Being autistic is realizing you’ve been missing out on a “rude” social cue and your brain going
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I have a short fuse when it comes to things like this. They’ll be too loud or something and I’d snap and tell them to stop…
Neurodivergent Girl
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Bring Me the Horizon- Teardrops
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Kate Bush Running Up That Hill (1985)
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when the autism is being an actual mental health problem instead of making me obsess over fictional characters again:
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I see this so much so here it is :
just because you don't personally need tone tags/tone indicators doesn't make them 'stupid' , infantilizing, ableist or "making us (autistic people) look 'bad' "
why do y'all think that things that some autistic people need is infantilizing . "we understand sarcasm" well some of us don't and find tone tags useful. You can't erase other autistic people because you somehow think we 'make you look bad' ..man do y'all really not want certain autistic people in the 'autistic community' do you?
this goes for a lot of other things too , honest like some autistic people struggle with more ..how is it ableist to you for people to bring them up..? we exist , why do you want to erase our existence just because you don't struggle with those things..
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ELLA PURNELL photographed by Sharif Hamza for ELLE (June/July 2024)
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I feel like these days, there seems to be a difference between 'special interests' and the clinical term 'restricted and fixated interests', in the ways that they are explained.
In the criteria it does state "that are abnormal in intensity and focus". (Not even necessarily that you're only allowed one. You may have many).
And although it is definitely great to have such a strong interest that brings you joy. There is still reasons that this interest may be flagged.
The reasons tend to be due to the fact that it affects many areas of an autistic's functioning. It's important to remember that for many autistics, despite it bringing joy, it can also be the cause of other problems in their life.
It may inhibit their ability to remember to eat, drink, toilet, dress. One may go hours being invested in their interest where they neglect themselves and this may happen on quite a frequent basis. They may neglect their work, or household chores, pets, friends, family, etc..
It may be the only thing that the autistic is able to talk about with others. Which can inhibit their ability to communicate with others and be a cause of problems with relationships. It may be one of the few things they think about on a frequent basis.
The interest may be the only thing to calm an autistic down and help prevent a meltdown/shutdown. But it can also be the cause of a shutdown/meltdown when an autistic is made to stop participating in their interest or are pulled away from their interest.
Daily tasks may need to revolve around their interest in order to complete the task. Meaning tasks like cooking or dressing or cleaning may have to incorporate the interest in order for it to get done or even started. The task may even have to be explained in a way that incorporates their interest for them to understand.
Bringing joy can definitely be a good thing and we should do our best to incorporate things in our life that do bring joy. But we do need to still remember that for a lot of autistics, the interest that brings them joy, may also be a cause for other problems in their life.
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Dear me,
You're nothing .
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Bring Me the Horizon- Teardrops
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i feel like the longer you have depression n r suicidal, the less people care
bc its like~ hes depressed rn?? he always is
he hasnt eaten?? he will at some point
hes sh again?? they're never deep anyway
he's gone missing again?? its fine he'll come home
he overdosed again?? he never takes enough tho
he tried to kill himself?? thats okay the attempts have never worked~ so it wont this time
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