smallnamek · 8 years
Ke’a was surprised when he took her hands.  She was frozen.  Not wanting to disobey but also... even she longed to be touch.  His hands felt warm on hers.  The touch made her skin tingle.  What did he want?  Why had he grabbed her hands?  To prevent her from going?   She looked up at his face and caught his blush.  Was he as unsure about attraction as she was?  N’ori was making her a bit uncomfortable with his talk about the courting festivals.  She just wanted to get away.
Chuckling N’ori took a deep breath.  “Here in the desert as we head into the summer heat we also get the worst sandstorms, They often last days sometimes even weeks.  Trapped inside people used to get irritable and sometimes even violent.  You see the storms feel like the very world you live on is trying to break your home apart and get inside to kill you.  Being on edge for days tended to made our relationships strained.  But our dragon showed us there was a better way to pass the time.  In the festivals we find someone new we be interested in.  Spending the days learning about each other made the storm season bearable.  Some of those partners made it permanent,  Others moved on to the next interested partner.  It made the storm seasons more pleasant.”
“Plus it gives young people a chance to express their interest.  Take on an older more experienced partner to learn a few things.”  He nudged K’uji then whispered very softly in his ear. “Or a untouched flower to ... find the right fire to make her bloom.  Someone who wont reject her or make her feel bad about giving them her first kiss.”  
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smallnamek · 9 years
She got him some water and while he was drinking she reached out with her magic and took away the damage to his throat and lungs from smoking.  “You will never have the craving to smoke again.  That is gone.  It is only your memories telling you that you liked smoking now.  I can’t take memories away.  But all the damage and addiction are gone now.”  Unsure she reached out but hesitated.  She smiled at Piccolo and placed her hand on his arm for comfort and reassurance.  “You have to find something else to think about.  What else do you like to do?  Anything we can do together?  I would be glad to help distract you.”
“Not that – anything but that! P-please! PLEASE, NO!” (smallnamek)
“ Scream as much as you want I won’t let you get in between, now give me back my pipe and I won’t hurt you more.” Piccolo growled, his claws inches away from her throat.
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smallnamek · 9 years
Ke’a watched in growing dread as K’uji covered his mouth and then complained about her and N’ori.  While he talked she felt lower and lower.  She had messed up.  Why had she ever thought it would be a good idea to kiss him?  He had grabbed her in his sleep like one would hug a pillow or a stuffie.   Ke’lani lowered her face and covered it with her hands,  Ashamed.  She wished she could flee from the bed.  Slowly she pulled away.
Listening to K’uji talking he caught the very faint change in Ke’a’s breathing.  He listened harder.  He could hear her staggered breath and a bit of a sob.  She was upset.  He could feel her pull away.  If K’uji’s people didn’t pair up to explore other passions than fighting that might explain why he had not noticed how nervous Ke’a had been giving him that kiss.  It was possibly her first and she wasted it on a slag too repressed to show he liked it.  
Nodding in understanding, N’ori comments..“At tribe gatherings we have competitions like that.  Showing off out metal handling skills.  Being able to shape molten metal by hand no magic.  Who can create the thinnest chain.  Stuff like that.  But what about other passions?  Surely if mating is a worship of some dragon it had to be fire dragon.  Don’t they say passion is fiery?  I know Ke’lani has not participated in our Storm season courting festival.  Are your festivals optional?”  
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smallnamek · 9 years
She was so surprised to be pulled closer she found herself touching his chest while purring in response to his, even if she couldn't look up at him.  But she nodded speaking meekly “Yes...You can call me what every you please.”  She felt her ears turning pink, she was blushing so hard. “...but I like Ke’a..”  she muttered to herself.
When she heard K’uji stammer and he sounded distressed her looked up and couldn’t help her grin at his pout.  Without thinking Ke’a craned her neck and kissed his protruding lower lip.  It was....wonderful.  His lip was soft and moist.  She wanted to kiss him again.  She realized she was trembling from nervousness and agitation.   Unable to face K’uji and let him see her ... wanton desires, she glowered at the blind male.  In a soft but annoyed tone  “I didn’t mind, it was so very nice and beside I would not deny my guests anything they needed to be comfortable.”  
His sensitive hearing heard the kiss.  “Oh! Ho!  I think the Lady did like it!”  N’ori was still searching his memory for the girl.  He remembered hearing of the accident that made Po’prec village master and him taking in the survivor.  His mate complained of a clumsy girl serving the Village Master.  And he thought he remembered seeing her once or twice.... But she was always on the outskirts.  Very Timid.  He would have to be careful with this one. 
While thinking and listening N’ori nibbled on K’uji jaw.  With his pinned arm he pulled Kuji tighter and purred in his ear.  “Forgive me.  I meant no harm.  I believe we all enjoyed our cuddle.  We are creatures that need to touch and be touched for our well being.  I very much like a cuddle pile.”  He spoke to K’uji but it was for her benefit as well.  He had felt her tremble when she kissed K’uji.  She never taken part of the dancing or other activities even when she reached maturity, to his knowledge.  “What about your tribe K’uji?  Do your have festival nights where you are encouraged to pair up with one or more partners to enjoy each other’s company, like our storm season festival?”  Ke’a dropped her head lower and hugged herself at the mention of the festival she was forbidden by her father to partake in.
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smallnamek · 9 years
Nori chuckled again and kissed K’uji shoulder, snuggling closer  “I slept better than I have for many moons thanks to you two.”  He rubbed her hip again.  “I must say I don’t think I know your name either but you know my boys.”  He kept his hand on her waist and hip as much as hard as it was since he itched to touch and feel who she was.
She had never allowed herself to dream of having a mate before this night but to wake in her bed with not one but two males touching her was beyond startling.  Then he called her pretty.  She could feel her face flush.  Flustered it took her a moment to find her voice.  “Ke’lani.”  She said softly.  “Your boys call my Ke’ni.”  She bowed her head unsure what to do.  It was warm and comfortable in the strangers embrace and the hand rubbing her side was very soothing.  
“Hmmm Ke’ni.  You healed my boys a few times did you not?  Your are the orphan that Po’prec the village master took in when you were a baby.  I recall my mate screaming about being call inferior and being sent to you for healing.  Thank you for caring for my children.”   He found her hand and gave it a squeeze as he lifted it to his lips and kissed it.  He heard her little squeak of a gasp.  
“What about you, K’uji my needy friend.  I know you are fire tribe, by your greeting.  Do you always snatch poor sleeping girls who can’t defend themselves?  Is laying in my arms not enough to keep you warm?”  N’ori pretended to be hurt but he nibbled up K’uji neck to his ear.  “Or did you hope to keep the sweet thing in your arms all to yourself.”  He guffawed into K’uji back when Ke’a made a small indignant sound.
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smallnamek · 9 years
Her dreams where dark.  Her brothers held her down. No matter how she kicked and struggled they were heavy on her legs and she couldn't not budge them.  She could hear her father swishing the strap through the air.  It screamed like she would scream soon.  As if the wood transferred the sound to her voice.  Ke’lani didn’t beg.  Words would only make it longer.  She heard her brothers comments of better her than them.  She understood but she hated them.  One day...  Her father stood in front of her.  He was swinging his arm hard.  Despite herself she whined as the lash came down.
Arms wrapped around her, holding her close.   A contented purr in her ear made her giggle as it tickled and made her ear twitch.  Ke’a turned towards him and nuzzled his chest.  She felt safe and he had chased the terrors away.  She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled in close comfortable and warm. Ke’a slept peacefully dreaming of a mate and family.
She was still in the dream as she woke up.  She could feel the strong warm arms hug her tight.  She purred, nuzzling his chest.  A soft vibration under her cheek told her he was laughing.  She blinked her eyes open and looked up at the smiling face of her ma...no patient.  OH!  Ke’a blushed mortified when she realized she was clinging to the stranger.  She went to move but he held her tight.  “I’m sorry.  I was dreaming...horrible at first...but you chased it away...  Are you hungry?  DID I HURT YOU?”
A weight on her hip moves and pats her as a somewhat familiar voice chuckles and says “Stay, you didn’t hurt him, small star.  It is too comfortable to move.  The artisan rested his head in the stranger's shoulder and smiled at her.  “Besides if you move you will wake the little one.”  Ke’a was suddenly aware that the littlest boy was asleep on her legs.  She blushed deeper remembering her actions the night before.  “You and yours are welcome in my house.  T’hili and Se’vril are wonderful children.  Talented like their father.”
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smallnamek · 9 years
Drinking the water gave N’ori a chance to listen and think.  He could hear the boys would be sleeping for hours yet.  So would the woman by the sound of it.  He found himself grinning as he drank.  Maybe he would alright.  K’uji had not shown any revulsion.  The kisses were very nice.  And they were not lies or misplaced kindnesses as far as N’ori could tell.  Maybe his ex mate was wrong.  Maybe he could live without her.  Maybe...
He allowed K’uji to lead him towards the bed. “Thank you.  They are fine boys even when they break the rules.  They both sound like they didn’t got to sleep when I put them to bed.  They will sleep for hours yet.  The woman sounds like she is very tired as well.  What about you?  You are recovering from something I assum..”    He heard K’uji’s change in breathing and felt when his guide’s step faltered as his energy failed him.
N’ori moved forward quickly.  Scooping up the smaller Namek.  K’uji was muscular so a wee bit heavier than lifting both boys at once but not as bad as lifting solid metal bars. Chuckling at K’uji reaction. N’ori gave him a little toss like he did for the boys just to make K’uji squeak.  I think I remember the way.  This place isn’t big enough to get too lost but you tell me if there is anything n the way.”  Taking a deep breath.  Walk with confidence... you can see just not with your eyes.  N’ori followed the sound of the sleepers to the bedroom.
Feeling playful, he would have tossed K’uji on the bed if there weren't others in the bed already.  N’ori let K’uji down so the shorter Namek could help him maneuver onto the bed.  Once they were both settled he pulled K’uji to him and spooned him.  Nibbling an ear.  “Thank you K’uji”  He whispered N’ori nuzzles his neck and purrs contently.  
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smallnamek · 9 years
While N’ori explored K’uji face he enjoyed the little noises and movements.  He listened closely letting the other tell him by breath alone when and where not to touch or what to touch more, harder or again.  He not only could picture what the shorter Namek looked like but his wounds and where he needed help.  Healing was more than wounds and sickness.  It was tight muscles and mental pain.  
When K’uji removed his fingers his ears flattened a touch.  He had messed up.  He had over stepped possible making K’uji uncomfortable and ruining the whole thing.  “I ...I’m sorry I don’t know wha...”  Hot breath and hotter lips ever so lightly pressed against his.  N’ori sucked in a breath startled, pulling back slightly.  He reached up to touch the moisture on his lips unsure if that had been real.  Suddenly both his hand were grabbed, fingers laced with his holding them down at his sides....blinding him!  N’ori gasped but K’uji warm lips were on his again, the gasp turned into moan as he exhaled.  Little kisses.  Soft and teasing almost caresses.  N’ori growled in frustration as K’uji lips were tantalizingly close but not close enough.  He could feel a mischievous grin from the smaller male as he pulled back yet again.
Clenching the hand in his, N’ori moved his hands behind him as he leaned forward effectively bringing K’uji closer.  He pressed his lips a bit firmer, kissing him again and again as he sighed in pleasure.  Unable to keep his kisses chaste, when their lips touch he started softly sucking as he pulled back.  Finding himself moaning as they kissed he kissed again opening his mouth a little wider his tongue gingerly tasting.  With a wicked smile of his own he sucked on K’uji lower lip then nibbled before he pulled back.  “Very kissable, I should say.”
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smallnamek · 9 years
“N’ori.  My name is N’ori.”  He was surprised when the glass was taken from his hand.  “I um…. OH!”  He gasped when his hands were taken.  He had not expected for his offer be taken without some finagling.  He step closer, standing between his feet.  Close enough to feel the fading warmth of sleep off his skin.
Lightly N’ori stroked up K’uji hands.  Feeling the length of his fingers and the thickness of each digit. He paid close attention to how the pad of the fingers felt, feeling no callouses or or cuts,  N’ori put his fingertips against K’uji wrist slowly grazing his fingers flat along the skin traveling till they were palm to palm and N’ori’s longer fingers pressed the tips of K’uji’s.   
N’ori was slow and focused, exploring K’uji’s arms, feeling the scars and welts.  The skin was odd and slightly hotter to the touch.  He made sure to use the lightest of caresses over these sensitive fading burns.  -Such sensitive skin would be fun to lick and nibble-  Bandages.. but muscular underneath. Then slid to his shoulders.  -No patches.  Hmmm... unique!-  The taller Namek continued to trail his fingers up the shorter males neck to his face noting more old burn scars or textured skin  He was familiar with burned skin as his son T’hili was prone to burning.  Gently cupping his jaw -firm and strong...nice- he grazed his thumbs over his chin and cheeks up to his ears.  N’ori was careful not to tickle as he slowly stroked up the length of the others ears.then down the outside and back to the sensitive skin behind the ears.
Stepping a bit closer so he almost pressed his whole body against the other N’ori trailed his splayed fingers up the nape of K’uji neck and back of the head.  Stopping to trace a long scar line that ran above K’uji ear to his cheek.  He continued gliding his fingers up the back of the head to the crown, pressing a bit more firmly in the non burnt areas and massaging a bit knowing it felt good.  Continuing down onto the forehead. he felt along the brow ridge he found one tiny scar on the right brow just before the end of the ridge that N’ori felt must make him look devilish.  Lightly he trailed his finger under the eyes and onto his nose.  Two little bumps that you could only feel they were so small told him the K’uji had his nose broken at least twice.  
Lastly N’ori trailed his fingers down to K’uji’s lips.  Slowly moving across the soft skin of the lower lip, feeling it plump and slightly moist. As his finger stuck to the skin pulling it lightly, he felt the other open his mouth a little and draw a small breath. N’ori blushed as his lips tingled at the memory of his lips pressed   to K’uji’s.  Purring, his voice husky.  “These feel very kissable.” He ran his fingers over K’uji top lip then back along the bottom.  Loving the feel of his breath in response. 
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smallnamek · 9 years
Too tired to resist Ke’lani let her patient lead her to the bed.  She was so tired and sore she felt herself go weak with exhaustion.  Just as her knees buckled she felt strong hands at her waist helping her the last few feet and down onto the bed.  She looked up into smiling face and smiled back both grateful and embarrassed.  Ke’a couldn't keep her eyes open as she crawled into place.  She was startled awake by T’hili, for as soon as she was settled he crawled over to her and held his doll up.  “Hehe got hwurt but Him..K’wuji made it better.”  She looked at the doll.  “Nicely done!  So Hehe is all better?”  The boy nodded as he yawned.  They both giggles as she yawned in return.  N’ori hearing that she had fallen asleep several times but they kept disturbing her, felt guilty.  “I’ll take the boys home now.”  Ke’a forced herself to wake up enough to sleepily reply.  “No!  Please stay!  It is way too hot out there and T’hili will be burnt before you go five steps.  I like..*yawn* ... comp....any.”  Chuckeling N’ori reached out and helped K’uji lie her down.  He moved the slightly snoring Si’vrel next to his brother who had fallen asleep next to her. 
N’ori woke feeling rested but hungry.  His was not the only stomach rumbling.  “Alright stranger, let get up and make food before these bottomless pits wake.”  After they each had a glass of spring water, N’ori was dying of curiosity about the stranger.  “Um... “K’uji right?  May I touch you?  To see you?  I am just learning but right now you are just the sound of your breathing....a sexy hard body and um that kiss.  I would like to have a better feel if I may?”  He blushed realizing what a come on that sounded like.  “I promise to use my hands not my lips this time.” 
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smallnamek · 9 years
Sleeping was a little harder than expected.  N’ori liked feeling T’hili snuggled against his hip and Si”vril sprawled with his legs over his.  They were his reason to keep going and thrive despite not wanting to.  Something that his mate never understood was that every piece he made was with her in mind.  She had been his muse, his inspiration.  All day while he worked his thought were always of her.  This was still true just that they were not inspirational thoughts anymore.  He had been unable to work since that day.  She had taken everything of value, well what she valued.  As if they could hear his thoughts the boys hugged him. Almost as if they shared the same dream.  They often did things in tandem.  Come to think of it ...No she got nothing of value.  He had the boys.  And they were worth everything to him.
But laying there...something felt different.  Sure there was the strangers breathing.  His presence was nice.  A warm comfort across the bed.  Another adult who had cared enough for the boys to take them in and make them rest.  Even to go the step further and sleep with them.  N’ori felt gratitude. but something else.... suddenly he realize that it was not what was there but what wasn’t anymore.  The weight on his heart was lighter.  He had enjoyed bantering with the stranger and the stranger had bantered back.  Maybe.... things could be good again.......maybe.
Ke’lani was exhausted, sore and hot when she stumbled into the house.  It was halfway through Devil Sun Sleep.  The heat had finally drained the day walking visitors and sent them all seeking soft beds and shadows.  Too tired to care about eating she stumbled half asleep towards her bed.  She crawled onto the mattress and felt the warmth of the hurt stranger.  She was just slipping under when she felt the stranger turn towards her  his hand resting on her arm.  then two more hands grabbed her leg.  Three?  THREE!!  With a shriek, she threw herself out of the bed and backed up till her back hit a wall.   In the bed four male faces stared at her.  The smallest male still had his hands on her leg.
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smallnamek · 9 years
Confused N’ori blinked at the stranger.  Without sight, it was still a habit.  He was trying to leave the bed.  Was the stranger telling him to stay?  Food? Drink?  He was!  This unknown male was inviting him to sleep.  He had to admit the pillow and the warm bed felt very nice.  Before he could make up his mind his boys were latching onto him in their sleep and settling in comfortable and warm.  How could he say no?
Flustered and grateful for this show of kindness his voice was wavery, choked with the plethora of emotions he felt.  “I ..I thank you for caring for my boys.  I can barely care for myself and I try to keep up.  I will except you offer but I hear you can barely stay awake yourself.  I need only rest.  Please, will you rest with us?”  holding his hand out towards the stranger.  “I don’t take much room but the boys will hog the whole bed if allowed to.  Please.”  He grinned.  “You already seduced me into your bed, you can’t leave me now.
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smallnamek · 9 years
“Only when someone smells as nice as you.”  N’ori teased back.  Carefully he shifted his weight to the side so he could remove his knee.  The blind Namek was about to try to push off when Si’vril moved causing the unstable namek to fall again.  Not wanting to flatten his son he aimed for landing on the stranger again.  N’ori found himself in the spot that his son vacated pressed against the side of the stranger pinning his arm.  “I got to stop falling for you.”
He paled when he realized now the stranger could see his horribly disfigured face.  The assault had changed his life forever.  He was working in the forge when his mate came in, slashing his face with her claws as he looked up to greet her.  Her timing was perfect as always.  His hands were pinned holding an anvil.  She then threw the liquid metal he was working with into his eyes.  He shook as much of it off as he could in his agonize frantic lashing his head about trying to get away from the pain.  The copper hardened inside the slashes she created and in spots on his ruined eyes.  So now he had what was described to him as three copper welts that started above and past his right eye, crossing both eyes onto his left cheekbone.  And his eyes were a solid ash grey with copper spots. As he writhed in pain his foot trapped by the anvil.  She set their sons in his arms.  “Shhhhh you will scare them.”  And she walked out.
N’ori averted his face, trying to rid himself of those memories.  Muttering apologies he tried to move without jostling the bed.  He could hear both boys sleeping soundly on the other end of the bed.  “Thanks for taking care of my boys.”
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smallnamek · 9 years
Clutching the staff N’ori hesitantly attempted crouching down.  Something in the others voice sounded odd.  Cold.  He suddenly knew that if the children had not been present, things would have gone very differently.  He felt his disadvantage more now than ever facing a unknown adversary.  Reaching out his hands met nothing but empty air.  He groped about trying to find something to hold on to.  Being blind was new to him so when he felt himself loose his balance he tried to right himself and over compensated.  
Landing on top of a hard yet soft body his lips pressed hard again moister ones that made a breathy sound of distress upon impact.  For the briefest of seconds N’ori was thankful he had neither landed on the boys or woke them when he realized with mortification he had landing on top of the stranger literally lips first with his knee pressed firmly against the others groin.  Grinning at the absurdity of the situation he chortled silently the whispered in the strangers ear.  “Is this close enough for you?”
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smallnamek · 9 years
Si’vril woke up cold and confused.  He could hear his brothers breathing but not feel him.  Opening his eyes he was surprised to find his brother cuddled up with the stranger.  Crawling over to them he curled up in the crook of the strangers free arm.  Warm and comfortable at last Si’vril slipped into deep sleep. 
N’ori could hear the three sets of breathing.  He recognized his two but the third was not familiar.  It was not Ke’lani’s.  The smell was different too, more masculine.  Staff in hand he jabbed the unknown person.  Speaking softly so as not to wake the boys.  “Who are you?”
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smallnamek · 9 years
Si’vrel fell right asleep but T’hili was still awake when the stranger crawled into bed next to him.  He lay there clutching Hehe waiting for the bad thing to happen.  The stranger was warm at his back but T’hili lay still untill the steady breathing told him the oldest was asleep.  Turning to his side he looked at the stranger.  His heart was racing and he couln’t stop the shakes or fear he felt looking at the stranger.  He had scars and bruises but his mouth was up turned even in sleep.  This made the small boys heart calm a little.  He held Hehe up to his nose and smelled the faint scent of the stranger.  He had fixes his doll and made the pain go away.  Maybe.....
Reaching out he fingered the old burn scar on his shoulder.  The strangers skin was the fading angry color there that he himself had.  N’ori had told him to find little things that made things less scary.  The stranger having burns like his made him seem less threatening.  And his smile.  He seemed to be smiling in his sleep.  T’hili noticed his fingers were still lightly tracing the scars.  Was he tickling him?  T’hili was tempted to tickle him but didn’t want to wake him.  Yawning he realized he wasn’t afraid anymore and he was suddenly very tired.  “Thank you.”  T’hili whispered.  He placed Hehe against the stranger chest and slid over against him.  Warm and comfortable at last T’hili fell asleep as soon as his hand closed over the doll.
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smallnamek · 9 years
Si’vrel gave Hehe to his brother but even his precious toy wouldn’t stop the smaller Namek from crying and shaking.  The elder boy murmured in the younger’s ear, holding the doll up so he could see he head was firmly attached.  T’hili reached out and took the doll.  looking it over before he hugged and nuzzled it.  Even with this the boy didn’t stop crying.   Overwhelmed and lost as what to do to help his little brother, Si’vrel  stifled his own sob and turned tear filled eyes to the stranger silently begging for help.  
The toy smelled almost right and even thought the stranger repaired the doll.  T’hilli searched it all over several times but he couldn’t find anything wrong with the repair.  He was afraid but he knew he had to be polite.  T'hili held out his hand towards the stranger.  “Th….Twa….*Sob*… Than …….He… he….Hehe and ..I… Thank you.”    Si’vrel could only stare, T’hilli never spoke to a stranger before.
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