smokescholar · 10 months
Wow, remaking a character from scratch sure does take a long time. But I havent forgotten about Tumblr dw, I just don't want to make a blog and be like
'whoops i have zero information' call me a perfectionist or whatever, or just blame XIV for eating my time.
I WILL say this though, a little teaser for people who don't have me on discord:
for those who DO have me on Discord, feel free to message me if you dont mind me word vomiting about world building and fantasy race designing. or just blame XIV.
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smokescholar · 1 year
Regarding the future of this muse
As I said before, I'm remaking this blog. But there's a lot of... thoughts running through my head regarding where I want to go with how I portray Wahi.
I want to put more emphasis on my XIV verse, since technically my 'main verses' are dead. The Runescape RPC is dead and I haven't been happy with the game's story progression in an age.
...and a part of me wants to make Wahi an OC. I've strayed so far from 'canon' that he's basically been only canon in name for a good 80% of the time I've written him. IDK yet, I probably won't but we'll see.
Theres gonna be a lot more XIv. thats a certainty.
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smokescholar · 1 year
which rage language are you?
the full read
whoever pisses you off is in for a rant that exposes every single one of their deepest insecurities and issues. your rage gives you the clarity to hunt for weak spots in a person's mind. your brain works fast, firing off insults at a rapid-fire pace that terrifies everyone within a ten mile radius. this is usually followed by buckets of guilt.
Tagged by: Stolen Tagging: You
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smokescholar · 1 year
I still think about that time I got 6/7 commendations for Seat of Sacrifice for dropping an absolute healing nuke. Makes me very happy uwu
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smokescholar · 1 year
I'm gonna restart. I shouldn't have made this blog when I wasn't ready. I just wanted to refresh so badly I wasn't thinking properly.
I'll probably just quietly delete at some point so if I suddenly vanish don't freak out.
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smokescholar · 1 year
This is a bit of a lore break but its my blog and if I wanna write lore-breaking headcanons by God will I write them.
Wahi's carbuncle is a primal. a weak one, but a primal none the less.
Mahjarrat being energy vessels could technically be translated into aether, and the natural crystals his body grows + his need to find a way to cope with the aether in Eorzea basically making him feel sick 24/7, he accidentally summoned a small primal acting like a aether siphon.
It wouldn't be able to cause damage on a large scale like The Burn, but if it sleeps on a patch of grass for a few hours, it will be noticeably wilted. It doesn't necessarily eat the aether, it simply absorbs it so the levels around Wahi are tolerable and then converts it into healing magic. It will eat crystal, though.
But generally, it shouldn't even exist. The energy Mahjarrat are made of differs from what's found naturally in Eorzea.
Ice? Exists Shadow? Dark exists but not necessarily shadow Smoke? Wind exists but not necessarily smoke Blood? What the fuck even is this?
So we got a miniature abomination of nature running around made up of Gods know what. It does things that are wrong, it smells wrong, everything about this carbuncle is wrong.
But goddamn if it isnt the cutest primal you've ever seen.
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smokescholar · 1 year
Wahti's Shadowbringer's outfit shows so much skin because he feels like his robes are saturated with aether and it burns.
Dressed like a plague doctor stripper but passive skin contact from the aether is less painful than soaked fabric pressed against his skin constantly
Since I've started Shadowbringers, it's time for more headcanons.
He thought Eorzea was bad with the aether perfume on everything? OH BOY is the First even worse. The crystalized flood of Light makes him physically ill to be around. It's just so much concentrated energy, it makes his own crystals start to behave weirdly. He can feel his energy pulsing under his skin, the migraines turn into pounding cluster headaches, his shoulder starts to act up again.
Sin eaters smell blood in the water like a fucking shark.
He starts to wear what's basically a plague doctor mask stuffed with tobacco to try and ward off the smell somewhat, but it doesn't really help when it's physically attacking his body.
He does the majority of Shadowbringers high off his ass, because at least then he's too inebriated to care and can't focus on the pain.
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smokescholar · 1 year
Since I've started Shadowbringers, it's time for more headcanons.
He thought Eorzea was bad with the aether perfume on everything? OH BOY is the First even worse. The crystalized flood of Light makes him physically ill to be around. It's just so much concentrated energy, it makes his own crystals start to behave weirdly. He can feel his energy pulsing under his skin, the migraines turn into pounding cluster headaches, his shoulder starts to act up again.
Sin eaters smell blood in the water like a fucking shark.
He starts to wear what's basically a plague doctor mask stuffed with tobacco to try and ward off the smell somewhat, but it doesn't really help when it's physically attacking his body.
He does the majority of Shadowbringers high off his ass, because at least then he's too inebriated to care and can't focus on the pain.
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smokescholar · 1 year
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"Not all of them were cruel. A rare few were able to see the flaws of our society and actively tried to bring about change by teaching the most vulnerable. But, even the most pristine can be drowned out by the sheer amount of red ingrained in us. I merely do what I was taught by someone better, and thrive out of spite for those who said it couldn't be done."
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Letting out a soft chuckle, he handed the pipe over to his companion. "You will know that I can be quite persistent, we're very stubborn creatures and I am very set in my ways." While he had no skills to sway those around him, his behavior like that of a stern and overconcerned parent were good at wearing people down into compliance. He had a tendency to come across as condescending, but he meant well. "Besides~ it just feels better when shared. There's a reason why addicts interact with others of their kind. Not saying that from personal experience naturally, but I've been around humans long enough to see how they form little tribes of their own over shared interests."
Sliske speaking infernal admittedly surprised him, eyes visibly widening. "Trucidatum fidei. I was not expecting you to know the language of the infernal realm. I will say this, though. If you were considering devouring me at some point, I would strongly advise against it. I do not eat, but from the experience of using teeth in combat, we do not taste pleasant."
He had half a mind to write this information down, but he resisted the compulsion for now. he had already walked out in the middle of conversation to fetch things, it would be rude to do it again. He couldn't stop his hands from fidgeting, though.
"Anything you wish to share. Tell me about yourself specifically, a name is a good start."
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“Seems like a shit way to deal with the relatives. I mean, we’re not perfect either but — an axe hanging over the head is still an axe. Our ‘favors’ were nothing so dire and linked to — subjugation.” Sliske sighs, his final word drawn out like a snake hiss, tense and confused, but relating. The Vhrosevphaels were not always the well-oiled machine they were today. It had once been ugly and liable to the same vicious cycle as the Mahjarrat. Holding back the unconscious need to drag his hands down his face is hard when he remembers his childhood was driven by living in one of those periods of turmoil.
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Enough of that. He snaps his ears up like a rubber band and looks back to the pipe again. “Well if you’re gonna be all tight about it—” A soft sneer and his palm is held out again to receive the pipe like a child asking for candy. “You’re not as selfish as you make the rest of your kind out to be. 'Suppose I’m the outlier as well.” He takes solace in this, as not all beings remain rounded and kind, patient and wise despite their experiences and hardships.
“Ha, ha, hmm,” Sliske rolls down the front of his compression shirt now that the ache has subsided, as well as the flow of his ink-black blood has ceased. “I’ve been interrogated for less, by worse. — What do you want to know? I’ll start by telling you we are Vhrosevphael. Given the scientific name, or insult, by others of trucidatum fidei. Roughly means harvesters of faith. Pretty spot on, either way. We are energy feeders; arcane, ichor, godflesh, radiation, all sorts of energy waves and blood. Anything that can be called a ’life force’ even in the vaguest sense is food. I can smell, taste, and see the arcane in you.”
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smokescholar · 1 year
Ffxiv verse
- He finally learns to loosen up a little. Since the fall of the Zarosian Empire, he was treated as a tool to be used; kept on a shelf until he was needed and only then. He stayed in Nardah waiting patiently for Zaros to return and be needed, but in Eorzea he finally found a personal freedom. He doesn't have to wait, he doesn't have to behave a certain way to be seen as proper. He can let his hair down metaphorically and goes through a bit of 'mid-life crisis/college-kid finally free from parental control' romp. There's so many things he can do now. Yeah Wahti, you go pet those aether creatures! Yeah Wahti you go to that nightclub! No one can tell you what to do anymore.
- When I say Eorzea smells, I don't mean its an awful thing. It's just...overwhelming. The closest I can explain in a way that's relatable is like... the detergent isle or a perfume isle in a store. Enclosed space, everything has a noticeable smell to it. To an NT person, they might not even recognize it, or if they do it doesn't bother them. But to an autistic person or someone with a SPD, the smell can be almost blinding. Eye watering, nose and mouth burning, headache inducing. The scent themselves aren't awful, like sewage or rot, in fact it can be quite pleasant. But it's just so STRONG that it seems to affect every sense. 'Grounding' scents like heavy tobacco help numb his senses somewhat, but it definitely knocked him on his ass the first time he came across a crystal cluster in the wild. Everything and everyone has bathed in cheap cologne and the perfume truck spilled in every field and on every object.
- Aether creatures are drawn to him. His body radiates magic and as such he has become a bit of a magnet. Why are there so many fire sprites seemingly obsessed with this portion of Ul'Dah's wall? Wahi is standing behind it, buying some supplies and completely oblivious to the little fan club he has gathering outside. Carbuncle? The poor thing has separation anxiety, though the sentience of a carbuncle is questioned by most arcanists. It is basically his shadow and is exceptionally jittery when not in his presence. We're not gonna talk about Primals, since they feed on the stuff. Wahi is used to being ignored by everything due to his aura, so he doesn't mind the little congregation he collects. It's an annoyance to others, though.
- He lives in a little log cabin outside of Gridania. He's used to living in small spaces, despite his size.
- Even by Roegadyn standards, he's considered on the shorter side. The man just can't win.
5+ AU Headcanons || @thekavseklabs || Accepting
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smokescholar · 1 year
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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smokescholar · 1 year
It's not even an official verse but the brainrot is strong so I'm putting headcanons here.
While Wahi doesn't really have to glamour himself, he does give himself an 'official' name while on Eorzean soil to better fit in. While he chose it because it sounds similar to his actual name, the name he chose has a lot of symbolic meaning to him.
Wahtityl A(h)ldaeg or "Guard the valley, eel soldier"
You must be thinking, "Wow. The funny-looking Roegadyn has an even funnier/cryptic sounding name." okay yeah Wahtityl sounds really funny, but think about it for a sec. Think real hard about the meaning of it.
"Guard the valley, eel soldier."
Valleys have a lot of meaning to them. They can mean something positive, like 'life and abundance, peace, civilization' but they can also be a symbol of war, or in mental health, a low point in one's life.
Eels also have a lot of symbolism. They are the 'lesser serpent' and considering during the Empire years he was very much the lesser of the two brothers and unlike snakes, eels can only thrive in the water. They are elusive and living in murky water they blend into their environment well. They also have a very strong emotional connection and are often seen as inspiration. Plus they have really sharp teeth.
In a WoL situation, you could read it as "Guard the peace of eorzea, inspiring soldier"
or if you wanna kick him in the knee, "Guard your emotional lows, lesser warrior."
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smokescholar · 1 year
How Horny Are You Really?
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smokescholar · 1 year
Brainstorming XIV verse and I love the idea of Wahi --or Wahti since he probably adopts a more traditional Roegadyn name to blend in better-- being mistaken for a WoL and confusing the hell out of him.
He's not a warrior of light, he's not some hero to save the world, he's an apex predator invasive species trying to adapt to an uncomfortable situation. There's so much magic everywhere, he's on edge, then suddenly some big-ass creature appears, triggers his fight or flight and his hunting instinct kicks in and he kills the monster.
Suddenly people are cheering saying he just defeated a primal and he's like
'im 30 seconds away from having to put my head between my knees and lose the ability to communicate pls leave me alone i need a drink really bad i feel sick'.
Leave any messages with the 6 foot carbuncle.
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smokescholar · 1 year
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As he turned the pages, the age clearly began to show; pages were fraying; threatening to crumble at the slightest provocation. Some pages were horribly stained, their words lost in a sea of coloured splashes... one in particular gave off the scent of iron -- blood.
"We were taken from our homeworld as soldiers. Our first sight of Gielinor was a bloody battlefield. These pages have seen a lot of death, some belonging to fellow Mahjarrat. We fought to repel and invading God...but as we attempted to civilize ourselves in this new world, the God came to us. He...was native to our homeworld as well, he understood us better than those we fought for. We ended up joining him, and fighting against our once allies. We didn't all agree to this change though, some refused to change sides, and we fought them too. I remember the names of everyone who's blood is in this book. It's all that remains of them."
He turned one more page, the glow more prevalent now. The pages were smoldering, glowing with embers and looking as though the whole thing would soon combust. Surprisingly though, the embers gave off no heat, nor did they attempt to eat the vellum they were on. It appeared frozen in time.
"...And this is all that remains of the God of Light... The only remnant of his sacrifice that pushed my species closer to extinction."
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The little bump with his ridges pressed lightly against them provoked a soft little sigh from Atieno. The cat-like behavior, the chuff from Wahi being another endearing factor to this closeness. Still their eyes remained on the pages and the incredibly gentle way with which he handled the material. There was something truly precious about this book they could see just from looking at it.
"Oh?" Atieno is immediately curious, fascinated by anything that Wahi chooses to share with them. "It really does .. mean a whole lot that you're so willing to share this with me. I promise not to take it for granted."
The low-light the strange glow of the book was something that they couldn't help but pick up. This alone couldn't have been what he was sharing with them - but this information was so important to the Mahjarrat as a whole, it was even more reason for Atieno to pay close and careful attention.
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smokescholar · 1 year
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Lowering his head, he gave Atieno a gentle bump with his ridges, like an affectionate cat; the loud tiger-like chuff finalizing the animalistic behaviour. Following their gaze, he began turning the incomprehensible pages; handling the ancient vellum with a gentle touch seemingly strange from someone of his strength. Every book in his library was special to him, but this one was the first. It was his pride and joy; completely irreplicable.
"There is something I want to show you." he replied, running a fingerpad down the fading text. "Something very important to me, and the Mahjarrat as a whole. I don't show many, but I trust you with an important piece of our history." Under modern electric light, the book would appear perfectly normal, but in low-light environments the book seemed to give off a strange...glow; almost akin to a dying hearth.
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"I can definitely feel the importance of recording history. I have seen so much get forgotten.. that all that can be saved is that much more precious."
Being drawn close to him, Atieno settled in next to Wahi, resting themself against him - the warmth, the comfort of his embrace. It was in that closeness that they could see the sheer dedication that he demonstrated in collecting so much of whatever he could.
Their eyes drifted towards the book in his hand, intrigued by the tattered pages, the text shifting over time.
Atieno gives a small sigh at his admission that so many of his species gone, and others not caring any more. They offered a small touch to his shoulder.
"It clearly matters so much what you have been doing. You're doing your very best and I want to say that I recognize that in you."
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smokescholar · 1 year
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"I would have been able to, if your magic didn't feel like you bathed yourself in the strongest scented oils you could find. A sensitive nose can only handle so much stimuli before everything else begins to drown." He couldn't help but chuckle at the description of Emet's magic. Of course he was the type to go big and loud. "Volatility is not always bombastic displays of raw strength. Volatile magic can also be quiet and discreet, like a venomous snake lurking in the grass; tagging so quick and painlessly you don't know you've been bitten until you lay your head down to rest and never wake up. That's what I've always preferred at least. Magic comes in a lot of forms."
As the world around him begins to return to normal, the Mahjarrat decided a small demonstration wouldn't hurt. No harmful chemicals, just a little fun. He licks his lips, leaving a small, near invisible trail of mist as the muscle moves; spreading outwards and blending seamlessly with the pocket dimension's transition back to reality. By the time the voices of the other patrons returns, Wahi appears perfectly normal.
"On the condition that you cease this stalking of me. I am a private individual and would prefer to remain that way. But, I have a feeling you are not one to let things go so easily, so no promises." He gives Emet one final pat on the shoulder before attempting to leave the bar again.
"Don't go chasing trouble now."
Something in the bar feels...off. Emet's glass has far more condensation on it than before, the air feeling distinctively humid.
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"As if you actually paid attention to how 'volatile' my magic was." He rolls his eyes. "If you had, you would not have been caught off guard by the transition from one realm to another, parallel but unpopulated. Volatile magic looks very different- earth shaking, thunder cracking, shadows bursting, this was a practical spell. If you're determined to make everything out to be childish, that says more about you than me."
He listens to Wahisietel, and senses no lies other than those of origin, so he lifts his glass a little and nods, ignoring the implication that the other considered himself such a threat- he very well might be, judging by his aether, but Emet-selch didn't care to compare. "Very well- I can tell you mean no harm even if you are determined not to share what or who you are. You may go on your way. And if you are the sort to seek old knowledge, do try to ignore the traces of me you'll find. I'm about as reluctant as you are to answer a simple question at times. Though, should we ever meet again, I do hope it's with us both in better moods. I do so loathe wasting time trading insults."
He's clearly still a little annoyed, but the spell starts to dissipate, the pocket dimension he'd temporarily torn into place starting to re-merge with where they'd been before.
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