smallpartsfest · 11 years
Come check out all the awesome fic and art, and celebrate small theatre fandoms!
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
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Title: Welcome Home Recipient: all our lovely pinch hitters! Fandom: In the Heights Rating: G Summary: Who would I be if I had never seen Manhattan? Notes: Thank you so so much to all of our lovely and talented pinch-hitters for saving my booty. I couldn't have done this without you. ♥
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: Rumor Don't Got It Recipient: ladysaviours Fandom: Newsies Rating: PG Wordcount: 1158 Summary: Katherine Plumber is determined to make everyone at school care about the world, even if it means turning her unorthodox love life into news. It's all for the cause. Warnings: Nada! Notes: I'm pretty sure what we all needed was a Newsies OT3 high school AU featuring Katherine Plumber as the editor of the school paper. The title is a play on the Adele song, of course.
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: Into The Cuckoo’s Nest Recipient: tumbleweedrose Fandom: Spring Awakening Rating: PG13-ish for an instance of frustrated teenager language Wordcount: 1569 Summary: Summertime in a shifting city. Ilse was never really the pious type. Warnings: Suggestion of complicated domestic situations, but nothing is explicitly mentioned. Notes: This was my first go at writing serious fic for something other than personal flights of fancy. It was challenging, stressful, and I definitely made very audible frustrated noises over it, but I’m so proud of the new life I’ve found in these kids and my only hope is that I made some tiny success somewhere in this that shines brighter than its shortcomings.
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: And I Could See For Miles Recipient: jamestiberiusharper Fandom: Spring Awakening Rating: PG Wordcount: 2113 Summary: AU: After surviving her unwanted abortion, Wendla needs to decide her future. Warnings: References to canon abortion and suicide Notes: Title from Bon Iver's "Holocene"
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Another quick note to apologize for delays and gaps in posting! We're in the final leg of posting, and just waiting on a few people. Thank you to our pinch hitters -- we'd be completely lost without you! Meanwhile, there's been so much great stuff posted over the past several days. If you haven't had time before, take a look around! Read, review, enjoy, share with others. This turnout has been fantastic!
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: Glass Recipient: everyone! Fandom: The Glass Menagerie Rating: PG Wordcount: 1049 Summary: Amanda worries about the children she can't quite connect with. Laura wants to make her happy, but can only do so much. Warnings: None Notes: Laura and Amanda bonding, as requested.
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: Civil Hands Recipient: jubilantics Fandom: bare: a pop opera Rating: R Wordcount: 12,093 Summary: Peter Simmonds and Nadia McConnell own a little private detective agency in New York City. In walks Jason McConnell in pursuit of a missing fiance... or so it seems. How many secrets can one man conceal? Warnings: Sex, booze, drugs, smoking, the usual. Notes: Thank you to F, who jokingly tossed out the idea of a noir AU and then let me run away with it. Thank you also to the people who looked this over for me. I'm no great noir expert, but I do love music of the time period and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: a little less thinking, a little more feeling Recipient: Hannah W Fandom: Sunday in the Park with George Rating: PG Wordcount: ~1182 Summary: Art isn’t easy, especially when you think too much, or you think too little, or you can’t stop thinking about what others think about your art. Notes: There’s a lot of "exploring between lines" in this, so it might be useful to listen to "Children and Art" and "Lesson #8" and "Move On" as you read :)
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: Foolish Love Recipient: Rainah Fandom: Legally Blonde Rating: PG-13 Wordcount: 1841 Summary: Warner's the villain of Legally Blonde, right? Or maybe his story just hasn't been heard. Warnings: None Notes: I have the best Beta in the world if you think yours is better you are wrong her name is McKenzie and I love her enjoy the story bye
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: A Sullen Riot Recipient: everyone! Fandom: American Idiot Rating: R Wordcount: 2,610 Summary: Genderswapped Johnny reflects on everything. Warnings: Sex, drugs, n’ rock and roll. No, but really. There’s plenty of inappropriate language in there, too. Notes: Thank you to the fantastic Melchior Gabor for holding my hand through this and being my wonderful beta! The title is from Green Day’s "She".
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
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Title: Scrapbook Recipient: andthelight Fandom: Spring Awakening Rating: G Summary: look at this thing I drew Notes: Maybe Wendla or Anna's family is rich enough that they think it's perfectly reasonable to get a professional photo taken of two friends. Or maybe this is an AU where people did this all the time. You don't know.
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: we miss being ruffians Recipient: feuillyed Fandom: American Idiot Rating: PG Wordcount: ~1200 Summary: Will is the only one that treats Tunny like a human when he comes home from overseas. Warnings: Mentions of PTSD and combat-related trauma. Notes: This story has been bouncing around my head (and my WIP folder) for a long time, and I'm really excited to finally put it out there! I hope you like it. Title is from Guest Room by The National.
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
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Title: we're anything brighter than even the sun Recipient: butterscotchcreys Fandom: Bare (heavier on the pop opera side of things but references the new musical) Rating: G Wordcount: 686 + art Summary: For the prompt: Bare genderswap, two drawings and one small fic. It's — it's everything, every word she's bitten back in confession, every dream she's ever had since she was fourteen and Jackie came back from summer vacation with curves. Notes: Title from "if everything happens that can't be done" by e.e. cummings. & I hope you enjoy!
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: They Never Learned to Breathe Recipient: Arqueete Fandom: bare: a pop opera Rating: PG Wordcount: 1,443 Summary: Nadia/Ivy. She tugged on the too-tight collar of the borrowed shirt and wondered why she’d agreed to wear it. Why she’d agreed to come at all. Warnings: N/A Notes: Title from the song "Breathe" by Ministry.
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: And In The Meantime Recipient: veinsfullofpoeticalstuff Fandom: Spring Awakening Rating: PG-13/Teen Wordcount: 9,240 Summary: When Ernst has one of the worst weeks of his life, his best friends Melchior, Moritz, and Ilse decide to take him out to forget his troubles. But he ends up finding even more trouble when Melchior bets him to seduce a stranger. Warnings: Foul language, if that counts Notes: Modern college AU, because that's apparently all I'm good for writing. Also my first ever exchange completed! I hope I didn't disappoint!
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smallpartsfest · 11 years
Title: It’s Beating Out of Time Recipient: streakingly Fandom: American Idiot Rating: Teen Wordcount: 5100 Summary: American Idiot soul-mate!AU. Includes Johnny/Whatersername, Will/Heather, and Tunny/Extraordinary Girl. Some backstory and then follows the events of the show. Warnings: Language and Drug Use Notes: You wanted American Idiot, so here is some American Idiot! I saw this post on tumblr (http://psyducked.tumblr.com/post/53240946980) and thought to myself “That would make a great AU idea!” So that became my starting point. There’s some explanation within the fic itself, but the idea is that everybody has this charm, unique to them, that can identify your “soul-mate,” somebody who is an ideal romantic match for you. I don’t do much in the way of description but just imagine them as little puzzle-piece looking things. When you find your soul-mate’s piece, they fit together (a la connecting puzzle pieces) and start glowing, and if you’re really well matched, it starts sparking. (It’s a little cracky, I know, but let’s roll with it.) The pieces are exchanged between soul-mates, usually when they get married, so you wear your soul-mate’s piece and they wear yours. The kind of counter-culture movement is against this system that seems to plan your life out for you. You can’t “pick” your soul-mate, your charm does it for you. I’ve seen the Berkley Rep recording on youtube a few times, read the Wikipedia, and of course I know the soundtrack up-and-down. I don’t know what you’re familiar with, maybe you saw the Broadway show or a tour or something, so the disclaimer on canon things is that deviations are either for story purposes or unintentional. There are both obvious and not-so obvious nods to the canon I am familiar with. The story is largely the same, just re-imagined within this AU. Beta’d by the always wonderful Hannah (veinsfullofpoeticalstuff.tumblr.com), any remaining issues are mine and mine alone.
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