smilesandstarlight · 5 years
Elsa fix it !
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Long live the swanqueen ship.
I’m sorry for all the Captainswan shipper and sorry for Hook too :’D but I have to do it BWAHAHAHA ! I love Hook, really.
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
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Today, we spotlight I know you (I walked with you once upon a dream)!
Between nightmares of her own death and the constant need to save everyone, Emma can’t catch a break. But when the Queen grants her wish to not be the Savior, bringing her to a world where life as a princess is all she’s ever known, her problems only multiply. Now the woman she knows only as her parents’ worst enemy must fight to save her - from her destiny, from the threatening figure in her dreams, and maybe even from herself.
In this epic rewrite of the wish realm storyline, @warriorsq22 crafts an intricate tale full of romance, humour, angst, and so much more. This brilliant, emotional story is the narrative our two favourite ladies deserved in season 6, both individually and together, and it will occupy your mind and heart for days. Accompanying this fic is gorgeous and graceful art by @possibilityofmagic, which perfectly represents this story in the most beautiful way possible!
Have your own favorite quotes from I know you (I walked with you once upon a dream)? Want to make a rec post or related artwork? Submit the post or a link to us and we’ll add it to our spotlight!
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
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Anything Regina → Magic Book
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
Thoughts Post Starlight
I like the parallels between the play and the show. That was well done. I like most of the animation. The music was good. I looooooved the art from the ending credits!!!
Some scenes were funny. Some scenes were sweet. Some were epic. A lot of things I did not appreciate. (See complaints from previous posts.) I'm sure there's some awesome deep meaning to this were I to ruminate on it. I don't like it enough to.
I think I can safely say that Futaba ended up my favourite, overall. I'm really happy to see the KuroMaya stuff at the end.
Idk. This had a dystopian feel and I'm not about that genre or vibe in the least. Not my cup of tea, but I'm glad to have experienced it and share this with my friends. ^_^
Also. I like the teamwork makes the dream work ending I theorized a lot more than the actual ending. Oh well. C'est la vie.
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x12: Starlight Revue
Wow, the steam is really well done, animators.
She is wearing house-elf attire! XD
Has she been digging stars out of the sands for 7 months??
Wow, Sisyphus much?
Pause. Ooooh! If reaching the star is the forgiveness of sins, maybe all of them working together will allow them to grasp the stars. Having only ONE winner is what tore them apart. Teamwork makes the dream work - yeah!! Resume.
I don't like the CGI 3d effect here. Everything else is 2d, Come on now!
HAHAHAHA "You like crab huh?" (Throwback to "You like potato huh?")
Aww, that was nice posing with Futaba and Kaoruko at the table :)
I admire your determination, Hikari. Truly. Persist until you succeed.
HAHAHA "Jumping in again, are you?"
Crap. This would drive anyone crazy. A special kind of hell. >_<
Holy cow! The opposite of anti-climactic now ;P
Oh, does she have a whole ring of star barettes now?
How did she steal the star?
OK, the giraffe is creeping me out. And also, I question his understanding lol
Oh my stars. What is with people wanting to do crazy things to "protect" people from an inevitable part of life?
Haha was Hikari raving?
LMBO - Tokyo Tower as a missile
Yeah I def doubt Giraffe's knowledge now. [It had been building for several episodes, I just didn’t want to admit it. I thought it was funny to have an all-knowing giraffe, but his undertone of surprise when he utters, “Wakarimasu” just means that he’s just learned it now, he’s just now put two and two together. Which I guess technically means he knows it now, but it’s still different than being omniscient, which is what I liked to think of him as...he’s just a silly misguided tall thing that caused a lot of pain and heartache.]
"Let me see you take away my everything." How romantic...not.
No fair! Why is Banana on Team B and A??
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x11: We Are
Wow that was anti-climactic.
Is she about to refuse?
Holding the blade?
Yikes, blood - that's intense!
OHHHHHH. Wait. If you win, he takes your shine right??? Is that what happened in London? So she's saving Karen from Mr Know It All?
Banana must be disappointed. No stage.
Guess it's a good thing I bundled the last 3 together. They seem like they will be cliffhangers of each other. "We Are" "Revue Starlight"? Wakarimasu
Hikari-chan would never go off on her own...except that time she ran away and teased you with the all the pics of jellyfish.
Did she leave her luggage behind?
The police really???
What the fudge.
Banana couldn't be behind this. People remember things.
So did the class perform their second Starlight or what??
Oh damn. They get cast 7 months in advance??
Where is she sending these letters??
Not pain, just heartbreak.
Wow Memiya-chan or whoever looks so done haha
Hikari stole her shine anyway smh
Oh, that's sad.
Being robbed of that was a death sentence for Kagura...???
I am so confuuuuused.
Look at Karen, learning English! So proud of her :)
Oh is Hikari imprisoned - atone for sins? What sins? [Pause. Fury, Evasion, Arrogance, Enchantment, Jealousy, and Despair? Are these all the sins that the auditioners have partaken in by participating in the Auditions? Do the Auditions bring out the worst in people? They are supportive and friends OUTSIDE of the Auditions. In the Auditions they must become different people. People who are out to take one another down. Resume]
Oh a crowbar. Defacing school property. Breaking and entering. Auditions really do bring out the worst.
Claire is in the tower. And yet you are descending endless stairs lol [Pause. I guess it didn't say she was imprisoned at the top of the tower. I stand corrected. Resume]
"We are steeped in sin. But...so what?" Riiiiight.
I like how short you are, Futaba ^_^
You can have all the good, passion, revival of the stage without the Auditions...
"Mr. Giraffe! Come out come out wherever you are!"
Student number one, eh?
WOW. Aladdin
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x10: The Show Must Go On
Alright, been a while! Whew had a scare there. Thought it was unavailable for a few minutes there.
Do the auditions really come out of the blue though, Junna?
Futaba usually looks disgruntled unless she's with Claudine...
so many crumbs, it must be Karen!
LOL Hikari the little chipmunk!
Aww is Mahiru helping those two lovebirds get some time together? XD
Finally! KuroMaya moments!! I'd been wondering where all this KuroMaya love was stemming from lol
Awww aquariums remind me of some of my fav ppl :)
You utterly destroyed me, which allowed me to be reborn. How phoenixlike.
Little children Hikari and Karen are absolutely adorable!! Love that pan of their past selves watching their current selves with pride.
I love the giraffe's voice :D
LMBO So thoughtful of you to make lunch boxes!! XD
Oh, Kaoruko...we had made such progress last time. smh
Futaba, I knew I always liked you ;)
Ooh, "I am reborn" - someone's about to get destroyed!
Why does she keep fighting blade to blade with Claudine?
Finally she threw her dagger!
Two become one. Swinging, stepping on sword steps.
I didn't lose. I won bc I have you. And she speaks French! ;D
Time to eat the nightshade!!
Um what?
No one gets to steal your shine but me??
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x9: On the Night of the Star Festival
[edits added after liveblog]
Aww Kaoruko is helping out with costumes since she didn't make the goddess cast. Look at her being a good sport! ^_^
I like how Claudine gets some time with different folks.
"Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale." How about as tedious as a 60x told tale? Yes, still salty. I'll try to let it go. XD
Oh. It's actually getting addressed in script.
Haha by Maya! Of course. ;)
Ooooh! Drama's a-brewing with that walk-away! People are noticing there's something wrong with "everyone's banana".
Oh, Hikari's barettes are huuuuge.
OMG who is she talking to?? I thought she was talking to the set, which fine - that's cool. Then something TALKED BACK!! A little less normal! D:
"It's only been two months, but it's felt much longer." I can't help it, guys. You know what I'm gonna say.
:-O Oh. My. GOSH! She's getting that crazy gleam. All of this build-up - I thought she was going to recognize that she needs to let go. Instead she's gonna double down, whaaaaat. The harder you hold on, the more it hurts when it's ripped from your hands. Literal truth.
Wow this story sounds VERY familiar lol Claire is Hikari
Fury - Junna [she got so mad at Karen that she fainted?]
Evasion -Kaoruko [...She wanted to evade hard work and have Futaba hand her stuff and then she wanted to run away?]
Arrogance - Karen [...she barged in where she wasn't invited* and thinks that she can change the rules to have 2 winners?]
Enchantment - Futaba [She was enchanted by Kaoruko and followed her till the end?]
Jealousy - Mahiru [this one was pretty obvious in her creepy episode with all the sniffing]
Despair - Nana [this one was explicit in this episode]
Ohhhh - that's where they got their Audition weapons?
Wow. That was tragic.
"Despite the danger, Flora had the courage to try to make a miracle happen for her best friend." [Despite the danger, Karen had the courage to insert herself into battles that she was not prepared for and wasn't invited to in order that she miraculously make it onto the leaderboard and become Top Star on the Stage of Fate for her best friend.]
"And despite losing her memory, Claire had the strength to recall the promise she'd made to her best friend." [Despite losing her shine and motivation, Hikari had more fuel than even the Giraffe could anticipate which allowed her to suddenly remember her promise to her best friend.]
"It's old! And bulky! And depressing!" lol Karen would be excited about that.
FINED! (that will never come to be. Sigh bc the Giraffe doesn't actually fine people)
You're my Junna-chan. You were never called "Jun-Jun". I will not let you be called that (and I will take down whoever tries to get in my way!) Yandere much?
That's right, Jun-Jun. Be scared. Be VERY SCARED.
Revue of Bonds
She's out for blood.
The song is good. Very dramatic.
You hate Starlight...yet you want to repeat it forever. Say it with me now: "I am crazy."
Know that I am refraining from making very mean comments, agreeing with Banana-chan right now.
I am digging Junna pulling out all these quotes!! I love quotes. +1 to Junna
Awww this is a nice moment. Good job, Junna-chan. You are a very good friend. +1 to Junna
Oh my. I was not expecting a close up of the giraffe butt. XP
[OK, the parallels between Starlight and Starlight Revue are a nice touch. Good story-telling. Little unnerving with the yanderes going around, but I guess it's all part of the genre.
*So Nana said that it was always 8 people in the Auditions and Karen was always last, so when Hikari came, Karen got the boot. So....why did Karen have no idea about the Auditions? Did her memory get wiped once she was no longer a participant? Did it have to do with Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey stuff? Also, if Futaba only decided to Audition a couple of episodes in, then who has been the 8th auditioner all this time before Hikari came? Or am I misremembering that Futuaba joined the Auditions late?]
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
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Regal Believer in 6x16, Mother’s Little Helper
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x8: Toward the Light
Wth there's so much talking without subs! :-/
Mmmm an egg sandwich. Wouldn't eat it in bed though.
She came back to her barette too.
What on earth?! She received the letters and responded - yet a few episodes she claimed that she thought Karen forgot her promise and that she was the only one who remembered?!
LOL Karen really is a crybaby
"When I'm around, you always rely on ME"
That was SO CUTE
The giraffe called her to Japan?
Oh, there's a London version?
This sub behind the audio thing is really messing with me.
LOL the giraffe speaking English - I love it.
Wow, she ROSE. Is this how she beat Nana? Oh, wait she was bested.
She lost her shine. :(
She can't remember anything. Is it because she's 74 years old?
I can't with these subtitles. WHAT is going on?
Your shine is taken if you lose. Lose what? a place or knocked off the board?
Ah, now he's tired of Nana and wants to break the cycle. Finally. Sending the Stage Girl Who Has Lost It All.
But you go, Hikari - "Even I could not have predicted that you would have so much left."
Oooh, they're already fighting. Honestly I thought they'd be the last two to fight.
Oh snap. I did it agin. I got Nana and Karen confused. Was wondering why Karen sounded so calm lol I didn't recognize her till she pulled out her second sword. And only then from PolarWolf's drawing of her with their weapons XP
The fiery hand! just like when she lost her shine on the London stage. Oh the other girl pointing a sword at her too.
Ohhhh the playground. I get it now!
Wow this feels like such a momentous part of the show that I'm not fully getting due to lagging subs - "I never thought of two people shining together" - WHO SAID THAT?!
"Are you okay parting with Karen, even if one day you have to fight her?"
I'm not sure that last line makes sense to me. The "even if" connector is a head scratcher. Something is not computing for me.
"Could they be a destined pair? I understand." Does he not KNOW ahead of time that they're a destined pair? Is he only NOW understanding? Does he not know EVERYTHING? Did he truly bring her only to stop Nana? In that case, Nana is what brought this "destined pair" together. Without her crazy, Mr Giraffe would not have sent Hikari to Japan. (How did that work with her parents anyway? Btw Mom and Dad, I'm going back to Japan - because surely she did not move to London when she was 6 all by herself)
Did neither Hikari nor Karen never mention why they're doing this to the Giraffe, like early on? Could he really not have known that they're in this because of a promise they made to each other? I feel like for an all understanding magical giraffe he's really dropping the ball on that one.
I do fully admit that Hikari's fight scene was the only one that I have actually been enthralled with. Especially when she was swinging around on her little dagger. It might in part be because I didn't have the words to focus on at the time. Who knows.
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 58% Character Weigh In
I’ve just been informed that the stupid loop happened 60+ times!!
Girl, I liked you, but that is stupid. Who the heck relives the same year 60+ times?! You’re mental. And so is the Giraffe for allowing that to happen. I get like...maaaaaaybe 3 times? But you’re like the Tall Guy in Charge, ya know? The All Understanding. A guide? So maybe do some guiding, hah? smh
+2 to Maya for giving sage advice twice now. She is trending up. Especially relative to others trending down. If this wise streak keeps up, she may end up being this Ravenclaw’s fav after all.
I’m so glad that Futaba is coming into her own and that Kaoruko now cares about someone other than herself. +1 to both of them!
Claudine went to Paris on her break. +1 to her. :P
Junna, Karen, Hikari are all the same as last time.
Mahiru +1 for moving on. :)
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x7 Nana Daiba
...The most boring and straightforward ep title to date.
Wow very dramatic. And doesn't seem like a happy ending. :-/ If Futaba was dead last, how did she get one of the 8 goddess slots?
Oh, haha Futaba is addressing that.
Haha, Banana is already such a support for everyone! I'm making banana bread now!
Sweet, kind, nourishing.
XD hahahahahahaha
Does Nana vlog?
They start and end in the spring?
Wow, Maya is really heavy. I do kinda like how this is the second time (that I remember) that she is trying to lead the other girls in life. (First one she kinda gave heavy advice to was Kaoruko, when she was trying to leave Seisho.) She seems waaaay ahead of everyone even beyond the stage.
I even took off my shoes. Lol Karen
...so she doesn't know about the giraffe? She seems like she's seeing him for the first time.
She got drawn here against her will? Wakarimas
omistars, finally an explanation of the stages. Ish.
I don't care either, Nana. I don't care about dazzling or transcending time or lasting all eternity. I feel like that makes me a pretty poor Slytherin lol And I certainly don't like the insinuation that it's a zero sum game to be the master of your own fate. The insinuation that only one person gets to be on the Stage of Fate. EVERYONE gets to be master of their fate, captain of their ship - and you don't have to beat people to do it!
Are you encouraging her to live in the past, Mr. Giraffe? Luring her to being a Stage Girl by dangling the past in front of her?
[EDIT: He cared enough about her growth to drag her into the Auditions even though she didn’t sign up and also turned him down at first; he cared enough to tempt her into it, but he doesn’t care enough to put his hoof down after a few years when he sees that she is in fact NOT growing - why did you drag her into this in the first place, Mister?! I assume you had an end in mind. I doubt it’s this. So why not further your agenda like you did when you started this mess? Also, you win by putting on the most dazzling show, how basic must you be to be the most dazzled by the same show for 60+ years? You’re as bad as she is! Worse, since you know better! UGH.]
Wait, what! She beat Maya?! All to not even reach her stage? Did this actually happen? And why does Maya seem so bitter about Nana winning? She's the one that threatened to never forgive her if she didn't give her all. Clearly she gave her all, if she managed to beat you, Maya. Isn't this what you wanted? Be careful what you wish for.
Does each girl get to choose her stage after she wins? What did everyone else choose? There's a winner every day. Well, that's anti climactic, just tossing the tiara to her, clattering to the floor? No grand crowning?
Gopher days? Reliving the same year again and again? Has a whole year really passed? What on earth?! How many times HAVE they done this? How many times has she bested Maya?
Hikari stopped the forever loop? How can Banana like reliving the same year over and over???
Wow that most boring and straightforward episode title to date turned out to be one of the most confusing, surprising, and unsettling/disgruntling episodes to date. What on earth. I knew this would happen. Smh
At least I have delicious banana bread now.
I don't think it's sweet enough...sigh.
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR: 1x6 Stage Left for Two
"Kaoruko fails to make the cut during class auditions and lashes out in indignation. Having earned a spot on stage, Futaba's patience with Kaoruko reaches a boiling point."
Omgah - this is the tea I’m here for! Futaba coming into her own? Yaaaas I do hope they're still friends though.
More art - yes! :D
I think it's very interesting that they do a different beginning scene for each ep.
Their voices are so cute.
All these children are so adorable!! :3 I'm def getting gym leader Erica vibes :D
Oooh harsh. Also, wow what a baby tantrum.
Wow, 'Just give me yours" again.
Team purple eyes!
LOL "Why don't you go be with Claudine instead?" "Yeah, I'll do that!" Claudine:...what about me, guys? I'm with Maya. rofl
Ah, Maya's sipping tea again :D
Claudine is being a good sport, letting Futaba stay.
Stop crying, Karen.
Oh, Karen's leaning on Mahiru instead of Hikari.
They've been through so much together...don't let your friendship end because of one audition!! Yaaaaay Futaba's here!
Man, the giraffe has long eyelashes.
“I will dash.” Yes, you dash, Futaba!
I will make you follow me till the very end?! What is she smoking? Her head is bigger than Maya's. So entitled!
You wouldn't be comfortable with someone doing all of that for you, Futaba. It's all nice to say, but you wouldn't like it if Kaoruko did all that for you. You like to be the one to take care of people. You just want a little appreciation instead of being taken for granted.
Revue of Promise (this would've worked for Hikari and Karen's promise too)
"These auditions have become increasingly personal (well, gee I wonder why - you are picking the girls with beef to pit against each other)...I understand." XD This catchphrase has become increasingly funny to me lololol
Kaoruko def needs an attitude adjustment.
"I trained till my fingers bled." #dedication
"You made me a promise didn't you?... I want to be the one closest to you so we can see that shine together." D'awww :')
"I will make another flower shine." Yaaaaas, it's not all about you, cupcake. ;) Relationships are about lifting one another up, not just a one way street.
Hahahahaha Futaba's response when seeing Kaoruko ready to go. XD I'm so proud of you, grasshopper.
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x5: Is “Shine” Even Possible?
Mahiru's chance to shine!
Oh, that's where her infatuation started.
What! Mahiru is the last awake? I guess all Karen needed was a best friend to get up on time...
Oh no, she's falling under her spell again - whenever those colourful squares blow around her hair. Mahiru, fight it! Examine the evidence!!
Does Banana really need to be in performance classes now that she's switched her focus?
Wow, go Mahiru!! What a great grandmother. See you'll be able to do fine if you focus your energy. :)
OK, this is getting very creepy. (smelling the pillow, towel, then waterbottle...)
Oh, Mahiru is in the Auditions? Was Karen the only one not? I guess Futaba was not.
An intense feeling of jealousy, burning brightly...has snatched away the naive joy of a young girl. LOL ofc he understands XD
Revue of Jealousy, wow
Lol Karen's reaction XD
This is still so trippy. I can't tell if they have stages or not. How much of this is just hallucinations because they're running on fumes?
“You like potatoes, don't you?” “Yes. This is potato.” rofl
It's very interesting how they can draw the difference between an age or two. Like in the video Mahiru does look younger but just a smidge.
"I won't rely on anyone." There ya go! Be self-sufficient. Others are icing on the cake to make life more enjoyable, but shouldn’t be the one sustaining you.
Oh man, I love the end credit art so much still. :D
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 33% stock
Ok, I’ve been asked where I stand with the characters now that I’m 33% in and whether or not I have a fav yet.
Karen is such a child and annoying most of the time, but she has some moments that I don’t want to yell at her for - such as getting Hikari to believe again and offering to clean for Junna. I’m both charmed and annoyed at her child-like optimism.
I don’t like that Hikari doesn’t communicate. Half the problems that happen in this show are just because she doesn’t friggin tell anyone what’s going on.
Kaoruko being asleep everywhere is sorta annoying and then complaining like crazy when Futaba left her for ONE evening. I feel like she’s very entitled. Futaba already seems to wait on her hand and foot, and then when Futaba expressed that she became inspired to grow and chase after her dream, Kaoruko has the audacity to ask, “Let me win, ok?”
I do not like Maya’s “the mere thought of not being number 1 makes me mad with jealousy” thing. Idk I guess maybe because she is the best, there’s no one to keep her in check? So actually I might’ve just talked myself into liking her a little more. I guess in some kinda way, it’s good that she’s still driven to remain the top and not be complacent just because she’s currently number one. But the way she phrased her ambition just rubs me the wrong way.
Claudine hasn’t done anything to bother me yet. And the fact that she speaks french and said that Parisians will remain popular forever gives her a plus in my book! lol I like the fact that she’s good, but she’s not as egotistical as Maya. But that may be because she still has Maya keeping her in check so she has to be at least a little more humble because there’s still someone better than her.
I honestly don’t know where I stand with Junna right now. She’s very intense. I mean she’s kinda the straight-laced, stern, bookworm which sounds like me and I’m surprised I don’t like her more. I’m really bothered by the fact that she fainted for some reason.
I feel so bad for Mahiru. Like, girl, please find a new obsession, please for both our sakes. I hate to see you getting hurt like this. It’s not gonna happen. Move on! You’re caring, loyal, persistent, and patient. (You sound like a Hufflepuff lol) You have the potential to be great if you’d only focus your efforts on something that stands a chance at happening!
I honestly don’t know why I like Futaba so much. I really dislike that she lives to serve Kaoruko. I do like that after her little evening of freedom and talking to Claudine, she decided she wanted to do something for herself and signed up to audition. But I liked her before that piece of development happened and I’m not sure why. Maybe she just gives off that cool, don’t mess with me vibe paired with the care that she has for Kaoruko (and others, like Claudine). I like that she cares for Kaoruko, I do. I just think that the two of them take it a little too far. She’s like the sensitive tough chick.
Banana might end up being my favourite because she’s not a Stage Girl. She’s not competing, just supporting. I relate to that a LOT lol No intense rivalry, just peacemaking and baking and being the best support she can be. Plus she wants to learn so much! She’s had her time on stage and as Mahiru said, has a lot of talent there and has spent years learning and honing that side, but she’s also developed other interests and she’s not scared to change direction and pursue that too. You go, girl!
I am intrigued by this mysterious, magical giraffe. How did the giraffe come to run the Auditions? Do the teachers at Seisho know about this underground fight club? What is his true objective? And why is he so understanding?? How old is he?
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x4: Promise Tower
"Hikari left campus, and Karen doesn't understand why. Determined to find her friend, Karen searches for her throughout the city."
Is she your friend though, Karen? What evidence has she given that would back-up that hypothesis? Also, have you understood anything about Hikari-chan since she returned to Japan? I didn't think so. It's because you're not a magic giraffe! XD
Interesting. Was it Karen and Hikari as the goddesses last opening?
The girls are so cute. :D So they watched Starlight together as kids and made a promise to become stars together so they could play the goddesses? Then Hikari moved to England to skip lunches and train at the best school in the world for this. But then remembered her promise to do it together & heard that the 99th class at Seisho would be doing Starlight every year and so came back to Japan to do Starlight with Karen?
Again with the bursting into others' rooms. -_- And looking for a human under things clearly too small.
"What is she angry about?" >:) You'll never know!
I love the stabby teddy bear "Stay away" sticker she sent.
What is Hikari playing at? Does she want to be found or doesn't she? And if she's not planning on taking off, why bring your luggage with you on a day trip?
Now it's time for you to give Hikari a DENIED. Nobody has time for this nonsense.
Hahahahaha I LOVE how dramatic Mahiru the goddess who protects the halls is. XD I think this is my favourite scene so far.
Baka. "I thought I was the only one to remember." Karen sent you letters that you never replied to! Did you never receive them?
Wow, I don't relate to Maya. "I go mad with jealousy just thinking about the fact that I won't be #1"? smh
"You wanted to see the jellyfish right?" Oh, she saw them, Karen - half a day's worth!
"The giraffe never said only one person could win" - he probably did in that text you were never sent bc you weren't invited - you just crashed the gate! :p
Hahaha what a "Do you trust me?" moment on the playground. She can show you a whole new world, Hikari. NGL that was a very sweet moment between the two of them when Hikari seemed to warm up to sharing their dream again.
And yes, two people can try to win a one person winner contest. #spoileralert Katniss and Bread Guy did. Something to do with berries. Or neither of them accepting to be the One Winner to rule them all. So all y'all have to do is both refuse to take the #1 spot and then jealous Maya can take it and then all 3 of you will be happy as clams in high water.
OMG XD This is AWESOME TEAMWORK!! I love that Claudine is just saying random French stuff. "Parisians are always popular, forever." I do like how they work together. Maya, leaning in, "How long are you gonna keep doing this?" lol
Bana-nice! :P
Wow, Claudine has a nice bed.
LOL poor Mahiru - Karen goes to hug Jun-Jun. Her offer to do Junna's next 10 cleaning duties is very in character. Not surprised at all and well-deserved. She had to offer something for the trouble she caused everyone.
I guess maybe they can care as much as they are all rivals. Weird.
But yaaaaaas to the punishment. That teacher is on it! I like her! Makes up for the giraffe who didn't fine nobody for talking about the Auditions. :)
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smilesandstarlight · 5 years
SR 1x3: Top Star
Intriguing. Is this more of the "Starlight" show than we have seen before?
In the theme song, Hikari wears a star on either side.
Why is she just hanging onto the sleeve like that?
And what if Banana-chan has even greater talent off-stage, Mahiru?
Oh, I thought someone was brushing Kaoruko's hair. But looks like she was getting a head massage.
"Did I do something wrong?" Haha, nah you mean like pestering and stalking Hikari-chan even though she's made it clear that she doesn't want your affection? ...well, she did move into your room. OK, I concede that is sending mixed signals. She should've stayed in her own room if she still doesn't want anything to do with you.
Why is Futaba grateful to Kaoruko?
It is interesting how many new pairings have come together.
Ah, so Hikari is "saving" Karen?
Do they get new costumes every night? I am very confused.
What is tonight's theme?
So Karen was able to just hop into the elevator but Hikari has to break in? Hmmmm Perhaps Fate is at work here.
Ah, theme of Pride.
Ah, two swords tonight.
I swear if Karen wins this, I'mma be so disappointed.
Are there two revues going on at once??
So do the girls engineer their own stage and performance each night? That's a lot of production.
Who did Maya sacrifice? Herself? Claudine? I don't think anything you have to sacrifice is worth it to become a star. It's lonely to be at the top.
Thank heavens Maya won.
I very much like the artsy end credits this episode! My favourite part of this whole show so far. :D :D
Oh, a slap! The drama thickens.
I do like the combination of BaKaren lolol
This is a very understanding giraffe.
Sorry, I'm just not a fan of cutthroat competition. I feel like this giraffe is killing girls. Claudine fell (and unrelated missed class in the morning); Junna fainted (and missed class); Karen was almost dead this morning.
I'mma keep watching so I can be as understanding as the giraffe (and find out what's up with Hikari...and Claudine), but the premise of this show is not my cup of tea. :-/ I am in it to see all the tea between the relationships >:)
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