smilingmors-blog · 7 years
                                🐰 [[[♠] ⅩℒⅠⅩ [♥]]] 🐰
Brows furrowed in wary confusion, at the mention of blood filled moments. Mind sluggish with pain and fatigue, it takes some searching, his eye sliding out of focus. Its hard just to think, and those words could refer to any number of thousands of bloody encounters. Were they as an Exorcist? Or…
Something else catches his attention, if only barely. A name, he thinks. A name he doesn’t recognize, and yet, putting two and two together is a far cry from impossible. All the same, knowing his mentor so long, the nameless old man of only a title, hearing anything other than Bookman almost feels like an unwarranted invasion of privacy to him.
Bookman’s past, and Lavi’s past before he was Junior Bookman, is something that is never discussed. Whoever they were before was long gone and someone else who wasn’t them. Not anymore.
A dreary blink acknowledges the strange child as his chin is held, the redhead taking note of just how frigid he feels. Almost unreal. The way that the child speaks as well, far above what he would typically expect of someone who looks as young as this boy does, only lends further credence to this assumption.
And then there’s the introduction. Death. If that isn’t a chilling announcement, he’s not sure what else is.
Suddenly he thinks he recalls – another child walking the battlefields, there but almost seeming not there. But he remembers. Oh, yes, suddenly he remembers very well, scattered moments of deja vu throughout his traumatized youth.
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❝  …a deal?  ❞ He can’t help almost laughing, ghost of a smirk playing at tired lips and eye. He’s spent most of his life dodging death. Surely this can’t be about bartering? ❝  An’ after all the times cheating you… ‘thought for sure y’must’ve only come t’ finally collect.  ❞
     “Oh, I will come to collect your soul one day but this deal will determine whether I come to collect later rather than sooner, ------.” Death smiled at the redhead, there was a detached sort of amusement in the expression as they looked at the teen. Removing their hand from the other’s chin, they folded their arms behind their back. “As for the deal. My terms are quite simple. I will remove you and your mentor from the Earl’s...” Their lip curled in disgust at the title. “...custody in exchange for you and the Exorcists killing the Noah PERMANENTLY.”
BLACK eyes became colder still at their words. The damned Noah, constantly ruining the souls they were to collect. Mangling them until they’re hardly recognizable anymore from their previous resplendence and it angered them. Very little could do that but then Noah’s very existence tended to anger Death.
THERE weren’t many options, Death was loathed to admit. Allen Walker, though his name was different before, would’ve been an excellent candidate for this but the boy was burdened by a Noah sharing his mind and body like an infection. The Second Exorcist, a being with two souls who’s very existence intrigued and angered them, wouldn’t quite manage it. So only the flame haired archivist was left.
     “Where I leave you if my deal is accepted is entirely your choice. Though, as often as you cheat your end, I think you’re wise enough to realize that this time there will be no dodging it if you decline my offer. Ah, yes, that parasite residing inside you will also be removed.”
Rare Occurrence.
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
                                🐰 [[[♠] ⅩℒⅠⅩ [♥]]] 🐰
It was difficult to say if he had been here for an eternity or if it only felt as much. Flickering between consciousness and unconsciousness, accurate perception of time passed was lost to him, his body broken and mind heavy-set with deep fatigue, primal, cold anxiety flitting in his chest desperately fighting to stay working. At least, that much he could tell in what fleeting moments he was awake…
The fact that he was drifting. Dying. Not for the first time in his life, but maybe his last. Just as soon as he has some semblance of awareness sluggishly piecing together Where and How and Why, it all falls apart again like a house of cards when consciousness collapses in on him, eye rolling back into his head.
There’s a moment where there’s a bliss of nothingness, no pain, only quiet blackness, but it all disappears in a sudden jolt of awareness.
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Eye drearily blinks, noticing for the first time that he’s not alone, though the figure is unfamiliar to him. Or perhaps… just a small bit familiar to him? Another Noah? Or…
He blinks sluggishly, his mind consciously catching up with one strange detail.
That name. A name he hasn’t heard in thirteen years, at least… that he’d almost entirely forgotten. How? And yet, the person before him… a child?… appears like they could be even younger than that, and something about their voice… their appearance… its somehow surreal. Something at the back of his mind itches that he knows them from somewhere.
❝  …Do I know you?  ❞
THEY watched the redhead awaken with a small amount of impatience, but they were glad that the teen’s real name caught his attention. Black eyes narrowed slightly before pale digits came up and rubbed against their temple with a sigh. At least the boy was coherent, if barely.
          “Yes and no. We’ve never spoken as this is the first time I’ve approached you but I’m sure you’ve seen me before,” The child said in a flat voice, glancing over their shoulder before looking back at the boy. “Think back to those particularly blood filled moments in the wars you’ve witnessed with your mentor here, ------.”
SPEAKING of said mentor, Death spared the sleeping old man a glance before looking away. Bookman still had a small ways to go before it was his Time. Instead, they focused back on the green eyed boy, ice cold fingers gripping his chin gently to keep the other from slipping into possible unconsciousness.
          “Now, we don’t have a lot of time and I’d rather not waste anymore before those wretched Noah and their twisted Akuma return for another fun filled session with you and him,” They spoke flippantly, waving a hand towards the entrance and exit of the room but there was disgust in their voice that the child didn’t bother to hide at the mention of the golden eyed ‘messiahs’ and damned machinations. “To cut to the chase, I am the reaper of souls, Death, and I here to propose a deal to you, -------.”
Rare Occurrence.
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
hc + near-death experiences
send me ‘hc’ + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character
While Death hasn’t never had a ‘near-death experience’ they have seen many of them happen. When someone experiences one of those it’s because Death decided that they need to live a little longer for whatever reason. Sometimes it’s because Life asked (wrangled it outta) Death or due to them feeling that it wasn’t yet their time just yet. It is rarely, if ever, about Death favoring someone.
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
Rare Occurrence.
BEING placed in this type of situation was strange. It’d been centuries since the last time and it wasn’t a situation they enjoyed being in. Black eyes examined the teenager in front of them, taking in their pallor whilst also listening to their raspy labored breathing. They could see his life flickering like a candle yet it seemed determined to stay lit. ‘He’ll have to do,’ Death thought, lips pressing into a thin line as the small hands of their current form clenched at their side.
SIGHING quietly with their mind made up, the pale child snapped their fingers to jolt the redhead awake from his much needed rest. He can play catch up later. Time really wasn’t something the boy had and Death didn’t wish to stay in this wretched diseased place for longer than necessary with those accursed Noah around.
          “-------,” Death spoke the teen’s name, his real name, in a hollow yet sharp tone that held authority as black eyes narrowed slightly. “We have important matters to discuss and I’d rather not waste time.”
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
tag dump
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
                     i’m empty ;                      i’m hollow ;                   i’m dead inside .
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
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LIKE or REBLOG if you’d like to roleplay with a fandomless Death written by Mia. Forewarning though, they’re a huge asshole. Not nice. Read my rules before following.
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
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smilingmors-blog · 7 years
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