thing or two about how certain things set his friend off and knocked the careful facade of calm away. His inward comfort that the other seems collected still doesn’t distract him from noticing Amber keeping a small distance from him. The Slytherin would be hurt by it but for two things; the first that he wasn’t the sort to get visibly up in arms about who did, and did not like him, and two, he knew that Amber needed a certain degree of space. And someone who would not drag on about things that embarrassed him.
    “Okay,” he says simply. 
  At the repeat of the inquiry about what he is reading Jiyong tilts the book so the other can see the front cover. It’s the simple paperback edition with the image of the waist of an unidentified woman on the cover. The title section is framed with some pink bars and black designs that offset the white block where its name is boldly displayed. It’s a beautiful cover, albeit one that most would judge as a book not suited for the young man to be reading. This doesn’t stop the teenager from diving into the pages therein fully and slowly devouring every anecdote, tip, and humorous quirk. His eyes move from the cover to assess what the other might think of it.
  “Just a little bit of study of the opposite sex for the sake of better interactions with them,” Jiyong answers with a small smile. “It’s an interesting read to say the least, and a lot of things to absorb.”
Closed Starter || Person of Interest //Amber + Jiyong
Ambroise was certainly not expecting the hand that came at his face, and it caused him an unfortunate and uncomfortable jolt of a flashback. His heart lurched for a moment and his breathing threatened to get ragged, but he managed to take a deep breath and keep it mostly together. No amount of deep breathing, however, was going to help the trailing anxiety. Oh well, there goes his peaceful day.
With a cough to get his heart beating regularly again, Ambroise gives an uneasy little smile. “Don’t worry. Really. It was an accident.” From that moment on, Ambroise kept a bit of distance between himself and the other boy. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it was what he knew he needed. Another accident like that could throw his already tense body into a panic in no time.
“You still have not told me what you are reading so intently. Your face, it is very focused. What has intrigued you so, Ji?”
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
--- Jiyong lets a brow lift when she responds. He didn’t like to be hated by girls- least of all girls he liked, but the way she sassed at him had him coming back for more. He knew he shouldn��t antagonize the girl but she was more than capable of handling his attitude as he had seen from all their small interactions.
   “It would be a bit more polite if you did, yeah. But,” he smirks then stops, words frozen at the end of his tongue as he watches her briefly.
   She had a weird way of eating that he had observed in no one else. It seemed like a ritual as she brings the spoon to her lips and makes slow work of the pudding. His eyes watch after as she licks away the mess left on her lips and he, for a moment seems lost before clearing his throat to bring himself back.
   “I’m stuck here because I’m always stuck here. No parents to approve my leaving. So I get the overwhelming pleasure of being with the likes of you again,” he simplifies and offers a fully fake smile to her across the table. He lays his upper body on the table and looks at her. Should he tell her that she has missed some of the chocolate just the corner of her mouth. Fucking, nah. Instead, he just snickers a bit and reaches his hand out again to gingerly poke at her arm. The action is simple enough but has just enough force behind it to be enough to gently sway her if he tried a little harder- more of a jab then a poke.
  “Hey, pudding lips, how come you never offer any of that to me?” he asks and points at the cup in her hands.
Sugar Lips// Luana & Jiyong
Perhaps it was a blessing for Luana that she had been left behind while the rest of the school headed out for Hogsmeade. She much preferred to stay in the castle, away from where the villagers would gossip and whisper about her, but the professors often forced her to go anyway with the excuse that she was obligated to socialise. She’d rather hide herself behind a textbook and indulge in a tub of pudding only - of course - she could never get the lid off properly. Luana sighed, about to give up and simply tear her way through the cover when the tub of abruptly taked from her.
Jiyong. Who else could it have been?
She stared at him wordlessly, her expression still deadpanned but unable to stop her heart from thumping in her chest. She couldn’t stand him, truly. His arrogance made her want to poke him in the eyeballs on the best days; but, somehow, it also made her wish she could kiss him - just once and no more than that. “Am I supposed to thank you now?” she snapped, taking the cup from him and tearing her eyes from the almost sensual sight of him licking the lid clean, “I never said I needed help. Why are you even here?”
Eyes not able to meet his, Luana turned to the side as she took a spoonful of the pudding. As she usually did, and a habit she had never noticed, she ate alowly - first smoothing out the top of the spoonful with a single lick, before eating the rest in three careful progressive actions. A hint of the chocolate remained on her lips but her tongue darted out to lick it away. 
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
---- He had told them time and time again that the last thing he needed was some dry up, hell bent other authoritative figure breathing down his neck. Like what the hell did the school really care that he did when his family’s name was still making healthy contributions to its many wonderful departments. Departments that, albeit not necessarily the right way, Jiyong utilized just as others did. Why the hell did he have to make his way over to the Prophet? Just because he had a knack for using a camera and a flare for writing didn’t mean that he wanted to be shoved in a box of what they called “a wonderful chance to look for potential future employment”. He liked fashion, not gossip. He liked design, not rumors. Taking a deep breath to stop himself from turning right back around and going to find that new kid with that funny accent to get high with, Jiyong makes his way into the building.
   After a brief check in and getting the direction to the office in question, the young visitor makes his way up to the door. He knocks and the door gives itself to opening. Clearing his throat and giving his clothing a careful check to make sure it was in order, Jiyong makes his way into the room. As he does he notices that there is a collection of papers and a few pictures he has taken on the desk. Ah, so they already have my information.
  Ever observant Jiyong picked up on the quiet tension the other had and inwardly felt a bit relieved. At least he doesn’t seem ready to give me a long lecture about the joys of photography. Jiyong waits patiently at the other side of the desk, the respectable distance indicated by the chairs for visitors, but does not sit down. He won’t until it is offered as is the way of his strict upbringing. He does however, initial the conversation.
   “I’m not good with introductions so I will get it out of the way,” he bows sharply but politely before rising and continuing, “I’m Jiyong, Slythrin house at the school. They sent me to see about future jobs because of..” he trails off and gives a look to the photos on the desk, the subjects his classmates. “Well, because they think I may be of use to you one day.”
ic;; You’re a Dead Fit Jiyong & Ren
It wasn’t what he’d seen himself doing, but then again, none of this was. Ren never saw himself to be any of the things he was now when he was younger. He had meant to make it big in Hollywood; to be on the big screen in one of the biggest name films of the decade. He had meant to have his name plastered on billboards and photos of himself standing next to today’s biggest American or Korean celebrities…. or something, but as he looked around him he’d realised that something he’d done in his far past, be it leaving the company because of Chanhee, or staying in his family’s castle and meeting the people he met, or falling head over heels for– it didn’t matter now.
This wasn’t where Ren had seen himself being at the age of forty-three. As he glanced around in the privacy of his own office at the Daily Prophet, he shook his head. The freshly polished desk, and the dusted frames that housed the moving portraits of witches and wizards that he didn’t even know seemed all wrong, but much like his usual self, Ren kept a calm, cool, and collected look about himself that would tell the next person he saw that he knew exactly what he was doing and exactly what he wanted, even if he knew none of that at the moment.
The dark-haired man looked down to the papers on his desk. The writing all blurred together for a second as he collected the thoughts in his head and adjusted the suit jacket against his chest as his door cracked open, hopefully to welcome his next visitor; a Seventh-Year Slytherin by the name of Kwon Jiyong. He had something to do with this kid, he just couldn’t remember. Perhaps, if he kept calm, cool, and collected-seeming enough, the conversation would pan far enough that he wouldn’t have to ask….
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
---- Jiyong is oblivious to the way that he has captured the attention of several people. The library was not his typical daytime hang out and everyone at the school knew this. So as he moves quickly and quietly toward an unoccupied table with a copy of ‘What French Women Know’ tucked under his arm he doesn’t catch that he has hooked the attention of Ambroise. Plopping himself down in the free seat the platinum-haired student reopens the book to the last page he left off on, fingers toying with the bookmark (no more than a simple black business card with some script embossed in silver on it’s back) that kept him honest to the pages.
    He is reskimming the bit he read last, midway down the page when a voice startles him from his reading. ‘What are you reading?’   
   The Slytherin jumps and reflexively brings up a hand up to guard himself. It’s an unfortunate proximity to the others handsome features that causes said hand to lightly but most assuredly connect with the side of Ambroise’s cheek. Instantly Jiyong is shifting in his seat to face the other male.
   “Shit! Fuck! I’m sorry--” the words spill from him unfiltered as his hands come out toward the other. They freeze though, still in the air with fingers curling back as he looks at the other. It’s Amber. Petrified by this realization further Jiyong doesn’t move at all, silently waiting for the reaction he is sure is coming.
Closed Starter || Person of Interest //Amber + Jiyong
Ambroise had been watching him. He had his eyes on the Slytherin boy since he had entered the library. It was someone he knew, someone he found fascinating, entrancing. He had spoken to the boy a few times over the years, but not nearly enough for Ambroise’s taste.
The library was a quiet place for him to come write when he was bursting with imagination. Which was always. But now more than ever he had practically bewitched with the need to write. All the flow had stopped, however, when Jiyong had walked in. Ambroise watched as the other sat down with a book, then rolled up his parchment and slid it into his pocket along with his quill.
“What are you reading?”
He had walked with the lightest of steps over to Jiyong, trying to figure out what the Slytherin was focusing so hard on. But he couldn’t get a clear view. So he sat down beside the other boy and leaned in, trying to get a better look at the book.
“What is so interesting to you?”
His French accent was thick, and an amused yet interested tone infused his words. He looked over Jiyong’s face, studying his features. It would be a great face for a sketch, he decided, reaffirming a thought he had had upon prior inspection of the other boy. He was like a walking work of art.
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
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G-Dragon x 8 Seconds
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
Smoking Aces // Peach & Jiyong
{{ @ravenhyacinthe }}
---- It’s another day and Jiyong finds himself laying in the grass of the middle courtyard. Despite the rules and despite the fact that he has, on more than one occasion gotten in trouble for it, the young man is taking slow pulls from a cigarette. The spill of his white hair fans away from his face as he stares heavenward and blows smoke rings toward the clouds. Just before they drift away he reaches with his other hand up, wand pointed at the rings. His wrist swooshes more for the show of it before he recalls the spell he wants to try
  “Colovaria,” he says and waits. Above him the last ring shifts from it’s gray-white tone to a pale green.
   Slowly a smirk lifts the corner of his lips. That was always a fun one! The wizard rolls to be on his stomach and make sure that he is alone. Surveying the grounds quickly but not well enough to notice that there is, in fact, someone else just entering the space behind him, Jiyong lets his mouth fall open. From the young veela a song lifts up, voice just a little rough from having been smoking and previously napping beforehand.
        ‘Moon river...wider than a mile, I’m crossing you in style some day...’
   The air around him shifts, the veil of his charms causing the ripple of electric pull that the lull of his voice brings. If anyone that were susceptible to this magic were around he would not be even attempting to sing, but as it stands, Jiyong perceives that he is alone. Even as the being that watches him draws nearer.
      ‘..heart brea---’ He yawns and lays his head down among the blades of grass as his eyes drift slightly closed, the hand holding the cigarette slumping just a bit. He yawns again but sings through it. ‘breaker. Wherever you’re going I’m...going..’
    The song fades as Jiyong slips into dozing again.
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
Sugar Lips// Luana & Jiyong
{{ @gryluana }}
--- There she was again, that waif of a girl, sitting in the same spot she always had and fiddling with the same kind of pudding cup that she had been for every day since he had begun to know her. Jiyong had more than grown accustomed to the sight of her struggling and had typically pushed it from his mind. But as they sat there, nearly devoid of anyone being around them, it was harder to act as though he had anything better to do. Begrudgingly, he had yet again gotten left behind while the other classmates had gone off to a trip to Hogsmeade and now faced with the overwhelming silent of their lack of companions, Jiyong had no one to stop him. No one to distract him from the shameless playful torment he toned down before others.
   Standing and moving to where she is sitting the slytherin takes a seat across from her. They knew each other well enough that he didn’t need to bother with polite introductions as he reaches out and plucks the pudding cup from her hands. His fingers, long and quick, pull back the top of it before he hands just the cup back. Jiyong brings the lid to his mouth and takes a lick at the chocolate that covers it’s dull silver underside, slow as he looks over at her.
   “ You’re so hopeless Luana,” he says after drawing his tongue back in his mouth. “A pudding cup shouldn’t give you so much trouble.”
   He smirks at the girl across from him openly, even as inside him his heart is kicking up that troublesome drumming it does when he sees her. Maybe it was the stress of her constantly messing up that damn cup.
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
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8 X G-Dragon (8 Seconds Clothing Brand) Source: Naver
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
-----  There in the back of the school quad Jiyong is sitting in the corner space of where walls meet, eyes running along the words in a magazine he had been sent via owl. The words didn’t mean much to him- they never really did- but what did was the designs of the clothes that were in the glossy pictures. The fingers of one hand fiddled with the unlit cigarette he has. He wasn’t going to smoke it on the grounds again, but having it in hand was a pleasant way to keep the edge that he seemed to always have off. At least for a time anyway. The Slytherin brings his legs up to better prop the magazine against them when he hears the distinct sound of footfalls approaching him.
   Reflexively he snaps the magazine shut and prepares to cram it back into the messenger style bag he has. Jiyong wasn’t one who often shared his likes for fashion and photography with others so he is more than prepared to come up with some bullshit story about the magazine if anyone dared to ask. But when he sees that it is only Shannon approaching he relaxes (for the most part) and slumps back against the wall. His lips quirk up in a smirk as she stands to be beside him.
   “Oh yeah? You think I can’t refuse you huh?” He is cheeky. Truth be told, the idea of the getaway sounded like heaven to him. No nagging adults, no having to fake moderately interested in what his fake friends were talking about, and he could probably get away with sleeping in as long as he wanted. And Shannon wouldn’t expect him to be anything less than himself- lazy, and slightly more cold than he even let on at school. “But there is the whole aspect of spending all the unguarded time with you.”
    He brings his legs down, letting the magazine fall open in his lap as he looks up at her. His dark eyes peer out from the pure white locks that fall into his line of vision before he gives his brows a wiggle. Jiyong was no gentleman and even played the flirt card with her because he knew that she would take it well enough. Even on the worst days for her if he tried it the most extreme she ever did was give him a light zap from her wand. Nonetheless, he liked it even when she got mad at him now and then.
    “Sure I bet your beachside shack would be interesting to see,” he chuckles.
   There wasn’t a person in the school who wasn’t aware that both Jiyong and Shannon had money to burn so her summer spot was no shack. Still, half the fun that Ji had with Shannon is the near constant competitive play talk they shared. And the occasional times when they made “poor decisions” together. A memory passes his mind and Jiyong momentarily looks far off but quickly comes back. “When do we go?”
://closer to you w/jiyong
Shannon had many friends, but nearly none of them knew the real her. Anyone who really knew Shannon knew she was completely fake when around most people. Known as the little sunray in Slytherin, Shannon had worked herself up as the happy, friendly one with a high degree of popularity and a certain reputation for her art of seducing boys. She was proud of her work, her reputation, how people saw her. Some were afraid, some were jealous. Most were clueless.
Not Jiyong.
Shannon’s precious Jiji was one of the few who understood her, who was very similar to her and accepted her for what she really was. At least she assumed her accepted her with the way he kept coming around all the time. They were drawn to each other. Was it romance? No, not really. Just a common thread. There was no denying her excitement as she approached him close to the end of school year however.
“Jiji babe, I’ve got an offer you can’t refuse.” She practically glided over to him, her words melting off her tongue like warm, drizzled honey. “My parents could care less what I do this summer so I’m spending the entire time at our beach house. It’s on the coast, secluded, very private. You should come stay for a few weeks. You probably have nothing better to do, anyways, so you can’t say no. Not that you’d want to either.” She fixed him with a smug little smile and gleaming eyes, round and expecting. There was no way he’d say no to her. She was Shannon. Jiji never denied Shannon.
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slyjiyong-blog · 8 years
OOC - The First
Hey everyone!!
    As some of you may know my name is Kai and I play Professor Kim Jonghyun here. I have brought in Jiyong as my second muse and am so excited to play out his story with those that are interested! He is a rude ass but if you take the time to get to know him, Ji is actually wonderful during his last year as a student. I look forward to interacting with you all!
-In Warmth-
Kai (who plays Jonghyun, Jiyong, and Dakota)
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