Concentration camp.
They built a concentration camp.
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I don't think words can describe what this other than genocide.
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Going from “celebrations on the streets of Rafah as Hamas accepts ceasefire deal” to “Israel chooses to continue offensive in Rafah and is currently carrying out targeted attacks” within the span of an hour is the most viscerally heartbroken I’ve been throughout the past months
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Israel is now bombing 1.7 million civilians trapped in Rafah, threatening an imminent invasion of the last “safe place” in Gaza.
Israel is committing the worst crimes in modern history, and Western regimes are calling it “self-defense”.
Never forget. Never forgive.
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"Elderly Palestinian couple looking at their former home, now occupied by a couple from Brooklyn. 🇵🇸" [@/RamAbdu on X. April 4th, 2024.]
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Palestinian activists get their message across on Londons iconic Tower Bridge landmark- one of the cities most historic buildings. We need a ceasefire now.
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Free Palestine. Free Gaza. Free Rafah. Never stop talking about Palestine. Never stop thinking about Palestine. From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
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Don’t fucking look away from Rafah, don’t look away, if you are willfully looking away then you should be ashamed of yourself.
Fuck the Met Gala, it means nothing but a distraction for those of you who are willingly looking away.
The Palestinians need our attention, they need our support, they need us to witness and remember and help when it is asked for and when we can.
All Eyes on Rafah, All Eyes on Palestine!
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This is literally the core of what our fight for liberation means
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Just a reminder for people who may not know, in light of protestors at UCLA being shot in the face with rubber bullets— rubber bullets are not bullets made of rubber. They are metal bullets encased in rubber.
Despite being called “non-lethal” or sometimes “less lethal”, they are well known to cause death and permanent disability.
Here’s a photo showing their size— these are actual rubber bullets used during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.
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Do not let them downplay the severity of what they are subjecting this students to for standing against genocide. Stay safe and stay educated.
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can I get a job as an editor but the only thing I do is correct when someone uses the word "prone" when they mean "supine"
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Her name was Saly, she was five years old. She was like any child, she probably liked to play with her toys, she was probably learning to read, she probably like to spend time with her family and friends.
Maybe she would have been a doctor, or a farmer, or a engineer. Maybe she would have advanced the field of physics or medicine, written a best seller novel or stared in a major movie production; Or she might have had a quieter life, the world might have never known her name, but her friends and family would have and that might have been enough.
But no one will ever know now because Israel took those lives away from her, the tens of thousands of possibles that lay before each child burning like candle lights in cool summer night sniffed out in an instant. A last story shared by thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza.
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Don't forget that by clicking the link every dat, you can help Palestinians
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Maternity kits, medical threads and scissors, water testing kits, anesthetics, mobile desalination units, etc do you see the pattern? Israel is not only starving the people of Gaza but it also wants to ensure the spread of disease through contaminated water and surgical tools, as well as ensuring injured Palestinians suffer through horrendous pain.
It's beyond sickening.
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Do people realize that Israel is so unrestrained that it’s now launching attacks in Lebanon and Syria as well. Do people realize how little Arab people mean to these genocidal maniacs that they are now killing people in three Arab countries. Can genocide apologists pause their pure hatred for Arabs to at the very least admit this. Or are we going to pretend that Israel has a reason to be intensifying attacks in Damascus right now
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netizens are desensitising gruesome things that are taking place in Palestine.
even the internet’s reaction to graphic things such as - pictures of injured children, civilians stuck under rubble, dead bodies of families in their destroyed homes etc. is beyond underwhelming.
#save palestine
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