smallstone89 · 2 years
this this this
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And a disaster for the discussion of non-anime TV shows in fandom.
"Cool-down episodes" aren't filler.
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smallstone89 · 2 years
evolution making ferns like sure yeah man whatever
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smallstone89 · 2 years
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lone mountain wildcat
someone save the damn bastard
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smallstone89 · 2 years
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she’s an icon, she’s a legend and she IS the moment!
happy 25th anni to utena! have some Nanamis!
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smallstone89 · 2 years
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Ukrainian embroidered rushnyks
Cherkasy and Poltava Region, late XIXth century - early XXth century
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smallstone89 · 2 years
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Mawaru Penguindrum, Shibata Isuzu
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smallstone89 · 2 years
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Trying stuff~
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smallstone89 · 3 years
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(It doesn’t matter whose. A baby’s maybe.)
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smallstone89 · 3 years
There was a period of time where if you got even a little viral on the internet it was possible for you to get television time and at least a five figure endorsement deal.
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smallstone89 · 4 years
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Bead work by Native American artist and designer JAMIE OKUMA.
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smallstone89 · 4 years
Phrases for January 2021
Check Sun, Moon and Rising
Aries – History: Remember everything you endured in 2020 and learn from it. This year you will heal and let go. The perfect opportunity to research your ancestors and roots in order to find some pieces to the puzzle that is you. This is a year of learning, growing and abandoning fear. The sky is the limit.
Taurus – Rebellion: Uranus is in your sign, so use this opportunity to break out of your comfort zones. Take the next steps without fear and if changes happen, go with the flow. This can be a huge year if you break free and trust yourself.
Gemini – Passion: Remember to give it your all this year. You may have faced blockages last year but now you are more confident and prepared. This is a year where your artistry and creative side can really bring fruitful things.
Cancer – Family: Your roots will play a role during this time. Make sure to stay connected to friends and family. The support you receive now will play a pivotal role to get to the top. There could be curiosity regarding uncovering the history of your roots and family lineage.
Leo – The Subconscious: You are going to feel more intuitive during these transits. Saturn will show you a mirror to your subconscious, allowing you to face fears as well as the maturity needed to grow. Do not be afraid to ask others for help during this year if you need it.
Virgo – Darkness: Try to see the light in the gloomy darkness. You are going to have a splendid year filled with new opportunities and the chance to meet new people. Saturn in Capricorn’s impact might still loom but remember that it is a New Year filled with new beginnings.
Libra – The Mind: All these transits in Air signs will be the perfect opportunity to learn more and immerse yourself in a library of books. The next few years will be mentally stimulating for you, allowing you to be more creative as well as seeking higher learning.
Scorpio – Reflection: This is a time to look back in order to craft your path in the future. Last year was a learning process for everyone, but you managed to navigate through the murky waters with grace. You will feel the expansive energy this year and apply the lessons learned to help others and contribute to your growth.
Sagittarius – Transformation: Lots of changes are on the way for you since you are tapping into higher energy. Patience here is a virtue since your form of communication will be transformed in the next few years. How you view the world, what you value spiritually, and your own self confidence will be challenged. Get ready for the changes that are here to transform you.
Capricorn – Love: Be open to experiencing love this year and welcoming changes. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this is going to be an interesting time after the blockages you felt with Saturn in Capricorn. You worked hard the last few years and now you get to experience some excitement.
Aquarius – Dreams: Reconnect with the past to decode the present. Aquarius and Leos will feel more intuitive during these Saturn and Jupiter transits; a time of creation and productivity. These transits will encourage you to step into your own spotlight and to show others what you produce.
Pisces – Fantasy: This year you are going to tap into your creative side a lot more. You are going to feel inspired and motivated to build. If you have been contemplating doing something new and were afraid, go for it.
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smallstone89 · 4 years
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reminders from Anne Enright
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smallstone89 · 4 years
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this is the best one
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smallstone89 · 4 years
Start again, in the middle of winter. Start again with your leaves making mulch upon the earth. Prop yourself up with iced-bearded branches and claw your way into the frozen ground. The soil may be softer in the spring, but there’s so much sky to grow into and only so much time caught in the fishing-nets of your roots. You are strong enough now– start again.
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smallstone89 · 4 years
Getting Involved Masterpost
I’ve been compiling links to resources and organizations that are doing important work to support the most vulnerable people during this pandemic. If you’ve been feeling helpless to fight all the awful things that are happening, here’s some ways you can help. Do what you are able to - donating, volunteering, protesting, joining a union, contacting your government representatives, and simply spreading information are all good actions to take right now.
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief - resources for getting involved in mutual aid efforts. https://mutualaiddisasterrelief.org/collective-care/
Mutual Aid Hub - map for locating mutual aid resources and groups in your area that you can donate to or get involved in. https://www.mutualaidhub.org/
Never Again Action - organization fighting against ICE detention centers. https://www.neveragainaction.com/
Feeding America - all food banks are in desperate need of support right now, donate or find your local food banks here. https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank
Black and Pink - organization for prison abolition and support for incarcerated ppl who are LGBT/HIV+. https://www.blackandpink.org
Movimiento Cosecha - organization for undocumented immigrants, in need of donations. https://www.lahuelga.com/
Indigenous Mutual Aid Directory - resource for indigenous-led mutual aid groups. https://www.indigenousmutualaid.org/
Covid-19 Resources for Undocumented Immigrants - google doc spreadsheet of resources for uncoumented immigrants. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18p9OSlLpSYanIoUC-gEbhVbRMYVUfw4wyrixa9ekGdc/htmlview?fbclid=IwAR0euDbk5OiWd7EgBPKUPm01wCjCb-Z8-KiZK4EBlR53J0VNpVvQYTJy4eY&sle=true#gid=0
COVID-19 Sex Worker Harm Reduction Resources (U.S. Based) - google doc of resources for sex workers. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GpmUbu7UDCKtbnsBwImFLQtXzHLlZ6FYPY_NjJvyiFs/edit
It’s Going Down - information, news, current actions, and resources about anti-capitalism and mutual aid. https://itsgoingdown.org/
Detention Watch Network - coalition against ICE detention camps. https://www.detentionwatchnetwork.org/covid-19
Amnesty International - campaign to end human rights abuses. https://www.amnesty.org/
Food Not Bombs - organization providing food and supplies to people in need. http://foodnotbombs.net/new_site
General Strike 2020 - information about the general strike that is being organized in many places on May 1st, as well as other labor and rent strikes. https://www.genstrike.org/may-day-guide/
IWW - International Workers Union https://iww.org/
ResistBot - service that makes it easy to contact your representatives (USA) about important issues. https://resist.bot
Please reblog this, and if anyone has more links to share, please add on!
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smallstone89 · 4 years
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Online store is open for the new year!
New stickers, totes, notebook inserts, washi as well as restocks have been added!
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smallstone89 · 4 years
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Anime: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Here’s an anime karaoke song book from the September 1997 issue of Newtype with Utena and Anthy on the cover being adorable! I had never seen this artwork of them before so I’m happy to share!
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