slypinky-blog · 8 years
Julian smiled happily when Pinky flawlessly succeeded in levitating the book. He knew that as soon as she found the key she could do it with ease. Non-verbal spells were easy that way. Often a little tricky to get the hang of, but usually pretty straight forward.
“I knew you could,” he said, the pride clear in his voice as he hadn’t tried to hide it at all.
He tilted his head to the side and smirked, pulling a piece of blank parchment from his stack and a self inking quill. He handed both to the girl sitting opposite him with a grin.
“How, how about we start on that essay?”
Her eyes settle on the parchment and quill and she frowned slightly. Sure, she was able to understand how to do non-verbal spells now, but she was facing a new dilemma. She didn’t know how to put what she just did, what she just experienced, in words.
She acted calm about it at first. She wrote down the title  ‘Non-Verbal Spells’. She wrote down her name ( of course, her real full name, and not just ‘Pinky’ ) as well as her year and House. However, she stopped after that. Setting down her quill, she stared down blankly at the parchment.
If it was up to her, she would write down how she felt. How the magic flowed within her veins, how she felt like she was flying, how ecstatic she was when she was finally able to do it. However, this was still homework and that meant that it had to be factual and not just a narrative of her discovery.
“Professor,” starts the girl. “Any idea on how to start?”
disorganized | open
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
leaning her back against the tree, pinky stares at the lake. staring, but not really seeing, for her thoughts were far far away from reality. only to be brought back when she heard the other call out to her. turning her head to the side, the girl hums as if to acknowledge that she’s been called. she listens to the others worry, though she finds she can’t relate to it much. growing up, she kind of already knew how to behave in front of others ( sure, sometimes she payed no heed to society’s standards, but she still knew what they were ). being proper was just something she knew about.
at her question, pinky finds herself silent. mainly since she’s not entirely sure how to respond to such a shocking question. however, having estrella as a friend, she was far too used to this type of actions from her. perhaps it was one of things that made her unique - as so obviously ravenclaw. she has to be given time to think of an appropriate answer, her fingers tapping against the grass as she ponders on what to say.
“i... i suppose i would, honestly,” pinky replies. “because if it was considered proper to do so, then it has been established that it isn’t silly, despite how funny it may sound. of course, i would only wear it in proper occasions, but...” she pauses. “did something happen to make you think this way?”
@slypinky; 📹 alice in wonderland.
Who’s to say what is “proper”? What if it was agreed that “proper” was wearing a codfish on your head? Would you wear it?
it was early, the sun was high in the sky and all seemed well with estrella on th e outside, but mentally, estrella’s mind was on a mission. “jie,” estrella started, using the nickname she created for the female some time ago, “i truly don’t understand much about this proper business.” estrella had always been raised to meet a certain set of standards. but she never knew what they even meant, yet she lived most of her life abiding by these so called “proper ways.” 
“i mean, who’s to say what is “proper”? what if it was agreed that “proper” was wearing a codfish on your head? would you wear it?” she questioned, looking over to her slytherin companion. pinky was definitely someone estrella could find herself going to at any given time. the two were definitely close, and they had potions to thank for that. the two complimented each other well, always bringing out the best in each other when it came to their studies. in a way, pinky was able to keep estrella grounded when it came to her forever floating mind. 
she let out a small huff, the other taking too long for her liking to answer. “well, would you?” 
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
Deedee laughed softly at Pinky’s threat. She didn’t doubt the girl was serious, but it made her laugh to think she was that untrustworthy. Deedee wouldn’t have actually dropped her.
“You could one hundred percent fall to your death if you try to jump,” she said matter-of-factly. “It’s a hundred foot drop and the other stairs are actually moving, remember? Just practice some spells or something. Don’t you have parchment with you? Work on homework.”
Deedee looked up at the girl behind her and smiles wide. “Relax, it could be worse.”
Being here makes the thought of trying to jump the next flight of stairs worth it. If only she didn’t cherish her life so much. Hearing the other tell her to do homework actually causes her to scoff - who was she to tell her what to do? Besides, all of her homework was due today ( in the class she’s missing, no less ), so there isn’t much she can do.
“Name something worse than this,” Pinky dares the other. Crossing her arms, she turns her body to face Deedee. “My attendance record is ruined, the homework I was going to submit is for the class I’m missing, and we have no idea how long we’re going to stay here or when the stairs reconnect again.” 
Hearing the words come out of her mouth makes her realize that her situation really is shitty, at least for the Slytherin girl. “I just wanna go to my Common Room and rest now.”
stuck | open
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
Pinky wasn’t one to approach stranger. No, usually, she would much rather get herself lost and confused than approach someone for help, but then again, there is a first time for anything. It seemed like she was the first one up from her house - well, at least from her year level - and she felt awfully out of place with a bunch of rowdy kids. No, she would much rather sit somewhere else.
Scanning the Great Hall, her eyes settle on a Hufflepuff. He looks tired but it seems no one is sitting with him, so she decides that maybe he would enjoy the company. Garnering the courage, she approaches the male, standing in front of him. “Hello,” starts the girl, not entirely sure how to say what she wants to say. “I, uhm, I noticed that you’re pretty lonely here so I was wondering if I could sit here? I mean, I would sit with my House but -.”
She gets caught off-guard when he speaks a different language. But then, slowly, a smile creeps upon her face. “I was just wondering if I can sit here,” replies Pinky, in Chinese this time. “None of my friends are awake yet and I was looking for company.”
` sounds like home ;
Despite the Hufflepuff’s struggles, Sicheng hadn’t thought about getting a tutor for his terrible English. He was still having a hard time on a day-to-day basis, but professors often doted on him enough to offer extra help and allow for a wider margin of error.
Sitting in the Great Hall one morning, Sicheng was still in the process of waking up when a Slytherin approached him. Be it that he hadn’t eaten yet (though he was at that moment reaching for a slice of toast), or the fact that he was running on only 5 hours of sleep after a rough night… the words coming out of the girl’s mouth were making no sense. Sicheng stared up at the girl, his mouth moving faster than he could contemplate the language he should be using. 
“Is there… something that you want from me?” the boy asked, unaware that he was speaking in his mother tongue.
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
The Slytherin’s candidness was met with a long hum. “Back in third year, Herbology, when the Severing charm was taught, my spell blasted off Professor’s Bowtruckle and cut the body in half. I felt like some kind of murderer, honestly. Thought I’d get owled through a parcel to Azkaban, or get my name on the Prophet.“ Perhaps it wasn’t the safest route to get on, unfolding the intensity of her carelessness to a senior she literally bumped into meeting. But the thought crossed her mind, and retelling the uncanny tale ought to make a funny, and (hopefully) good-hearted impression.
Binnie’s mouth parted slightly, contemplating whether they’d sit by her fellow Gryffindors or with the latter. The deep-rooted rivalry that occurred among the two houses in the primordial times was yet to be forgotten by many, Binnie included. It shouldn’t rest a large effect on her reply to a simple where will we sit?
“Over there should be fine.” Binnie decides, crossing out the option to mention where specifically. Her gloved hand points over to the end of the Slytherin table, the least populated out of the four. “Oh! It appears the hot choco is already prepared, too.”
Pinky nods as she listens to the other’s story. In her mind, she makes a mental note to be careful around this one - it seems one wrong move could send her to the Hospital Wing in no time. And that was one place Pinky tried to avoid. “If I saw you then, I would probably be horrified yet weirdly amused,” said the girl with an honest laugh. She had to admit, despite how dangerous it ( and she ) sounded, it was pretty funny.
The other pauses and she knows why, at least know she does. It seems every witch and wizard whose parents studied in Hogwarts knew about the Slytherin - Gryffindor rivalry. But since Pinky’s mom was a muggle and father a wizard who studied in a wizarding school in China, she never knew about it until she experienced it first hand. However, she’s been told that it isn’t as bad as it used to be, which reassures the girl that it was a possibility she could make friends from the House.
Her eyes follows to where she is pointing. The Slytherin table - the one where she eats breakfast in everyday. The chose mildly surprised the girl but she tried not to let it show. “Alright,” says the girl. As her senior and member of the House, she leads the way to the table. “Thank Merlin. I think I’ll freeze to death if I don’t have any this instant.”
freezing | open
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
Deedee smirked at how very unhappy the other girl was. Honestly, she didn’t care much that she was missing class. It meant she didn’t have to sit around listening to some boring lecture. Here, though, she had to deal with a very grumpy Slytherin girl. It wasn’t much better.
“I could always try and levitate you to the next landing. I mean, you might die in the process, but it will get you there faster.”
She was being rather annoying, but it was fun to tease people when they were having a bad day. It was funny to watch smoke slowly start to come out of people’s ears.
“If you point your wand at me, I’ll break it in half,” Pinky says, sounding calm despite the threat. She wasn’t fond of the situation at hand at all. Her missing class, breaking her attendance record, and being stuck with some annoying Gryffindor is enough to pull her hair out.
She taps her foot - something she does when she grows impatient. All the other stairs were moving, but why not this one? Does the world really hate her? She takes her wand from her robe pocket and fiddles with it. Not casting anything, just passing it from hand to hand as she fidgets.
“I might just jump from this staircase to the other if we stay here any longer,” she practically groans. “I’m so bored.”
stuck | open
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
Julian watched the girl with growing pride and fondness. There was no greater feeling than seeing a student who was struggling finally grasping hold of their goal.
He nodded gently, fingers clasped gracefully on the table top. “You did,” he said softly. “All it took was letting go of your doubts and letting your magic flow. I knew you had it in you.”
He tilted his head to the side as he flicked his wand at the robes and turned them back to the chalkboard black colour before placing them on the chair where they had been before.
“Now that you know what it feels like, try it again.” He placed a text book in the middle of the table. “Try and cast Wingardium Leviosa on this book.”
She watches her professor change the color of his robes from pink to black. She feigns offense, a small pout on appearing on her lips. “I think it would look cute in pink, you know,” said the girl, trying to hold her composure before letting out a laugh. She had felt at ease with the other now, seeing as he helped her conquer one obstacle.
However, when he asks her to perform another non-verbal spell, she pales. Pinky isn’t sure if she can do it again - she’s afraid of failure, afraid of messing up. But still, she wanted to prove it to herself. Wanted to tell herself she was able, that she can if she believes. She had always told herself she was an excellent witch, and she wanted so badly to prove it.
Nodding, she takes a deep breathe and closes her eyes. She feels the magic course through her body, flowing in her, and she knows she can do it now, even if she was a little nervous. She raises her wand, pointing it at the book. The girl repeats the spell in her mind, imagining the book flying.
Suddenly, her arm feels heavy. Peeking an eye open, she says her wand arm extended up in the air, the book hovering slightly above it. Pinky grins, slowly setting it down on the table. “I did it,” Pinky said, trying to sound nonchalant but very obviously failing. “I really did it.”
disorganized | open
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
“Sometimes,” he admitted softly. Nathan rarely ever became like this—melancholic and quiet. He was known as the happy-go-lucky kid from Slytherin, often said to be too bright and sunny for classy Slytherin. But he figured it was his otherwise Machiavellian streak that had him sorted into the house of serpents.
He takes the bottle and gulps more. He figured he was already buzzed enough to start talking about what he felt, he might as well get drunk. “I like it here, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just too much sometimes y’know?” He’s never told anyone, but he constantly pressures himself into being the best. He needed to prove to himself more than anyone else that he belonged here. Sometimes he just thinks he’s too ambitious—which isn’t that far off—but he also thinks that there was a reason why he was here.
She knows that there were people who wished that they never knew about them being magical. That they could just live normally, without worrying about performing magic outside the school while underage or accidentally drinking a potion they shouldn’t have. A muggle’s life. Pinky has never wanted that life. Magic was all she had that made her believe she belonged somewhere. She belonged in the Wizarding World, this is where she was meant to be. She knew that ever since she got her Hogwarts letter.
“I’m afraid I don’t know, Nathan,” Pinky says. Taking the bottle, the girl takes one big chug. She feels the alcohol burn her throat but she’s too deep to start caring now. Carefully, slowly, she leans her head against the male’s shoulder. Mainly since she was starting to feel extremely dizzy, but also to provide the other a sense of comfort. “What do you mean? Explain it to me so I can understand.”
bad decisions || nathan & pinky
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
She introduces herself. “It’s Yoobin, but everybody calls me Binnie.” The snow on her scarf was beginning to melt, thus her scarf moistened. Binnie proceeds to dry her scarf in front of her. A small breeze blew on Jieqiong’s face through her spell. “Ah, sorry.” she apologises sheepishly.
“And yeah, uh, I guess you could say that.” Binnie was flustered by how blunt the former was. She wasn’t offended, no, but people don’t usually lay it out on the table like that. “I don’t like creating trouble, as it happens I would very much like to stay out of it. But the mess tends to lurk in my vicinity.”
She watches the Slytherin pile her clothes onto one arm. The older inquires about her speaking Mandarin. “Just a bit! I’ve grasped the basics from muggle school, but nothing too advanced.” she replies. “And no worries. I like it, actually! It’s a pretty name.” she says, aiming her wand down to dry her shoes. She looks up to the student and offers her a smile. “Would you like to get a hot choco? It would be nice to have some company!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Yoobin,” Pinky says. She would have called her Binnie but since she called her Jieqiong instead of Pinky, it felt right to call her by her real name as well. The sudden use of the drying spell surprises the girl - mainly because it also seemed to be use on her. She closes her eyes, only opening them when she was done drying her scarf. “It’s fine.”
At her words, Pinky tilts her head. “You should be more careful then.” She always was straight-forward. It caught people off-guard and typically caused them to avoid her at all costs. She can’t help it - she’s honest. “It would be such an inconvenience if something were to happen and badly affect others.”
“That’s impressive,” says the girl. Everyone here ( that wasn’t Chinese ) seemed to butcher her name and anything else in Mandarin. “It’s nice to see someone speak Mandarin for once.” She’s in the UK, she gets that people speak English, but she can’t help but miss using her mothertongue. She’s afraid she’ll forget it. At her offer of hot choco, Pinky scans the Great Hall first before looking at her watch. Well, she still had time. “Sure,” replies Pinky. “Where will we sit?”
freezing | open
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
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hey guys!! it’s alexa pinky! i was gone for awhile since it was christmas break and i was abroad without a laptop, but i’m back now!! i’m gonna do my replies and catch up to the best of my ability c: i also see we have some new members and to them i say, welcome to alo!! hmu if you wanna plot or just want a starter cause i’d love to interact with you guys!!
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
slynathanjt :
“They’re not pets!”, he slurs out, “They’re my friends.” Alcohol always made Nathan a little mouthy, often going on a talkative tirade. “And no one is cuter than my friends.” His head was getting heavy, his eyelids heavier, but the companionship was nice—comfortable. He reaches for the bag and takes out another bottle, passing it over to her.
He takes his glass and sets it on the floor, before sliding down himself and lying on the cold floor of the tower, looking at the stars from the window. Every year, the magic he learns become a lot more complex. And every year, something almost always gets revealed. His life became more complicated, and he’s not even a magical creature. He supposes he should be grateful, but then everything in the magical world was a lot more perplexing that he thought it was.
“Do you ever wish you never knew about your magical heritage?”, he asked her out of the blue, his tone softer than it was a while ago, and eyes staying at the stars. If he wasn’t mistaken, the two of them shared the same history—not knowing of their magical heritage until they turned eleven. While he liked the convenience the magical world brought him, he sometimes found himself wishing he was back in his muggle household where life was simpler.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Pinky says, a light laugh escaping her lips. “I meant your friends.” She stares at the picture for a moment longer before handing it back to the male. Her eyes follow him, a grin spreading across her lips at the sight of another bottle. “You’re prepared, huh?”
She is far beyond the point of caring about her image. She chugs the rest of the bottle down before taking the other, opening it and filling her glass with the alcohol. In a matter of seconds, she chugs that down as well. It burned her throat but she loved it. Taking a meat pie from the bag, she takes a bit. She always ends up hungry when she’s drunk.
His words caught her attention and although she was way out of it now, she was able to understand what he was saying. “Me?” says Pinky. She thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head. “This is the happiest I’ve been. All my good memories are in Hogwarts, with magic, with my friends.” She was bullied as a child, constantly being made fun of for acting... strange. Hogwarts, the Wizarding World.. is the only place she felt like she belonged.
“Why?” asks the girl, turning to look at him. She hands him the bottle, allowing him to drink more. “Do you ever wish you never knew about it?”
bad decisions || nathan & pinky
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
The frosty air nipped Binnie’s nose, causing her to wrap around  her Gryffindor-red scarf tighter. She had made a dash to the Great Hall from the Owlery after sending her parents a quick letter. The winter in Scotland was unmerciful, especially when she had to walk through the thick layer of snow. Binnie wished she possessed the talent to perform Atmospheric Charms, as it would provide her great comfort throughout the season. It was safe to say that the 6th year was frozen to the bones.
With damp boots, Binnie marched towards the Great Hall. She was hoping to warm herself with a good mug of hot chocolate. The elves in the kitchens prepare the winter beverage stupendously. Her mouth had already began watering from the thought of the said drink.
Not long before entering the Hall, someone had bumped into her. Binnie wobbled a little, but maintained her balance. She looked back to see a student bundled in layers of clothing, too much clothing, in fact. It was fairly amusing. The girl lowered her scarf and apologised, “I wasn’t looking.” It was Zhou Jieqiong. She had seen her around, but only during meals in the Great Hall. In spite of the fact that everyone calls her Pinky, Binnie prefers her real name. Her muggle schools offered extra-curricular lessons, and Binnie took up basic mandarin, so pronouncing the former’s name was effortless.
“No worries,” Binnie waves it off with a smile. “Usually, it’s I who bumps into everyone else.” She laughs lightly and faces the Slytherin, “Jieqiong, right?”
Now that she was in the Great Hall, it was way toastier. So she decides to chill out for a moment and removed her jacket... and maybe one of her sweaters. She was sure a cup of hot chocolate and some warm breakfast would help the girl from this freezing weather. So that’s what she does, humming in acknowledgement as the other speaks to show she was listening.
“You who bumps into everyone?” Pinky repeats, raising an eyebrow. She’s finally gotten the clothing off and is holding them in her arms. It looks like a lot, but it’s nothing to the girl. “Are you clumsy?” Perhaps she said it too bluntly, too straight-forward, but sometimes she can’t help it. It’s not in her nature to beat around the bush. “Or do you just like messing around with people?”
“That’s me,” the girl replies. Hearing her real name instead of Pinky momentarily catches her off guard, mainly because she had said it so easily. Most people had trouble saying it, mostly because they couldn’t speak a lick of Mandarin. It catches her attention and she turns to look at her. “Do you speak Mandarin?”
“You don’t have to call me Jieqiong if you don’t want to.” It’s a mouthful, honestly. The only people who call her Jieqiong are her family and most of the professors ( which gets on her nerves, because they always seem to mispronounce it despite how many times she’s corrected them. ) “Pinky is fine. Also... what’s your name?”
freezing | open
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
freezing | open
Pinky looked absolutely ridiculous strolling into the Great Hall today. Aside from her usual Slytherin robes, she wore two layers of sweaters and the largest, puffiest, warmest jacket she could find. To top it all of, she wrapped her neck in scarves and covered her head with a beanie. Maybe it was a little overboard, but it was worth it if she was warm.
She hated Scotland during this time of year. It was far too cold due to the winds, she felt like she’d turn into ice if she sat still for too long. The girl detested the cold, she would much rather ruin her image if it meant she didn’t have to shiver in the winter. Which is why when people stare at her as she enters the hall, she doesn’t bat an eye.
Or maybe that’s because she couldn’t really see. She had buried her face in her scarves so that ever single part of her was warm. She was relying on memory to get to the Slytherin table now. Of course, she thought it would be a piece of cake. She didn’t even consider that someone would be in front of her, blocking her view.
BAM. The girl bumps into someone and she stumbles backwards, nearly falling on her bum. She lowers her scarves to see the person, her cheeks growing pink from embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” says the girl. “I wasn’t looking.”
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slypinky-blog · 8 years
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