I'm gonna try my best to express myself okay? Don't be mad please sweetie
My world changed when I met you. You looked at me like I was more then I was at the time and you made me feel like I was finally enough. You're the light that guides me when I'm lost. Your love has given me more than I could'e ever thought: You were the reason I got my laugh back. The reason I fell asleep for so long with a smile on my face. The reason why problems didn't seem so bad at all. I have to be honest with you. I think about you. A lot. All the time actually, In the morning, at night in the midlle of the day. It's you. It has been always you. No matter how much we talk to each other eveyday, I'll never get bored of you. I smile instantly every time I get a text, call, or picture from you. You make my days better and It amazes me to know I'm in your mind for the past 8 years too. I want to hug you so tight, I miss my nalla and shellan so much.
You know what? Sometimes I just sit there and imagine all the little scenarios of us in my head. Been able to kiss you, hold your hands and confort you when you are sad. Be there, not miss a single conversation, ear you laugh and see you smile. Taking random trips to places that we don't know. Cuddle while watching a movie and sing with you even if we are really bad. Bringing you closer to me and finally sleep holding you
My emotions are overwhelming me, impregnating every aspect of my being. It only took a split second before I realized that I might have been in love with you. Our daily conversations and shared laughter can't be ignored, and it feels like we were preparing for something more .The voices in my head finally stop screaming. Love found me when I least expected it, and when I gaze into your eyes, everytime I see volumes of unspoken words.
You know the difference of a hero and a villain? A hero would sacrifice you for the world. While a villain would sacrifice the world for you. And trust me when i say I'm no hero.
When you asked about how my perfect day would be, I described watching the sky turn into the moon while eating sushi from a familiar hilltop with you by my side.The hours would pass slowly, and we would never run out of time. We would recite our favorite quotes and rewrite our thoughts so that they could rhyme. We would enjoy a big breakfast, more like a brunch, filled with orange juice, strawberries, and butter toast with crust. Then we would walk hand in hand to a well-stocked bookstore downtown, where we would buy too many novels and carry them like a crown. We would drive with the windows down, your shoes dropped on the car floor, and I would feel fulfilled looking at the passenger seat. I would sing softly to the sky, and in that moment, you would fall in love with me a little more. The sheets on my skin that I've missing for years would appear. When you asked me how the day would end, I would only tell you that you would have to wait and see. In reality, my perfect day would end up with you marrying me.
I am struggling to find the right words to express the depth of my emotions. When I look at you, I feel like I should fall to my knees and pray, because there's no other way. You make me believe in miracles, but even that does not fully capture the extent of your impact on me. You are sunshine incarnate, and you make everything seem less difficult but easy. I want to write full novels about your smile, but words fail me as I try. You are a core memory of joy, the person of my dreams, and my love for you is bursting at the seams and sometimes even brings me to tears. 8 years ago I saw you for the very first time. The first glance made me speachless and to be the most honest that I can be, 8 years of speachness it's the least I can provide I want every year of every lifetime we have.
I love loving you. You made something that felt so damned, something so damn fun! You make the messy nature of such an intense-emotion something to savour and celebrate. You make the hard discussions feel worth it because I know that we respect eachother enough to not tamper with wounds we both entered with. You made morning breath seem not all that bad. You make my insecurities fade away when I catch you looking at me as if you just met me yesterday, it's was if every morning you were seeing me for the first time. I cant lie, I go through the day unfazed by how others see me because in a world full of madness there is you. You make me realise that whatever I had accepted before was never love in its purest form. It was lazy, neither compassionate or kind, neither gentle nor preserving of mind. It was a mismatch of souls. But you. You make love the most exciting thing I have ever experienced and for that I am forever grateful for loving you. And being loved by you
Thank you for 8 years, I really love you my pyrocant
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“As important in a trusting relationship as the truth you share are the lies you never have to tell.”
— Robert Breault
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I just want to see you again.
Even if I can’t talk to you. (via flame)
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Tenho pena de quem me conheceu depois de você, assim, desacreditada. Dá vontade de falar “desculpa, é que já passou alguém por aqui e levou tudo”.
Soulstripper.   (via alentador)
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Fiquei. Porque eu queria ficar. E você sabe, quando a pessoa quer ficar, ela fica.
Marjorie Moreira. (via versificar)
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It drives me crazy waiting for a text that’s never coming
3 am thoughts (via suspend)
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One day I realized I was a nobody, having nothing. It felt oddly satisfying, justified - a clean, honest failure.
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