small-sun-witch · 4 years
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A quiet morning 🥰🌿
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small-sun-witch · 4 years
🌿Magical Herbs,Incense, And Oils🌿
🌿 Use herbs in a pouch, or while cooking, and stir the mix or infusions to empower the spell to protect the home, any possessions, your workplace, and property. Use incense in sticks, cones, or as a powder incense and burn it on heated charcoal blocks and use a lighted incense stick like a smoke pen to write empowerments or symbols. 🌿
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Allspice- for money,passion,swift-moving,or urgent matters.
Basil- for fidelity,prosperity,protection,and fear of flying.
Chamomile(Roman) and Chamomile(German)- for healing,babies,children, animals,and reversing bad luck. It also helps to attract money and is helpful in family matters.
Cedar/Cedar Wood- for healing,cleansing bad influences,negative thoughts,and harmony.
Cinnamon- for passion,regaining money after loss, urgently needing money and psychic awareness.
Dragon’s Blood- for fierce protection,anti-curse,any major enterprise, and male potency.
Fennel- for travel,house sales,and moves. It helps to banish and  keep harm away from people,animals, and places.
Frankincense- For wealth,courage,joy,career,success,and travel. Also used in formal rituals.
Hyssop- For making a love commitment;healing;spirituality;all forms of protection, especially from psychic attack;and as an infusion to cleanse artifacts.
Juniper- purifies homes; protects against accidents,thieves,and illness;and male potency.
Lemongrass/Lemon- repels spite,malice,and gossip. It also helps with psychic awareness and travel.
Lemon Verbena- For breaking a run of bad luck,protection against negativity, the Evil Eye, and ill-wishing.
Mint and Peppermint drives negativity from objects and places,and brings money, health,love, and success.
Myrtle- For a lasting marriage,mature love, domestic happiness,property, and security.
Myrrh- For healing,peace,purification,overcoming grief, and protection against evil.Can be used in formal rituals and in moon magic.
Pine- Drives away harm from the home and family, especially newborn infants, cleansing negativity and malice, guarding property, and premises.
Rosemary- For learning,love,fidelity,prosperity,and banishing malevolence.
Sage- For longevity,good health,examinations,interviews,tests,protection of home and family,slow-growing prosperity, and wisdom.
Sandalwood- For spiritual awareness and healing,leadership,justice, compensation,and sexuality. Can be used in formal rituals.
Tarragon- The dragon herb,courage,and anti-bullying,and the shedding of old burdens,guilt,fears,and destructive relationships.
Thyme- Psychically cleanses the home,possessions,vehicles and land,health, memory of past worlds,and drives away nightmares and phantoms of the night.
Vertivert- For love, breaks a run of bad luck, protects against theft and negativity.
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small-sun-witch · 4 years
Some things you can add to your tea, as a witch
🍓 Berries - There’s nothing like a hot cup of camomile tea with a few fresh blueberries. Blueberries = Protection // Raspberries = Protection & Love // Strawberries = Love & Luck // Blackberries = Protection, Healing & Money
🍯 Honey - Adds that extra bit of sweetness and honey is great for love and binding. Green tea with a little honey would be the perfect start for a self-love spell or ritual.
🥛 Milk - I like to use almond milk. Almonds are great for fertility, money and luck spells. It also taste really good! I find taste best in black tea.
🍋 Lemon - Tastes great in green tea. Lemon is great for purifying and cleansing in spells and rituals. Would be an awesome tea to enjoy next time you do a cleansing meditation for your chakras.
🎄 Cinnamon - This one makes me think of winter and Yule but it taste so good. Especially when you pair it with a little bit of honey. Cinnamon is most commonly used in witchcraft related to healing, love, money and happiness.
🌿 Peppermint - It’s an acquired taste, for sure, but it’s very yummy in most teas and can help relieve nausea, gas and stomach cramps. 
🥄 Ginger - Another that’s an acquired taste. It’ll definitely add a zing to your tea but it can help with flu symptoms and nausea. Used in witchcraft to help “speed things up” or “add passion” to spells.
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small-sun-witch · 4 years
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Chamomile and Clear quartz coyote skull
This will be available on etsy during my January 18th store update!
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small-sun-witch · 4 years
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small-sun-witch · 4 years
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Snail tarot, sunshine, and kitties ☀️🐌😻
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small-sun-witch · 4 years
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small-sun-witch · 4 years
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Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
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🌟 sweet thoughts ritual jar 🌹
gather rose petals, rose quartz, and crumple bay leaf into a jar. cover partially and fill with incense smoke. release the smoke when it’s charged with the intent you want to put out into the world
i’ve seen a few posts involving incense smoke with spell jars and i just had to give it a try
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
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Made a lavender candle today❤ Added real lavender, forget-me-not and amethyst
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
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From my journal.
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
Plants for Sea Witches🌊🌿
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as far as sea themed plants & scents go, I mainly only see lavender and rosemary. So here are some alternative plants/flowers/scents to use for sea magic!🌴🐚💙
Clean linen (scent)
Aloe Vera
Cocoa/ cocoa butter
Palm tree
Bird of Paradise
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
Small Witchy Challenges to Reconnect to Your Practice
Sometimes it can be hard to really feel connected to the actual magickal side of being a witch. Personally I’m involved with my deities or other spiritual/personal things 110% of the time but I don’t always feel connected to my actual witchcraft. So here are a few small magickal challenges I thought up to help anyone in a similar situation.
✨ – Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening yourself to whatever it is you’re seeking.
✨ – If you have any books with pre written simple spells in them (most intro to witchcraft books have a section) flip through it and find a spell that calls to you and do it! As written, just to practice getting out of your head and going through the motions of spell work.
✨ – Send out blessings. To your crush. A new friend. Your best friend. Your mom. Whoever.
✨ – Call up your energy into your palms and then place them on your own heart to send yourself love and healing and to connect yourself to your energy.
✨ – Spend some time picturing the kind of witch you wish you were, your ideal witchsona if you will. Then tell yourself that’s exactly who you already are. Keep reminding yourself whenever you feel disconnected from your craft that you are already an unbelievable witch.
✨ – Go back through your old book of shadows/grimoire and reflect on what’s worked for you in the past.
✨ – Wake up and tell yourself first thing “I am a witch. I am magick. My life is full of magick. I see and feel all the magick around me. I am a witch.”
✨ – Pick out outfits or accessories that make you feel witchy. (Bonus points for intentionally planning a super witchy outfit on the full moon)
✨ – Do a spell for anything that’s coming up in your life that you want to work out a certain way, no matter how trivial it seems. Test this week? Do a spell. About to start a work out routine? Do a spell. First date? Spell. Gotta stay on budget grocery shopping? Spell. Your worth it, it’s good practice, and if it all ends up working even better!
✨ – Write down spell ideas as they come to you. Save them as notes in your phone and then come back and flesh them out in your BOS later.
✨ – Come up with your own challenges! If you’d like to share, tag me on your post or send them to me, I’d love to hear your ideas!
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
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drying herbs from grandmother’s garden: mints, thyme, oregano, yarrow and almonds still in their pods. i want to gather some more yarrow flowers and make a tonic, but first i need to get my hands on some strong enough alcohol (no such thing as everclear where i live). 🌾
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
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my pretty gems & my great grandma’s antique art books. ›❦・
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small-sun-witch · 5 years
The Suit of Swords in Tarot 🌙
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The upright Page of Swords is an energetic card with passion and enthusiasm. This card suggests you are full of new ideas, or are curiously exploring new things.
The suit of swords is associated with the element of air.
In playing cards, swords = spades.
The suit of swords’s meanings are full of action, and are associated with:
- change
- force
- power
- oppression
- ambition
- courage
- conflict
Action can be positive or negative; the negative aspects including things such as anger, guilt, harsh judgement, lack of compassion and verbal/mental abuse.
When you do a reading that contains primarily swords, the cards are suggesting that you’re in search of solutions to mainly arguments, conflicts, mental struggles, and choices that must be made. There also could be much violence present. Swords carry strong messages. They also can be considered a advisor to take caution of things happening around you.
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