smileprettychaos · 6 years
Paranoia pricked his veins the instant word spread about the wildfire. Jaded hues scorched the crowd of people he fell in line with. the english monarch may have been a chaotic personality, disposing his psychosis on the surrounding faces -- was not on his agenda. However, it didn’t make him less concerned for liliana -- he sent out a word to the heavens that his she and his family will come out unscathed. though his religious belief is faulty, it never hurt to do so. the coarse inquiry caught his attention and he looked over to maria -- attempting to place a name to the face. ❝ there is a time in a place, but it is a valid question, but I had a similar thought.❞
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“you don’t think this is coincidence, do you?” she spoke, question posed to a group of three or four people, who all looked at her with appalled expressions in response. nobody had the courage to ask such brazen questions aloud, but maria was curious of the palace opinion. surely she was not the only paranoid one —— granted, her interest was not based off fear. she needed to know the effect rebels were having ( being so associated with them herself ) . even if it was a coincidence, if people were scared: she was winning. “what?” she turned to look at the person beside her. maria sighed. “i’m just asking what everybody is thinking.”
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
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❝warte, schau es dir an! ❞  the words came out with a snap upon the unexpected bump. frazzled by the events, raked with worry -- she hardly knew anyone here -- and while her loved once were out of sight -- it did little for her temper. but she did recognize the male as an acquaintance, but no name surfaced.  ❝no, no  you’re fine-- we’re all distracted here and it’s a troubling situation... ❞ that was a fine understatement, and she scolded herself for the lack of better words. her own mind is in a haze.
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Ewan was sick with worry - worry for Eideard, for Effie, worried for the staff of Scotland. What a disaster this night had become, and just as he was starting to enjoy himself. He told himself this was yet another hiccup, and that all would be well come morning. Oh, how he prayed it was a dream - yet he knew that would be too good to be true. Frustrated, he ripped the mask from his face. Distracted, he did not notice the person behind him, and bumped into them. Startled, he said, “I apologize, I was - lost in my thoughts.”
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
blue eyes shift critically to the dancing pair. how anyone can manage to dance the way they were after a fight --- it is almost hard for him to believe. Perhaps the reason for that is due to him being the exact opposite. his eyes then drifted to the woman,  ❝eavesdropping normally ends very badly, or perhaps they’ve settled it somehow.❞
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a light laugh left the lips of the russian princess as she took in the sight of one of the noble couples dancing together. “of course they are going to playing the happy couple tonight, acting like they weren’t just fighting last night” she said taking a careful sip of wine to punctuate her statement. “well maybe it was just a misunderstanding i overheard but then again who knows?”
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
                   the french princess stood frozen in place, seeing the masquerade unravel before her. she had no intentions of joining the celebration, not with dancing nor with chatter. instead, she remained a distance from everyone else, just watching from afar how everyone enjoyed themselves. the question caught her off guard, but more so that someone even attempted to build conversation with her. it was such an oddity she stared at the woman, her brows furrowing as if she had just asked something despicable. “ i - i do not dance. ”
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espresso hues drift to the person beside her and the voice of her cousin only unraveled the mystery. she would know it anywhere.  ❝du willst nicht tanzen?❞ her german tongue leaving her lips, ❝ and what is withholding you from taking part? ❞ callista isn’t much of an avid dancer -- in fact she is not as inept in very many steps -- her impatience has always been one of her bigger flaws, so taking the time to learn dance with a tedious instructor has always been -- less than ideal
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
LETTING GO OF HER husband as he wandered off to speak to some dignitaries, Anne-Sophie found herself in the midst of the ballroom. In an attempt to avoid having to dance with some pompous lord she could not stand, the Queen made her way to the side, hoping to find a spot where she could take a seat for her legs no longer served her the way they used to. She had not recognized the girl at first, but upon hearing her speak she quickly smiled as she turned to face her niece. “Oh my dear, I am no longer young and agile. My feet do need to rest often.”
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the voice of her Aunt caused her lips to stretch into a bright smile. the lower piece pushed out softly into a pout. “do you remember how when I was little I loved to watch you dance? father would always tell me he feared he would lose me to you.”  she reflected, her dad always was always so transparent and loved his family more than anything -- she remembered that much. Though she felt as if she appreciated it too late. 
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
Slipping into her own rhythm as she parted from her previous dancing partner. Lights shimmered above, so bright that she almost wished for glittering gold to cascade upon them. It is simply hard to believe that beautiful event could rise from the ashes with everything happening. A reason for celebration is long overdue -- now she only wished for the future to be just as prosperous. sensing someone at her side. “why aren’t you dance? have you already worn yourself?” she asked with a smirk firming along petal soft lips. 
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
                              CALLISTA ALESSA WEISS;;
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                                          look at the STARS                                     look how they shine for YOU                                         and everything you DO                                        they were all  YELLOW
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
it was safe to say that halden hadn’t expected jakob to be at the door. however, since their last conversation they had seemed to settle at least some of their differences. the corners of his lips turned up into a small smile to greet his friend, but upon hearing his words it was quick to disappear. his eyebrows furrowed into a look of confusion. he had been in two fights recently, but only one was serious. the other was just him and kristoffer acting foolish. he only hoped that was the one jakob spoke of. he didn’t feel like talking about his fight with frida. “a fight? with who?” he asked.
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it didn’t take much for him to acknowledge the change in the atmosphere. and it began at the change in expression for him to detect it. confirming what he has heard floating off the gossipy tongues of the people surrounding them. eyes locking with the similar shade for only a moment before he deterred his gaze. for some reason he had to breach eye contact, he returned it just seconds after. “Whatever fight led you in this position, though -- there are scattered rumors.” In other words he has caught wind to vague explanations for two different situations. “you know I’m not one to focus on gossip, but with so many people in one castle. You can’t keep everything to yourself.” 
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
Elizaveta turned her chin ever so slightly and glanced at the young man to her side. Her son-in-law. God bless him, married to Liliya. Turning her head away, she peeled off her jacket to reveal slender white arms as she passed the garment to her guard. “Take this to my rooms and see that my maids clean it,” she ordered in Russian, before glancing back at her son-in-law. “Is that all?”
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The amount of grace that she handled that is admirable, not many handle accidents like graciously -- and without embarrassment. Nodding his head once towards his mother-in- law -- it will still take some time getting used to. A chuckle left his lips. “ Elizaveta.” he acknowledged with the smile remaining from his lips. It is English custom to venture outside the formalities when one becomes family-- and he reminded himself to acknowledge it as such. “Yes, it seems we should all be watchful of birds today.” he joked lightly.
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
He was sitting in the sunshine, reading a book when he heard someone talk to him. Looking up, he smiled and then looked at his shoulder and let a bubbly laughter leave him. “Oh my!” he said in between laughter. “Now this is quite the look, don’t you agree?” Laurence asked and shook his head.
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the easy-going reaction had a laugh of his own betray him. It was a bit infectious, and it certainly helped with his improved mood on the sunny day. “it certainly adds some fashion to your attire, don’t see it being a trend any time soon. If the lord is gracious,” his lips curled into a smirk. As far as god goes, Jakob has a shifty belief -- but he knows others aren’t always the same.
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
                           “ there are so many, i do not seek to bore you with the list i have thought of. ” she would have never thought their marriage would result to be so smooth. but perhaps her mother and father had been right all along, to match her with the english king. had they known it would be like this, that perhaps one day she could harbor feelings for him, live a pleasant and rather content life? “ you are rather lucky that i have not included you in such list. ”
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Laughter spilled and he shook his head three times in response to her claim to have a long list. he had no issue believing in her, from the time they have spent together -- it doesn’t seem so far-fetched. It truly amazed his as his eyes etched the features of the beauty that laid before him. for her to be his match, it still had to settle in his mind. how easily it is to communicate with her, coupled with the chemistry they shared -- it felt promising. “am I? well I certainly feel lucky. lucky for you as well, love, because you’re not on mine. and my list itself is at most a mile long.”
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
when news reached his ears on halden’s current condition. a gnawing sensation grappled his system; a blend of vexation and hindrance existed within. the last time they spoke it seemed to have been far more mellow than any other interaction they’ve had thus far -- and it helped tremendously to be assured that he would end the tryst. But with recent voices, there is a shrivel of doubt that poisoned his mind. That poison is often a dose of reality -- a truth that he would rather not believe in. he wanted to believe in halden. “I was told that you had gotten into a fight?”
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halden had been resting in his bed ever since his fight with kristoffer. it was safe to say what they had thought was a dream had in fact been real life and well he imagined he would probably be spending quite some time in his room during the next few days. not that he would mind at all. upon hearing a knock on the door, halden shifted slightly on his bed and cringed as his body started to ache. “come in!” he called out, assuming it was one of his staff there to bring him breakfast.
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
❛ Everything’s different now. ❜ (anne-sophie to callista)
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an impatient sigh left her mouth, “i understand differences are often the key to move forward, but -- some days I wish to keep elements of something familiar -- does that make any sense? does everything have to change?” while she is all for renovations of their life -- it grows tiring. 
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
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for once the skies were a pleasant shade of blue -- the day seemed to be heading off to a positive start. but how long does that ever last? a flock of birds took him off guard and he flinched, never being the biggest fan of those creatures -- and then he looked to the right at another. His blue eyes detected that bird poop on said person and he cleared his throat. “you, uhm -- have something -- right there.”
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
❝ i do not know which of you i pity most. ❞ (kristoffer to jakob)
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❝ if we are playing the pity game, i believe you would take the lead. but, of course you wouldn’t recognize the reason for it, would you? maybe you do,  and you are truly as self-serving as I thought.❞  
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smileprettychaos · 6 years
❛ Everything’s different now. ❜
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❝ of course, that is the sole point of being here? bringing about a form of change, amongst trying to save lives  these halls are wearing down their colours, as well as the company.❞ prior to this, the english monarch hasn’t been in the most pleasant of moods  
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