smellycherrysoup · 11 months
ur not even doing anything and the thought of u makes me all giddy
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smellycherrysoup · 11 months
good morning texts just feels different from you
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smellycherrysoup · 11 months
why can't humans be like animals, kill ourselves when the love of our life dies
– me two weeks ago or so
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smellycherrysoup · 1 year
she makes me a poet. it's so wonderful to say. to be in love, fused with the stars. the future can't be set in stone, but for the time being, i'm happy.
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smellycherrysoup · 1 year
with her, i could easily drop everything else. but i won't. for me, for her.
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smellycherrysoup · 1 year
i'm sad. i can't tell anyone about it. i miss my dog. i miss him. but he wont be there even if he is
i'm hearing my brother eat and it is awful. i wish i could eat too. but i shouldn't. i wanna sleep. i wanna starve myself. i wanna kill myself. sometimes.
everytime something happens i want to sleep it all off. with each chew i'm hearing, the more i want to die.
i hate this
i hate you
i hate you so much
i was going to love me again
but all you do
is just
i hate you. i love you. i want to love you. i wanna love you so bad. why do i have to think of other people i loved to make me feel better ?
to escape from you
i wish i didn't have to think of her everytime you do something that makes me sad. i dont want you to make me sad. i dont want to tell you you make me sad. i dont want to do it to you again like how i did it to her
why. why do you love me
theres so many times in my mind where i've told u to kill yourself. i bet you never knew that. i dont want you to know that. i want you to be happy. i care for you. so why do you only say sweet dreams to yourself ? i wish i could drill a hole in my head. i wish i could block all of this out with my favorite memories of us
why aren't we like the others ? why are we squeezing leftover paint ? why does everyone think you're so bad ? are you bad ?
you're so nice to me. i wish you were nicer to me. maybe you're only nice in contrast. how can i tell ?
i wish you look at me when i'm not looking at you. i wish i could cry in your arms just a little bit longer than the last. i wish you could stay with me. i wish you'd wipe my tears gently again. i wish i didn't need to have tears to experience that
i wish i didn't need to cry once every two weeks. i wish we could just be happy
it's not that bad. others have it worse. i feel so sad though.
i feel so sad.
when can we do what others do ? spend time together just the two of us. when can you survive with just me around ?
i miss you. when you tell me that, sometimes i lie and say i miss you too. do you do it too ? but sometimes i do miss you. i miss you so much
i don't miss you because i try not to. because nothing good comes of it. just an occasional i miss you too, then we're on our own again.
i wish we do more, there were times when you did more, when i did more, but its never enough.
i wish it was enough. i truly truly truly wished it was enough. i wish this was all enough. i wouldn't need to be so sad. you and i will both be happy
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smellycherrysoup · 1 year
being told that u can never be their first choice is awful. so awful. and i don't know if that's normal in a relationship
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smellycherrysoup · 1 year
i wish i was able to let her be loved by other people too, maybe if that was the case i can still feel her love right now
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smellycherrysoup · 1 year
you're different now
you're always as sweet as honey
you know i can always recognize you
the universe did want me to talk to you, but i left
now i'm wondering what could've been if i listened
oddly i can never grow tired of drawing your hair
it used to be long but now it's shorter
i know you're different now, but some things just still reminds me of you
and for now maybe i'd keep them close to you until i can move forward
its funny because im moving backwards
every move forward with this is a step backwards
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