smallermoon · 1 year
The Boy Who Loved To Dance
Once upon a time...
a boy in his first year of high school realized how much he loved to dance. he knew that it most likely wouldn't last for longer that a few months, maybe a year, but he still enjoyed this new-found hobby. in the end, it was just another hobby to add to the long list he was pursuing.
this boy, realizing that he would never become what he dreamed to be, applied for a job for the first time in his life. of course, he was only fifteen at the time, so it was expected that this would be his first application. however, he was excited. he felt that for the first time in his life, he would be doing something meaningful.
later on that day, the manager of this job told him that he would have his first interview two weeks later. he was thrilled.
everyday, his parents would give him their input and ask him questions that they expected he would be asked during the interview. the days seemed like they were getting shorter and time was moving fast. he prepared heavily for the day, confident that he would be hired.
until the day of his interview finally arrived. it was on a friday and he quickly raced home from school to get dressed in an outfit his mother carefully laid out for him. with ten minutes to spare, he made his way to the workplace and waited for four-thirty to come. when it did, he was called into the office.
the interview barely lasted twenty minutes before he was sent home. the manager said they would contact him if he got the job, and the boy couldn't help but feel nervous. he'd done everything just like he'd practiced, so he believed he would be hired. still, he couldn't help but think otherwise.
two months passed and it was the last day of school. the manager never contacted him, so he assumed that he didn't get the job. he was disappointed at first, but after applying to a few more jobs, he was thankful.
a few days before school ended, a video of him taken by a classmate was posted online. it was a video of him dancing to a choreography for an end of the year talent show. the video blew up overnight, racking up views from everywhere. soon after, the boy was scouted by an entertainment company asking him to become a dancer for them.
Suddenly, his dream came true.
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