smiley-sushi · 5 years
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One of the most popular JoJo products of all time will be back for 2020′s Ripple of Adventures! The rero rero candy is back, this time with melon flavor!!
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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Full and finished short-story of the black cat. Please have a heart for black pets in general, animals do not deserve this kind of hostility. Please give credit when reposting, Thank you :)
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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YOUSSEF KAMOUN Couture Fall/Winter 2019 if you want to support this blog consider donating to: ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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Art by @Unfins
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
if you’re white and you act like race issues are just “unnecessary drama” or “discourse” then sorry to tell you but you’re just…. racist
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants in the stable for the inn, and his first bed was a feeding trough for animals. That would nowadays be like a poor couple where the mother gives birth in a parking garage behind the motel because they couldn’t find a better place and nobody else would take them in. It’s a pretty gritty setting, and the idea is that God was reborn in some of the rock-bottom lowest circumstances. The only thing majestic was all the angels and shit, and of course motherly love
I get that a lot of the art portraying Madonna and Child as fabulously wealthy europeans in splendid robes and golden light was meant to glorify God + whichever nobility was sponsoring the artist, and while of course it’s genuinely beautiful art, it just always struck me as horribly missing the point, which is that the supposed son of God started in incredibly humble circumstances, among the kind of people that everyone else looks down on
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
Giovanni’s Persian was shiny??? Dang i learned something today
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It’s still being debated, but the more dominant consensus is shiny. The Persian is sometimes animated with pink inner ears, and is sometimes a much paler yellow
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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Hit level 70 after a slightly longer session today. This is on top of me trying to run in the actual real world. I definitely found it physically easier to run to run after I trained with ring fit, but I still get short of breath pretty quick and have to stop. I think its probably my posture.
If anyone has any tips for increasing lung capacity in runs, I am all ears. Otherwise I am going to start the Couch to 5k Program next week and start alternating runs and RFA.
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
I just learned yesterday that Pikachu, my favorite Pokemon, was originally designed not by Ken Sugimori (he only finalized the design), but by a female graphic designer named Atsuko Nishida. 
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Also after googling her, I found out that she’s also designed Sylveon–another favorite PKMN of mine. She’s also illustrated some very pretty Pokemon cards!!
Thank you Ms. Nishida! :-) May you get more credit and love for your contribution to the Pokemon franchise.
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
During the most poor and homeless period of my life, I had a lot of people get angry with me because I spent $25 on Bath and Body Works candles during a sale. They couldn’t comprehend why the hell I would do that when I had been fighting for months to try and get us on our feet, afford food, and have an apartment to live in.
Those candles were placed beside wherever I slept that night. In the morning, I would move them and set them wherever I’d have to hang out. At one point I carried one around in my purse - one of those big honking 3-wick candles. I never lit them, but I’d open them and smell them a lot.
I credit that purchase with a lot of my drive that got me to where I am today. I had been working tirelessly, 15+ hour days with barely any reward, constantly on the phone or trying to deal with organizations and associations to “get help at”. It’d gone on for almost a year by the end of it, and I was so burnt out, to the point that I would shake 24/7. But I could get a bit of relief from my 3-wick “upper middle class lifestyle” candles. They represented my future goals, my home I wanted to decorate, and how I would one day not be in this mess anymore.
When we moved into the apartment, and our financial status improved, I burned those candles every single day. When they were empty, I cleaned them out, stuck labels on them, and they became the starting point of my really cute organization system I had ALWAYS planned to have.
So whenever I hear about someone very poor getting themselves a treat - maybe it’s Starbucks, maybe it’s a home deco item, maybe it’s a video game… I don’t judge them. I get it. I get that you can’t go without anything for that long without it making you go crazy. You need to pull some joy, inspiration, and motivation from somewhere.
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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“What if… One day… You realized that you just weren’t meant to be a fighter. Yet the only thing people ever said… was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing that you were ever told… I wonder, then… would you have chosen a different path?”
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
oh yeah do you all know that guy that draws maids skateboarding? you know
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well he can shred pretty well and is able to use himself as reference, mad lad
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smiley-sushi · 5 years
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